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Apple Bobbing Gets New Prizes!

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spy apple is going for close to 100k right now.

why? what's so special about it? I got the hat thing :P I love october. tnt always has the AWESOMEST stuff


I didn't get anything *sigh. Oh TNT, just spare some luck please.


I just got a Meowclops statue . . . question: is the hat a wearable item? Because I very much want it to be wearable!


...Am I the only one who has never gotten an actual apple from Bart's stand? :worried: It's always other spooky items that turn out to be junk.


Or does it only give out actual apples in October? I just rejoined Neo after a hiatus this spring and this new daily had cropped up, so I dunno.


Personally I'd rather have the Vampiric apple then the spy one. As well as the book because I'm a book collector. ^_- I wonder what will come next?


Yeah, well I sure am not going near that thing. They still haven't made it so that it gives diseases other than Blurred Vision, and that seems to be the most common "prize". I don't wanna keep getting that, so I avoid the Apple Bobbing altogether, I don't care if there is an avatar involved.


Though if the hat is wearable I'll cross my fingers and hope that item decreases in vlaue.


^ I've only gotten Blurred Vision once, in my experience the most common prizes are useless Haunted Woods trinkets and the occasional Spooky Food.


But why is it such a big deal if your pet gets Blurred Vision? A few trips to the Healing Springs and it should clear right up, so what's the problem?


I snagged a Vampire Apple tonight! Woohoo! I have it up on the TP, if any of you want it. (I'm hoping to get market price, but I'd be willing to accept a little less from my TDN friends. ^_^)


Yes, the hat is wearable and it is titled Apple Bobbing Bart Hat :)


Yeah, well I sure am not going near that thing. They still haven't made it so that it gives diseases other than Blurred Vision, and that seems to be the most common "prize".

Really? I've been going every day for the year it's been out and I think I've received Blurred Vision once.


all i want is that fake apple so i can get the avatar ...... i can't believe i've been trying daily for like a year for this one ! (and i got two before the avatar was released)


New Apple Bobbing prizes? I was never fond of that daily, my only purpose was to get the Imposter Apple avatar.

I tried bobbing for some new stuff, but ended up getting a Night Stone. I may try again tomorrow and see if I get the new book that's shown above.


Should I even attempt? I know the only reason why everyone uses this daily is for the avatar, and, ok, I know I "need" ALL the avatars on the whole site but that is impossible. Why does everybody want all the avatars anyway?


But I just hate that daily. I've got blurred Vision once, I don't want to get it again. But I DO want that hat, especially if it is wearable! If there are wearables involved...:)


Wearables to me are like avatars to everybody else.

Should I even attempt?


I don't see a reason why not ... after all it's just a daily .. and Blurred Vision can be cured with a couple visits to the Healing Springs or a wheel spin .. I got it today and healed immediately :) who knows - u might get that hat ...


I don't see a reason why not ... after all it's just a daily .. and Blurred Vision can be cured with a couple visits to the Healing Springs or a wheel spin .. I got it today and healed immediately :) who knows - u might get that hat ...


I just avoid my pets getting sick as much as possible, if there is a risk of it.


Unless it's a Random Event that does it...that can't be avoided.


well, I do almost all the dailies... I got the avy months ago but like Angeló said: it`s just that, a daily.


good luck with that hat, I got the new book today ^^

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