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We're Hiring News Posters! Apply now!

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We're seeking active Neopets players to be a part of our News Team at The Daily Neopets! The News Team is responsible for posting the unreleased Neopets news that you see here on TDN's front page. News Posters have to be quick and swift! If you're interested, please check out the News Team Application; on that page, we've outlined the job tasks and guidelines for applying.


We look forward to receiving your application! Apply now!



What are you waiting for... JOIN THE NEWS TEAM TODAY!!


Click here to apply for the News Team!


Like the other two, I wish anyone who applies for News Poster the best of luck, and I'm excited to see a new blue name posting the news for the TDN faithful. :yes:



I don't know whether to apply or not - I am coming on 14 (not quite perfect, I know) but I don't quite fit into the time slot - I would be on from 8.30/9pm NST to 10pm NST and longer on the weekends - practically all day Saturday at least. I know it's again not perfect, but I would absolutely LOVE to be a part of the team. I understand if it is not appropriate though.


Thanks so much! :laughingsmiley:

I would love to know if I would be able to!


P.S - I think I fill all the other requirements though, including the HTML, but I guess that wouldn't be too hard to find! ^_^


I think I might want to apply too! ^_^ Quick question: what's BBCode? ^_^


BBCode is short for Bulletin Board Code, you can learn more about BBCodes used for TDN right here, or click the circle icon with the question mark on it (it should look like this: help.png).


I think I might want to apply too! ^_^ Quick question: what's BBCode? ^_^

The type of coding you use to format forum posts :)



I don't know whether to apply or not - I am coming on 14 (not quite perfect, I know) but I don't quite fit into the time slot - I would be on from 8.30/9pm NST to 10pm NST and longer on the weekends - practically all day Saturday at least.


Unfortunately, we're looking for users who can be on in the specific time frames that are listed because that is when News is most often discovered or released! Hopefully your schedule can clear up in the near future :D


Good luck to all applicants! I look forward to more new team members! :)


More blue names for the win!



Unfortunately, we're looking for users who can be on in the specific time frames that are listed because that is when News is most often discovered or released! Hopefully your schedule can clear up in the near future :D


Oh, ok!

I sent an aplication before I saw this though, and I didn't quite understand what BBCode was, so I just put plain text in :ohno: Oh well.

But yeah, if you ever need someone in those time frames, or early in the morning, I'm all ears!




I would apply, I'm on during both those time frame and fit most of the other requirements. Right now my schedule isn't open enough to allow me to be part of the news team. I wish everyone who applies luck!


If that's BBCode, then what's HTML? Is it the same?


(Random Thought: I pronouce BBCode as BBC Code. :P)



It is not the same.




Our main news use BBCode because it's posted from the forums, whereas news in our department are fully using HTML. All our news are then styled with a Cascade Style Sheet (CSS).


Good luck to all the future applicants!


basically, here's the difference between all 3, for those who dont understand:


HTML (Hyper-Text-Markup-Language): This is the basic skeleton of a webpage. it's the foundation, and It's what you use, generally, to create any type of content on a webpage


CSS (Cascading-Style-Sheets): This is the sprinkles on top, the bells and whistles. This, generally speaking, is what you use, in addition to HTML using the <style> tag, to style the content, or make it prettier


BBCode (Bulliten-Board-Code): This is very similar to HTML, but, there is a crucial difference. It is the code used on forums because if HTML was allowed instead of BBCode, certain malicious tags could be used to harm the webpage.


So this doesn't go on and on, if you're still confused, PM me and I will try to clarify. :)


Another Quick Question: Has anyone younger than 16 been a TDN staff member before? Yes/No


Yes. I believe we may have one right now, and I think Co turned 16 not too long ago.


Yes, a number of people on staff joined when they were younger than 16. I joined when I was 13, but that was quite a long time ago.


Nope, only the moderator position requires forums posts.


Speaking of open positions, don't forget that we also have Content and BP positions open. :)


Nope, only the moderator position requires forums posts.


Speaking of open positions, don't forget that we also have Content and BP positions open. :)


Oh okay, thanks! And is there like a thing that says how much time I must spend each day on TDN?


Nope, only the moderator position requires forums posts.


Speaking of open positions, don't forget that we also have Content and BP positions open. :)


What's BP exactly? (Is it something to do with battledome?)


(Sorry if this is a silly question xD)


What's BP exactly? (Is it something to do with battledome?)


(Sorry if this is a silly question xD)


BP stand for Battlepedia, which is our Battledome guide site.

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