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Neopets Players: More Male or Female?



35 members have voted

  1. 1. Neopets has more players of which gender?

    • Male
    • Female

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So, yeah.


I always thought it was more of a male-dominated site since guys are SUUPER competitive (like me), but I seem to see a lot more female players on the Trading Chat now.


Of course, I'd have to say most BDers are male :P


What's your opinion?

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If you ask me, I've seen more female members all over TDN opposed to male members. Neopets (and other virtual pet sites) has really been more of a gals thing than a guys thing if you ask me. I'm male, and I never backed down after nearly 10 years of playing Neopets.

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I would say that females outnumber males on Neopets.

Why? There are some major aspects of Neopets that are a lot more female-oriented than others. For example, customisation and the whole "caring for a virtual pet" part of Neopets are two big ones, and Neohomes, contests and competitions (Beauty Contest, Art Gallery, etc.) and morphing/painting your pets are three of the lesser ones.


If you asked me what the more male-oriented aspects of Neopets were, the Battledome (which also includes training pets) would be the first thing that comes to my mind, but there's also the Altador Cup, the TCG game (yes, I know the last set of cards was released nearly five years ago, but I just had to say that), RSing and avatar collecting to a lesser extent.


Just my $0.02 :)

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Taking care of a pet, dressing it, making it look pretty and keeping a neohome more of a woman's thing to do, eh?


I think there are (substantially) more female players on Neopets because most boys / men fear to be associated with the above.


Which is very silly of course, but there you have it.

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Well, why do you think male?


I personally agree with everyone. I am a boy and the *nanosecond* ANYBODY finds out I play Neopets, my social life is going so far down the drain, it isn't even funny. And the fact that I'm in show choir doesn't help. But really, not just with 'virtual pets', in reality, ANY virtual game where the goal isn't to [a] blow crap up, or make people's blood and guts spew out really isn't a stereotypical 'guys' game. I, personally, am not a big fan of all that :P I just stick to Nintendo, and more kid/family oriented games...




XD Thats funny


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I personally agree with everyone. I am a boy and the *nanosecond* ANYBODY finds out I play Neopets, my social life is going so far down the drain, it isn't even funny. And the fact that I'm in show choir doesn't help. But really, not just with 'virtual pets', in reality, ANY virtual game where the goal isn't to [a] blow crap up, or make people's blood and guts spew out really isn't a stereotypical 'guys' game. I, personally, am not a big fan of all that :P I just stick to Nintendo, and more kid/family oriented games...



Yah, same Im not in chior but if any of my school friend find out I play neopets, my social life will be destroyed, and like everyone else said it is probably more female oriented than male( I am male)

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I guess I'll have to rest my case and believe that most players are female. Man, they can be competitive. And it sure is ego-busting to know that I can't snipe as well as a girl LOL.


I wish neopets would make the Battledome a bigger part of neopia. I mean, it really doesn't get as much attention as it deserves. It's been the same stagnant way ever since.


Dang that NC mall.

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I'm a girl and if I told anyone(which I already did a few times)I played Neopets my social life would be ruined(not that I have many friends in the first place). I also play "male oriented games" as well but I think Neopets is mostly female. In my opinion ALL games are unisex. Unless your a 45 year old male playing Barbie games. Then that's just sketchy.

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Just from the standpoint of caring for pets, dressing them, etc, I'd say more females would be interested. But games are also a huge part of the site and many males play simply for the game aspect (as you have to be a member and have a pet to have access to the games). Then again, girls are more likely to be vocal about playing where boys are not. Society says boys should like competitive or destructive games while girls should like nurturing or simulation games (think sims, second life, etc) so boys are less likely to be vocal in message boards and stuff because they don't want to call attention to the fact they play. Almost all of my friends know I play. Some of my friends play too (all girls and one gay bestest friend in the world) and my male friends poke fun at it sometimes (especially my roommate, though he did watch me play meerca chase for almost 10 minutes one day).


Neopets sometimes has random stats posted around the site. It would be cool if they showed the male to female ratio. Though some might construe it as enforcing a gender bias.

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Are there really that much more girls than guys? Why do my multiplayer games opponents are always guys then. Or maybe they are girls and I just never know it? No, my last armada opponent is definitely a guy 'cause he has a wife.

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Clearly more female players. There are some male players too, but they are rare. I like to joke that there are no boys on Neopets (though I do in fact have a few Neopian friends who are in fact male, so no offense, really. It's just a joke). As a result, there are not enough male Neopets to go around due to the massive amount of female players. This is why some lady players such as myself have tons of male pets to try to even the overflowing balance of female Neopets, although our efforts are barely putting a dent in it.

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LOL, I know it's wise not to pay attention to pet genders. Really for me it's also what character comes to mind. It just so happens that I end up with more guys. :D And I'm a lady player!

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