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I'm from Western Ontario. The last month has been super hot (like, 40+ *calculates* 115 for all you Americans :P). We say pop here lol. Though, my mom's from Ohio and whenever we visit or her family comes up here to visit, she gets some of her American accent back and she says "paaaaap." When I'm paying attemtion to what I'm saying, I do say "eh" way too much : /

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I wanted to live in Washington state for a while. The temperatures there always look reasonable and I like rain but I might stay on the East cost somewhere higher and cooler.


115 degrees!? Are you sure you didn't catch fire?

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Arkansas. We say y'all and say the generic name of soda. (Coke, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, etc.)


Our weather is so hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grrr: It hasn't rained here in forever :(

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I'm from Canada. The only land where you ride polar bears to school, which is an igloo. Where you live in igloos and feed you pet beaver Maple Syrup so he gets hyper and attacks your neighbour's moose (and we put random u's in words and use another measurement system). Then, we sit down to watch our glowy boxes which we bought with our fishes and crazy two dollar coins. Also, we speak Canadian


But, seriously. It's great here in Canada. I live on the East coast, the Province of Nove Scotia, a short while away from it's capital, Halifax. It's not too hot, not too cold most of the year, but the middle of summer is hot to us (nowhere near as hot as Texas or some other place, but hot to us), and sometimes we get Snow Days. :D


We do use the Metric system, which includes Grams, Meters, Liters, and Celsius. Our languages of Canada are French and English, though, as stated, we have a few differently spelled words, like Neighbour, and we do have One- and Two-Dollar Coins. they always cause confusion to visitors.


Anything else you want to know? Feel free to ask.

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I live in Melbourne, Australia. We call soda 'Soft Drink' here, but usually just refer to the specific variety, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite or whatever. Contrary to popular beliefe, we don't have Koala's and Kangaroo's everywhere, you have to go to the zoo to see them and it's not a complete desert here. It's winter here at the moment, but we're heading into Spring now, so it's starting to warm up nicely!


Speak for yourself, in Canberra we have Kangaroos in the streets, soccer fields, schools, backyard etc! They are a real problem on the roads. But yeah the only time I have ever seen a Koala was at a theme park :P


I am from Canberra, the capital of Australia. Don't let that fool you, it is actually a tiny city and the rest of Australia makes fun of it, and never wants to come here. I love living here though, there's barely any traffic, you know everyone through someone and it takes about half an hour to get to the other side of the city. :laughingsmiley:


I would LOVE to go to America and Canada one day!

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√π=?!! I want to live where you live!


Is the weather as spontaneous as everyone says it is? What are the residential neighborhoods like? What's Hilifax like? Have you been to Sydney or the Cape or eeee! I want to know everythiiiing *frantic flailing*

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√π=?!! I want to live where you live!


Is the weather as spontaneous as everyone says it is? What are the residential neighborhoods like? What's Hilifax like? Have you been to Sydney or the Cape or eeee! I want to know everythiiiing *frantic flailing*

Then come! Come now!


1:I wouldn`t say so. Up North is way colder.

2:Pretty normal. Though apparently, Halifax is the seventh more crime-filled city in Canada for this year. Scary.

3: Busy, though nowhere near as busy as other cities. Also, as I said, dangerous.

4:Yeah, I have.

5:Also, I rarely drink Maple Syrup, but I have a Maple Tree.

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Brb, packing bags! I want to sooooo badly! I'm saving money up like crazy. I need to start my visa and immigrant paperwork.


Reply to one: Oh! When ever I look up stuff for the area its like blablabla it rains and then its sunny and then it rains! So, its not as chilly as say New Foundland! That's good to know. How hot does it get in the summer?


Ooo, crime! I lived in pretty crime ridden areas, so it would be like being back home 8;D I use to live in Pittsburgh for a while, and while they really worked on getting it less groity and crime ridden, they're using it to film Gotham City so lol. And before that I lived in Erie. It's like on the top ten list of places you shouldn't live in PA if you value your things. Now that place is grimy and gloomy and filled with crime. I love it XD I could do Hilfax for a while maybe, get an apartment--some roomates. Though I'd rather buy a house. Ohho, so many things to decide!


OOo! That's neat! Does everything smell like the ocean? And mm Maple Syrup. We have tons of maple trees here, it's rad. I like yer bacon. Canada has the best bacon ;w;.


Oh! And how's the French to English ratio there?

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I'm a Dane.. Dane = Danish person. Yep, I'm from Denmark!


Denmark is located in northern Europe, and is part of Scandinavia, along with Norway and Sweden. Denmark, Sweden, Norway = Scandinavian brotherhood. We understand each other with learning the languages.


All you hear from Denmark is probably about our windmills (there really IS a lot of them here) and how hard it is to say the danish sentence "Rød grød med fløde" (google it).


Some people might say that Denmark is "A silly, little, rainy, windy,unspectacular, cold country where nothing happens". I don't think that's true though.


Rainy, windy and cold is yes, 30 degree Celsius is a heatwave. Silly, unspectacular, nothing happens? I will of course not call my motherland silly and unspectacular, but yeah, there ISN'T that much things here.

But I believe that Denmark is the nicest place on earth to live. Schools, hospitals, all that stuff you know = Free. Free!

If you just pay your taxes.. which is about 50% Expect to pay 72% of the money you earn to the government, if you calculate taxes on food, cars and other stuff. But yeah, the healt and school systems really are great!

Also, the living standard here is really high. In fact, Denmark is ranked the #1 happiest country in the world.


So, I'm happy :laughingsmiley:






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Denmark sounds amazing! I just want to give it a big hug! I've never been there but I've been to Norway. If I knew my friends could afford to come visit me and I could afford to go visit them, I'd move there in a heart beat! XD


OOh Taf, that's rad. I think a lot of people in America forget the Netherlands are there but I hear its a pretty rad place. :v!

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I'm from England. Here, we call our mothers "Mum". And we have weeks off school at certain times of the year, called "Half Terms." I've got one coming up now.:)


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Curious enough to say, I'm from Malaysia, at Kuala Lumpur. Not necessarily at the heart of the city, but the weather is quite hot and humid. I would say soda as 'soft drink' or 'carbonated drink'.

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I'm from the Eastern Europe :)


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