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BURGER 0, 0, 6

ACTION 0, 3, 3

SHIVER 0, 0, 6

DALTON 1, 3, 2

UNSURE 0, 1, 5

TALENT 0, 2, 4


Dalton was unsure whether his dog's performing the action of shivering every time he smelled a burger counted as a talent.


But as much as his loved burgers he loved






BURGER 0, 0, 6

ACTION 0, 3, 3

SHIVER 0, 0, 6

DALTON 1, 3, 2

UNSURE 0, 1, 5

TALENT 0, 2, 4

NORMAL 0, 4, 2

KIBBLE 0, 0, 6


Dalton shivered; he was unsure whether the talent in his action flick knew that the burgers were made of kibble -- they ate them as if they tasted normal, but he was pretty sure their acting skills weren't that great!


DYNAMO! Would you prefer a burger or some kibble (for your Neopets' petpets, not for you...), or would you rather just pick the next word as your reward? I was unsure whether this round would last much longer due to the shiver-inducing talent displayed by the guessers; coming up with normal words that still provide exciting action can cause some pressure, though not as much as trying to solve a chemistry problem on Dalton's Law.


Actually, I'd prefer a burger. But I know that's not going to happen, so I'm going to pick a six-letter word that has nothing to do with burgers.





:ph34r: We'll still find it with these words as a start.

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