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What's your favorite way of staying fit? Do you dance, play sports, do aerobics, etc?


My routine is getting a little stagnant and I've decided to start P90X. I could do with a little challenge and I'm told I won't be let down....This left me wondering what everyone else is up to.


I like walking on my treadmill using inclines and I enjoy yoga quite a bit. I haven't worked out in a while, I've been to stressed out.


Most cases, I like to walk the bike path every Tuesday for half an hour or so, that's how I roll normally.


I would probably qualify for the laziest person in the world.

I'm not overweight or anything, but oh boy am I unfit!


I do like to run though, but I find it hard to motivate myself.

I can relate. About 2 years ago I was doing pretty rough....but it got easier as I went along and I started to like it or at least the feeling that comes with exercise.....which lead me to the decision to go to school for physical fitness/nutrition and my current goal is to become a personal trainer.....or become proficient enough at belly dance to do classes or something. :) It's the snowball effect. Once you start, it can get huge and awesome.


Not to mention the happies you get from endorphins. Yaaaay, endorphins.


I've started going to the gym 4 days a week, using the treadmill, bike, & elliptical. I prefer the treadmill & I've also been trying some torso rotation machine to work on my abs.


& swimming is helping a lot as well. I'm a lot more active now after starting this then I was this same time last year.


I also just like taking a walk in the park with my husband (who also goes to the gym/swimming with me)


By the way, does anyone do that Zumba stuff? I've been looking into it but don't know what it's all about


Zumba is a lot of fun, I'd definitely recommend it. It can take a lot out of a person though. lol

@Syrin of Neopia: You should see if your gym or maybe a local rec center runs classes or maybe has someone to talk to about it.


I love anything dancey, really.


I like taking my scooter for a spin as well as walking. I also like playing tennis (even though I'm not all that good at it), swimming and doing gymnastics/tumbling. Also, in some cases, I like taking light jogs as long as no one is timing me or racing against me.

Sadly, I don't really exercise a whole lot. My goal for the summer is to get at least a little bit of exercise done each day. :3


Zumba is a lot of fun, I'd definitely recommend it. It can take a lot out of a person though. lol

@Syrin of Neopia: You should see if your gym or maybe a local rec center runs classes or maybe has someone to talk to about it.


I love anything dancey, really.


Actually, the aquatics center that I'm a part of does have a Zumba class/session so that's partly why I'm interested . . . I may have to talk to somebody about it


I mainly just use an elliptical for about 30 to 45 minutes a day. And then I try to do some sit ups and push ups occasionally. Wii fit is always fun but I rarely do it anymore. Throwdowns are good to if you have a partner where you lay on your back and they throw your legs down and you have to bring them back up when they get close to the ground. I rarely have anyone for that though so I just do them by myself and hold onto chair legs or the bottom of my bed.


I looveeee dancing !!! but i don't anymore


so I walk everywhere (within reach) .. but still I miss dancing so much ...


This thread inspired me to get off my chunky butt and do a mile on the elliptical. I don't get the happy endorphins like everyone else seems to, but sweating feels good sometimes.


I've never really been the gym type. I like getting outside, whether it's hiking in the area, or walks. My dad and I always like going walking between a couple historical towns that are close to each other. (We park at one, and walk to the other, through it, and back.) And they're always speed walks for me. (My dad is 6'2 and all leg. I'm 5'6. So I have to walk pretty fast to keep up with his casual stroll.) It's nice scenery and fresh air. (Plus, we always do it in the evening/at night.)

Guest iYoshinho

Biking, Swimming and sports is my most favorite ways to exercise.


For me, I try to get to the gym for at least an hour 4 times a week. But sometimes mine/my hubbys/my kids schedules don't let that happen, so if I can't get to the gym, I just go for a run around the streets near my house with the dogs instead. I also do pole dancing once a week on a Thursday, which is the BEST fun ever and I love it sooo much!! I'm up to level 4 out of 6 and it's getting pretty tricky now, but man it's fun AND it's one tough workout!


I like gardening and I also walk my two dogs at least 4 times a week so for an old chook that's not bad


I've been going on walks through town with my mom lately :D At school, I don't really need to exercise since I run pretty much everywhere :laughingsmiley:


During the summer, I walk around my whole town and swim most of the days. :D


yoga & pilates are such a great way to stay fit. they don't bulk you up or anything, and you can alter the way you do it to either lose weight or stay lean. it works ALL muscle groups, and is extra nice to your core, which is the most important thing to focus on when trying to stay in shape.


I'm a complete nerd who just stays inside playing video games all day so my best workout is lifting my controller

in all seriousness, I play sports and I swim to stay fit, ocassionally

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