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Do some of your Neopets names I have stories behind them. Alot of my pets do. My Shoyru, Shoy Baby, is named after the Finnish rap song Oi Beibi by Raptori, LiliAnna's name is a combonation of my two Tekken characters, Dhalia is named after the Hollywood Undead song, My Black Dahlia, the rest just have names without a story. Quite a few of my pets are pound rescues so I couldn't pick their names.


My green Tonu, Gorgopzola, was named after the Chowder character, Gorgonzola, who was named after the cheese of the same name.


My newly-created purple Grundo, Oran_Clocksworth, was named after the novel, Clockwork Orange.


Chily_Lilly, even thought that her name is misspelled, was named after the New Woody Woodpecker Show character, Chilly Lilly.


Dewx_Dewx, yet another pet whose name is misspelled, was named after the Pink Panther character, Deux Deux.


... wow, only three of them are named after cartoon characters.


My green Tonu, Gorgopzola, was named after the Chowder character, Gorgonzola, who was named after the cheese of the same name.


I love that cartoon! Question is though, what I cartoon do I not like lol.


That's off topic, I think the best name I came up with is Shoy Baby. I origionally wanted it to be Shoi_Beibii_16 but sadly I forgot to think of that :sad01_anim: . I'm not sure how I got Googzie(my Hissi)'s name.


I love that cartoon! Question is though, what I cartoon do I not like lol.


That's off topic, I think the best name I came up with is Shoy Baby. I origionally wanted it to be Shoi_Beibii_16 but sadly I forgot to think of that :sad01_anim: . I'm not sure how I got Googzie(my Hissi)'s name.

I like that cartoon too.


I guess your Hissi is named after Google, since that it sounds similar.


darkinvention - he's the lab pet .. always getting re-invented


darkobsession - self-explanatory


darkintuition - korbats havie radars


darkphilosophy - follows the dark-name pattern and is also a name of a local metal band i like


darkentwine - someday will be a woodland pet , just like entwining vines


darksubmission - also self-explanatory


16B - name of my favorite DJ (Omid 16B)


ex_it - name of my favorite nightclub. it closed down :(


Arnoobie - Arabic for "my bunny"


Faras - Arabic for "mare"




those are the pets I created myself .. the others are all adopted ... but I gave them all background stories :)


Some of mine do:


My first pet ever, my Shoyru, I named after my account, which was a nickname I'd gone by for years. (My shoyru is SpritzieBlue. My nickname is just Spritzie, but I had Blue added on to my email address I used at the time.)


Koorite, my Lupe, has a cool story. Back when I created him, my friend and I had been working on ideas for stories to write, and we were thinking of a space story, so we created some fictional planets. I came up with the idea of an ice planet, named Koorite.


Aitvara, my Draik, I came up with when searching mythology names/terms. Aitvaras are flying fiery serpents in Slavic mythology.


Biskit_Lover - literally biscuit lover


Awaywithfaeries - for some reason, when I was naming her, the phrase "away with the fairies" just popped into my head and I thought, "yeah, let's do that"


kawaiiAddison - named after Chris Addison (my favourite comedian who looks so young I genuinely thought he was only 16 when I first saw him (I was later downhearted to learn he was 36 at the time)), and he's just so kawaii I, yeah, merged them both.


kawaiiStig, kawaiiClarkson, kawaiiJMay, kawaiiHammond - named after the Top Gear team :laughingsmiley:


kawaiiBrooker - named after really funny TV critic Charlie Brooker


Main Account Pets:

Bamziy- Adopted, so I'm unsure about the origin of the name. I love that name though, it has an awesome ring to it.

carisha975103- I don't know, I was 7 at the time and used a Neopet name generator. xP

Eligibility- I was looking for a cool real-word name, and was surprised that Eligibility wasn't taken. Pretty impressive considering I was 9 at the time.

miniyassy- Adopted, so I'm unsure about the origin of the name.

Side Account Pets:

Arvatic- A villainous character in a fantasy story that I've been developing.

ATHF- Named after the show Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

Barrable- Named after the actress Sarah Barrable-Tishauer- who played Liberty on Degrassi.

Confuzzling- One of my friends says that all the time, so I created Confuzzling with her in mind.

Daragin- A heroic character in a fantasy story that I've been developing. Or a misspelling of Darigan...kinda ironic because Daragin is one of the protagonists in the story. xP

in8r- "Leet" spelling of "inator." It's also somewhat of a reference to Phineas and Ferb.

Linkativity- A reference to this How I Met Your Mother episode.

Pidurana- I dunno, it sounded cool.

RAV4- (formerly on my main account) Named after the Toyota RAV4. It's not one of my favorite cars ever, but I'm glad I could snag that name.

Spammy- I don't know, really. xD

Weehawkenite- The name for a citizen of Weehawken, NJ.


Oooh, I love this topic! Giving back stories to my pest is one of my favorite neo activities. It's also one of my long term goals to have a back story posted for each of my pets. Except for a few pets that have been gifted to me, most of my pet names tie into their back story, and there's a lot of them though, so here we go...


Main Account:

JohnathanBrisby - named after a character from the "Rats of Nihm." Johnathan is a skunk pet and there was a good parallel between how the character in the movie wanted to change people's opinions about rats, and how Johnathan would like to change how people see skunks.


YbsirbNathanhoj - Johnathan's twin sister, her name is just his backwards, and her personality is too. She's white, so their coloring is exact opposite, and so are their personalities. She's a sloth minion.


PeacockIfYouPlease - A lab rat Lenny who wanted to become a male faerie. I thought the name was cute because it was like he was asking the lab ray to grant his wish. He is a peacock (faerie Lenny) now, and so now I think the name is cute because I picture people saying he is a faerie lenny and him correcting them with, "Peacock if you please."


Side Accounts:

SnowSqueak - I actually wish her name had a better story because she has ended up being one of my favorite pets. I just love penguins, so I had to get a Bruce, and at the time she was suppose to become a snow bruce, so...SnowSqueak. That's not the plan anymore though, I'm not sure what color I want her to be now.


YouShouldEat - This name started as a joke. I thought it would be funny to have an edible pet with the name "YouShouldEat" because then the top of her pet lookup would read, "You Should Eat the Biscuit Usul." So, I still think this is funny, but YouShouldEat's back story ended up being that she was a baker in SnowSqueak's cafe, and so now her name kind of has two meanings. Right now she's a biscuit usul, but long term I would like a chocolate chomby.


RyuUtsuri - Her name is a bit complicated and it's in Japanese, so I may have butchered it. I think "Ryu" or "Ryuu" translates as Dragon, and then "Utsuri" is a breed of koi fish with markings similar to that of the Spotted Koi in neopets. "Utsuri" also means "to print." So, like I said her name is a bit complicated, but I think it works, and will make even more sense once I finish her back story.


TheNoilkeet - is self explanatory once you look at his customization. He's back story is one of my favorites.


IBroke - same things as "YouShouldEat," but maybe even a little funnier because of how it looks like a reference to an apple product. His back story is all over the place right now, but eventually he will become a robot Chia or an apply chia, and then his page will read, "I Broke the Robot Chia" or "IBroke the Apple Chia."


p.s. If you want to see any of my pets, all of the names in this post are links to their lookup's.


My Kacheek, I_am_not_dumb came from when I was just starting and yelling at my sister cause she called me dumb xP

My Kougra, Roaring_tiger_56 was originally RoaringTiger but then it was taken so i took a TNT-suggested-name. :P



Symba438 named after Simba from Lion King (Xweetok)

Tankii named after Tank Girl, because her b-day was on Koi day (Koi)


Both pets on my side, Jade9478 and Zaria914 were just randomly chosen.


Oh, and now that I've got a new addition to the team:


kawaiiPennyDreadfuls - named after the very funny sketch troupe Penny Dreadfuls, which consist of Humphrey Ker (the most handsome member imo ;)), David Reed and Thom Tuck.


On my main, my eyrie (at least for now, I'm zapping) Sevateem's name is a reference to classic Doctor Who -- one of the Fourth Doctor's companions is Leela of the Sevateem. My lupe Terrayo is from waay back when, at 11 or 12 years old, my friend who got me into Neopets and I used to play pretend games based on Neopets. In one of our games I was a lupe named Terrayo. The current Terry's personality is totally different from the Terrayo of that game, but I used the name for nostalgia's sake.


As for my lutari, Midneal... as you guys may know, the name of the species is based off of "Lutra", a genus of otters. Translated into the language Al Bhed from the video game Final Fantasy X, Lutra is Midny. That was taken, but it was the basis for the name. Yes, I am nerdy enough to have actually learned Al Bhed.


The only pet on a side that has a significant reason for her name is my poogle, marielxthexwarrior, named after a character from the Redwall series of books. I regret those xs now, but I created her a long time ago...


Countess_Fluffikins- No Story...I wanted a contrast of sorts.

Juniper_Tree: Named for one of my favorite Grimm tales.

Naught13: No real story; he just goes with my SN (Duchess_Of_Naught) which I chose because it amused me and sounded better than Empress of Nothing. lol

Tiny_Bartok: Named after the bat in Disney's Anastasia.

Ickk: I was pretty much looking for a horror-inspired name. It's kind of my goal theme.

Illl: " "

Hissteria (hanging out on a friend's account): Hissi/Horror themed.

HisStory (" "): Hissi/Horror themed.

Lady_Bathory13: Spawned from my fascination with weird historical figures.

MLil_Apochalypse_PnE: "My Little Apocalypse PwnE" An idea I had for a series of clay models which came about while hanging with my D&D group.

Nixxxy: I wanted Nyx (as in night goddess), but anything even close was already taken.

Crawly_Crowley: I was reading Good Omens (for the 50-something time) when I came up with his name



I have more pets than I realized. o.o


Asriyn : I really don't know, I just made it up and thought it sounded kind of cool :D


ilyrawrr : That was just random.


littlexfootie : Chombies remind me of Little Foot from the Land Before Time movies that I used to watch ALLLL the time when I was little.


Pyroei : She's painted magma, soo it's kind of like fire. So I thought of a pyro and made a name out of it. Lmao!


xPotatohead : A jubjub wearing a potato sack on his head. Soo yea. I thought it was funny.


Overcastt : She's a baby kacheek now but I wanted her to eventually be a grey kacheek.


Finneh : I honestly don't know.. I made it up! :)


Originally posted November 24, 2010 (updated today):


I LOVE talking about my pets. They are my kids! (Well, my online kids. I already have three kids in real life, if you count my husband, my eleven-year-old, and my doggie. hehe)

I'm thinking about getting a shirt made that says "Ask me about my Neopets!" That would be awesome, while simultaneously being spectacularly dorky.




BonnieSillyknickers the Baby Kougra

She was my first pet when I started the mrscornflakes account over two years ago. :) I named her BonnieSillyknickers because it sounds daft, and British. I like daft and British. I'm a Monty Python fan.

MutableFire the Red Hissi

MutableFire was a happy lab ray result (she began life as a Purple Grundo), and she is going to be painted someday. *wistful sigh* I am a Sagittarius on the Capricorn cusp, therefore my astrological sign is mutable fire. I liked that term so much that I named my personal website after it, mutablefire.com. But I don't believe at all in astrology. haha

Wishcoin the Baby Xweetok

Another of my dreamies (I have a long list of them!). He started out as just a basic Xweetok. I named him 'Wishcoin' after a Beck song, "Go It Alone." (I am a HUGE Beck fan.) Anyway, I wanted the Queen Fyora av, so I bought a Baby PB from the Hidden Tower and painted Wishcoin with it.

Meieri the Camo Kau

I named her Meieri: Her name means "dairy" in Swedish and Norwegian. ;)

I painted her Camo because I wanted a brown Kau without forking over all of the necessary NP for the Brown PB.

Chouraver the Yellow Lupe

Will be painted someday. 'Chouraver' is a French word that means a lot of things, most notably sneak and steal. Chouraver is the only of my pets that has his own gmail.

Sakanori the Red Koi

I created this one on Koi Day of 2010. I couldn't find any Japanese names that weren't taken, so I totally made this one up. It sounds like authentic Japanese, eh? Apparently it isn't totally original though - I just googled 'sakanori' and got a handful of results.

I'm going to paint her Spotted, as per #479 on my dreamies list.

Breakpack the Brown Grundo

This is going to be my new lab rat after December. She was named for a start-up that my husband and I were going to do but never got around to.

Danq the Blue Lutari

It was Lutari Day, and I wanted a Lutari, so I snagged one. 'Danq' is pretty much just a random name I made up on the spot. I was trying to keep my new Lutari's name short and sweet.

Nylons the Purple Tonu

Nylons, like what ladies used to wear back in the old days. I just wanted a RW for my new Tonu.

Paelioh the Tyrannian Uni

Tyrannian = prehistoric = Paleo. Naturally, Paleo and most of its spelling variants were taken, but I finally hit upon this combination. Paelioh was a custom given to me in exchange for my old Chocolate Xweetok.


Babybori132, lupecool132, and tosweet 132 all come from me being young and silly and thinking I should as 132 at the end of everything I did on Neopets (hence the username nbbug132). There also used to be mylittleIxi132 & something with Pophean132 running around. I was 12, cut me some slack. lol XP


However, my new-er pets do have reasons behind their names.


Planxty is the name of an Irish folk group that I love. I picked it for my Lutari cus I want to do a Celtic/pirate theme to him.


Roisin_Dubh is two real Irish Gaelic words, it translates to "Black rose" in English. In old-time Ireland patriotism was not permitted, you where supposed to be loyal to mother England, not Ireland. Songs about Ireland or songs that encouraged national pride where outlawed. In order to get around this rebel signer/songwriters wrote about Ireland as their Roisin Dubh, or their black rose. Since then the black rose has become a national symbol of unity in the country. Roisin's story is based off of this concept, as well as the ancient Irish Epics & a modern rock song, Black Rose by Thin Lizzy, that deals with these concepts. :3


Those are my only permies for now. . . I'm sure more thought will be put into my future pets than me being a silly child. ^^


I haven't named too many of my pets; most of them I got through trades, or were given to me :P


Jetalle's name I got on a hatching board at the PC, right before I hatched her, someone suggested it :D


Cyleine's name I made up myself...a combination of a random name generator and my own imagination


Kokoshiki's name is a mashup of a few Japanese names I liked


Venser is a planeswalker from Magic: The Gathering


Tamat is a palindrome, and I like palindromes xD


Yeah...I prefer my pets to be already created :laughingsmiley:


Tiniciega is my dream pet, I made her a Korbat with the intention of painting her baby so the name suits her well (she's tini and ciega means blind girl). And mijaguapa because she was at one time cute. The lab ray keeps making her 1. ugly and 2. a boy, so the name only suits her sometimes. It stinks when your pet has a really feminine/masculine name and the lab messes that up!



My Kacheek, I_am_not_dumb came from when I was just starting and yelling at my sister cause she called me dumb xP


PS Raj I'm lolin what a great origin for a name :laughingsmiley:


Some of mine:


AlbusSPotter: Already named when I got him.


Drevillion: From one of the Lords in a Narnia book.


Schenker: My surname.


rhrythytjh: her name when I adopted her from the Pound.


Mavremorne: (see Drev)



I used to own Octezian the Darigan Eyrie. But bad stuff happened between a former friend and I, and she traded him off. :sad02:


The rest of my pets:


Domino: I had a friend named Dominic who moved away.


Happy: Me being generic


Cody: Pound rescue


Hope: Me being generic


Ryli: One of the antagonist in my book series I write


Razzle: As in Razzle candy, it's my favorite(well one of them)


Zeus: Pound Rescue


NB(NatalieBlaire): Pound rescue


Plum: My second favorite fruit


Sierra; Pound rescue


Blue Eyes: Pound rescue


May: After my favoritee character from the Pokemon cartoons


Axel: Pound rescue


Shoy Baby: After Oi Beibi by Raptori


CoCo: Me being generic


LiliAnna: My two favorite Tekken characters


Asikai: Given to me by a friend


Googzie: :shrugs:


and my new pet Chaser is named after the main protagonist in my book series


Mystical_elements= Mystical Elements is a store that I love :3.

KaseyKrimson= An alias I use quite often.

skittles_twix_mms= me and my friend had a huge inside joke about candy.

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