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I don't really understand your need for my opinion, but okay.


'Stink gas' is completely unrelated to anything already on Neopets. The others colours that are mentioned and compared in these posts I can kind of see why they would be made. But Stink Gas is just... Bizarre.

I'm curious to why you felt the color was random is all.

Although I don't think there are any major swamp areas in neopets there are two pretty well known swamp related npcs. Sophie the Swamp Witch probably being the more famous one. So I wouldn't say the color came completely out of nowhere. But looking at the news update, I think TNT just wanted to make a smelly joke for Kau day. hah.

I can see why the color wouldn't fit everyones taste.


There it is. Proof that TNT is running out of new ideas. I mean, seriously, swamp gas? Maractite is one of the *only* decent colors that were released not too long ago. I think next TNT is going to make a junk neopet, its just made out of SDB stuff. One color that could be released that is kind of a good idea is maybe Cardboard. I mean, it's a cool color and all, but now they are becoming Nintendo, running out of new ideas. -_-


How is this them running out of ideas? It seems pretty creative and original to me.

It may not be my taste or your taste but I don't see how there is anything wrong with it or why TNT needs to be condemned for creating/releasing it.


There are players who like this style and they should have the right to like this pet as much as I like Plushie or Halloween pets.


Plus who knows, this could even be a lead in to a plot... because really, where did they come from :P


Edit; plus plus, I think it's hilarious how they made a kau the gassy one - especially with all the cows ruining the ozone layer ;);)


I was just waiting this day for the free training... The new colors, well... I don`t like them very much... Y like kaus, but the colors are never awsome... U.U



Plus who knows, this could even be a lead in to a plot... because really, where did they come from :P



Oooh now that's some food for thought!


SO not digging the new color, looks smelly, like a Dung petpet. I think TNT has released enough new colors for now, and clearly they're running out of ideas. I'd rather they have released an 8-bit or Maractite Kau instead.


I don't mind the clothes though.


Argh I missed Kau day! That's so annoying. I actually kind of like the swamp gas colour, I think it's pretty cool. I like how it's all like smokey, and I don't think it's a gross colour really, except for the word "gas" I guess.

I like how it's all like smokey,


why didn't they make a real Smoke color ? ... that would have been really nifty ... i would love owning a "foggy" pet ...


Ooh! I actually think the new color is pretty awesome. I'm not big on Kaes (though, the skunk painted one is kinda cute), but Swamp Gas is pretty nifty.


why didn't they make a real Smoke color ? ... that would have been really nifty ... i would love owning a "foggy" pet ...



Oh right! That'd seriously be epic. lol Different colors too. Like a purple foggy one or a light blue ;P

Omg......you have got to be freaking kidding me....>_< 8.7 million nps for the thing!!! man..I hope it goes down in the next couple fricking years. That's way too much.

And on top of that its just for the Kau...


It does seem pretty random... I get that real world cows produce methane that deplete the ozone layer but that's different from "swamp gas." The only reference to "swamp gas" that I know of is in the movie Men in Black ("Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus..."). It looks like a ghost pet but smelly. I agree with the person who said it should have been a pet made out of food! It seems kind of lame to make a color for a pet that requires a whole new paint brush...


The Skunk Kau is cute though! ^^


I agree with what Shannon said about it being a random color. It's just kinda weird. Do you see a lot of swamp gas-colored animals in real life? Where did they come up with this idea? lol. I find it more interesting than Maractite and the stone one -- the name escapes me. Relic, that's it.


I am curious to see what the rest of the Swamp Gas pets are going to look like.


I like the swamp gas kau, but at the same time I feel like TNT have came up with too many earthy, boring colours. I mean, I think they did a great job with the art but is it really necessary? I wish there were more brighter, flashy colours getting released. Relic, Woodland, etc, they're all somewhat uninteresting. :/


Skunk Kau's good, but I really love the new Swamp Gas hue for the Kau!

Makes me want to own a Kau right now.


What kind of nature game is TNT playing here? D:


Like someone else said, there's Relic, Woodland, now Swamp Gas.


They should make new patterns like actual stripes (not just Kreludor colors) and plaid and stuff.


i think Swamp Gas is really weird but i like it.... :* Even though i would like for them to make available for some neopets the existing colors..... for example i would like Elephante could be painted Darigan and Maractite :yes:


I just don't get it... Why do they need to release another new useless colour? I mean, what the point in SWAMP GAS :sick01: ? A: Swamp gas isn't actually a real thing, and it's totally random B: Where in Neopia is there a Swamp?


this is so cool! its kinda gross, but its a new color! rejoice! and I like the clothes :3

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