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Luck of the Shrine


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For the past five days I have gone to the shrine and every single time have gotten "You pet has gained a level" My pet is now on level 9, with one level gained by a RE and the rest shrine. Does it just depend on luck? In the meantime I haven't won a single thing from the fruit machine!

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For the past five days I have gone to the shrine and every single time have gotten "You pet has gained a level" My pet is now on level 9, with one level gained by a RE and the rest shrine. Does it just depend on luck? In the meantime I haven't won a single thing from the fruit machine!


Congrats on your pet getting to level 9! I guess it is luck:)

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Do you use the time method of going to the shrine? Supposedly visiting on an even hour of the day gives you a level-up :)


Either way, congrats, that's really awesome!! :D

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I seem to do really well with the Shrine. Most of my Draiks stats have been increased by the Shrine, not training. She's not even a year old, and she's a higher level than my nearly 9 yr old pets.


But I tend to go roughly in the same time range.

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It is said that the time you visit the shrine is important .. it's not a 100% confirmed theory because I get different things when I visit at a fixed time ... but congrats. on the level ups :) I can go for a week and get nothing then I get 2 dubloons in a row ...




Thank you for coming here, young Neopet



You find a very shiny dubloon lying in the sand.







:woot: :woot: o_O o_O TEN DUBLOON COIN :eh: :eh: :woot: :woot:

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It isn't entirely on luck. The editorial (sorry, I forgot which one) once mentioned that the prize the Shrine gives out does matter on the time. It's speculated that every 55 second that you can get a dubloon. Also, some say that if you click the button right at 12 pm NST, then it's possible, but not guaranteed that you'll get 1 mill neopoints. I'm haven't heard about anything else though.

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really? that would be awesome to get 1 mil from a shrine haha. i wonder if anyone has gotten that before


someone posted on TDN forums a while ago that a friend of theirs claimed to have won 1 Mil Np from the Shrine

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someone posted on TDN forums a while ago that a friend of theirs claimed to have won 1 Mil Np from the Shrine


Though there is no way to prove it, as you can see he says "claimed"

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that is true indeed .. there's no way to prove it .. but that person was frantically asking if it could happen , apparently their friend was very excited about it ... so maybe , just maybe , it was true :worried:

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I don't know what to think about Coltzan's Shrine. I used to get level ups and strength increases all the time, but ever since I got a second pet only the pet with the lower stats every gets anything. I alternate who is active every day and without fail the only things I get with my higher stat pet are random desert foods or nothing. Anyone else have this happen to them?

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Yeah, there was a guy with a petpage years ago with theories on the prize times of the shrine. Now that I'm back on Neo, I cannot find that petpage anywhere. It was really interesting and well thought out, so I'm pretty sure there's something to the time theories.

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Yeah, there was a guy with a petpage years ago with theories on the prize times of the shrine. Now that I'm back on Neo, I cannot find that petpage anywhere. It was really interesting and well thought out, so I'm pretty sure there's something to the time theories.

was it this one? http://www.neopets.com/~sleeky151515


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I had a tingly feeling I was being talked about. Now it is true... haha, yeah, my friend claims he won the 1 million NPs, I don't really care anymore since I have almost 2 million through the old fashioned way.

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