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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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I don't even have the lab ray. =(


Pet: loose 3 strength (it only gave it to me the other day!!!)

Petpet: went up a level


Deepti: I only got my final map piece this week, I'd been collecting since ... forever really. So keep trying :)


Lost 3 defense points :eh:


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Okay, starting my information here.


February 11th *FIRST DAY NORMAL LAB*

The ray is fired at mrsoates... and she gains 4 maximum hit points!!!!

February 12th

The ray is fired at mrsoates... and she changes colour to Electric!!!!

February 13th *FIRST DAY PETPET LAB*

The ray is fired at mrsoates... and she gains 2 levels!!!!

I can't remember the speech on the petpet, but it went up to level 3. :)

February 14th

The ray is fired at mrsoates... and she gains 4 maximum hit points!!!!

Nothing happened, except the petpet ray made a 'zzzzrrrrppptttt' noise.

February 15th

The ray is fired at mrsoates... and she changes gender!!!!

Same as the previous day with the petpet.

February 16th

The ray is fired at mrsoates... and she gains 2 movement points!!!!

Well, look at that! Your petpet has been transformed! (can't remember rest, and it was transformed into a Chocolate Bearog.)

February 17th

The ray is fired at mrsoates... and he changes gender!!!!

KFC shall now be known as Oopsy. How nice. Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.


:P Colour change after two zaps. Not bad!


she changes into a Yellow Yurble.


NOOOOOOO!!!!! As if Yurbles aren't bad enough lets make it YELLOW!!!! Dumb lab map.


The ray is fired at JeanClaudeVanGnorbu...

... and he changes colour to Robot!!


And my fire weewoo got changed into a pile of soot! I meant to zap the tenna. :(


Pet: gained 3 strength points (i think the lab ray is toying with me!)

Petpet: Your Petpet has been transformed. I have no idea what it is...




... but it's very cute :)


I've been having a great past week with the lab ray. Every day for the past week or so, I've gotten stat increases (+2 to +4), usually strength or HP. Today was +2 to defence. No colour, species, or gender changes for a while, though.


Pet: Loses 2 levels.

This is starting to be one of those 'boring' dailies now....


@ FM #12: :O Congratulations on the colour change!


*still not got color :(*


Yesterday (NST)

-3 stats

PILE OF SOOT :grrr: :grrr: I HATE YOU!


Today (NST)

She gains her stats back.

Greg shall now be known as Sir Bob of Geraptiku. How nice.




... and she changes into a Red Hissi!! Two species changes in a row 0_o Good zaps lately I guess.


Pet: Gained two levels


noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Stop it, it's going to cost more codestones the rate I'm going for training


Petpet: Gained a level...


*is jealous of FM*


Today's zaps......*sigh*


Loses 2 strength points :(


The only colour change that I got was from my friend's pet which I transferred. :'(


Zapped my pet and...


... and he doesn't change at all :(


I hope he (supposed to be she) changes color soon because he just changed into a red Meerca yesterday.

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