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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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My Poogle went Pink today - first colour change in nearly two months on that account xD She found a nice new home though ^_^


Still stats on my main account...


My grundo turned pink today too. Wow all these pink pets, that's strange lol

Anyway a new avatar for me, yay :P


petpet : turned into a pile of soot (I'm bored by all these simple piles of soot lol)


Applepiegile gained 2 movement points!


She was originally a yellow grundo that I adopted from the pound. She turned into a yellow poogle, then skunk then a green lupe, then a green mynci, now she's (or he's... I can never remember her current gender coz the lab ray keeps on switching them!) a mutant mynci!


Hee hee hee!

The ray is fired at Antidepresseur...




... and he changes colour to Christmas!!



I've moved Antidepresseur just this morning to zap her... Christmas is funny XD and seasonal! lol


My skunk Zafara changed to a blue Quiggle. :( Oh well. I did get the avatar though. :D

Nothing happened to my petpet today, but it did change to a custard Geb yesterday, which is pretty awesome.


Questiong about the petpet lab:

I have all nine pieces; how do I get them together so I can go to it?


I have a question I hope someone can answer. I have all nine pieces, but I don't know how to put them together or what I have to do next. Please help :(


Unfortuately you'll have to have access to the secret lab ray first by having all the 9 pieces of that map.

Its around 1mil so if you want access save up!




Pet: Changes gender

Petpet: Name change (puppup)




How nice


December 10, 2008

Pet: Yellow Chia

Petpet: Level +1


Very disappointed. Chia's are not my favorite pets AT ALL, and it's certainly a step further away from the Faerie Lenny I'm going for.


December 11, 2008

Pet: Female



Disappointing again! Now my pet's name doesn't make any since, even if I do eventually get it to be a Faerie Lenny. The Lenny created by the paint brush looks like a male peacock, not a female one. I knew the lab ray was risky like this, but it's like the lab knew what I wanted and is taking me as far away from that as possible...


December 12, 2008

Pet: Movement +3

Petpet: Nothing


Pet: ... and she gains 2 strength points!!!!

Petpet: The ray produces a giant flash of light, but <b>Humbug</b> doesn't look any different. When it can't even climb the Multi-level Scratching Post you bought it, you realize that malfunctioning lab ray actually decreased its level to: <b>1</b>


My petpet is a Pile of Soot so of course it couldn't climb. Am I really sure my petpet lost a level?


Pet: And she gows back to lvl 1... *sigh*

Petpet: Montage shall now be known as Montage. How nice.


Okay, maybe not that nice. Lets hope you have better luck tomorrow.

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