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The Lab Rays: What happened today?


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The ray is fired at LittleYahikoMyojin...


... and she gains 2 maximum hit points!!!!




Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.



I'm so lucky today!! :D I actually got GOOD THINGS! XD;

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Awwww, poor Izzy :(


Still dont have lab :( Still 500k away, some yell at me and say "focus on getting it Milli!" Please?

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Woohoo! Auctioned snipped two pieces of map.. and I WON one at 19650, but unfortunately I already had it at 15k before, so auctioned it and got over 30k back. Advice on if you're still grabbing Lab Maps: Put them in your SDB as you could have them stolen from the Pant Devil! 2 pieces down, 7 to go!

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