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The Lab Rays: What happened today?

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I finally have my Jelly Wocky


But he's a she now.


My green bruce turned into a yellow kyrii



Aw, X_Genevieve_X (Xweetok) turned Chocolate. She's so cute, I almost don't want to continue zapping her....but I hope for her to some day be a Grey or Silver Cybunny.


My purple Chomby gained 2 maximum hit points.

And my pet pet's name was changed to 1337. HAHAHA. That is so awesome !



I finally have my Jelly Wocky


But he's a she now.


My green bruce turned into a yellow kyrii



You're so lucky! (with the jelly zap). I'm hoping my Poogle will be jelly one day, although I would definately appreciate if he'd change back to a girl ..


Favna: + 2 levels

PP: don't have one anymore :D


Two color changes today! o:


My main labbie went from a yellow Koi to a robot and my side went from a blue Chomby to white. :3



Edit: 9/29/2011:


One pet lost 2 levels and one pet gained 2 levels. XD


Countess_Fluffikins was zapped Zombie!!


As cool as that is, I'm still only keeping "him" (her) for the zapped Jelly Snowbunny...as I want the avvie. lol...


Juniper_Tree was zapped Electric as well.


Yesterday My Petpet was zapped into an orange krawk and My Lenny was turned into a red bruce :\


Those were the only big changes that happened since I got my map ;_;


My lenny has grown increasingly hideous this week. She went from disco to cloud yesterday, and today she changed gender. I guess she's a he again, ugggh.


My Ogrin went from yellow to fire.


He has now changed color 3 tims (Originally Cloud, zapped to Electric, then yellow, now fire)

Changed Species twice (Originally Bori, then Blumaroo, now Ogrin)

And changed gender, female to male. Gotta love that lab ray! I'll keep zapping until I get a Lutari!


FAVNA: Gained 4 max. hit points. I wish he'd change colour to Faerie or Jelly (currently a Skunk Poogle) .. :mellow:

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