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The Lab Rays: What happened today?


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Pet: The ray is fired at Boing_44057.... and she changes colour to Disco!!



But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.


Ummm....my pet was already disco?

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Pet: The ray is fired at Raliatous...

... and she changes gender!!!!


Petpet: Decrease level.


Side Pet: The ray is fired at Semper_Ubi...

... and he gains 3 movement points!!!!

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Its just the robot clothing still on your Bori - when you get colour zaps, you get to keep any clothing that might come with the colour :) If you take the casing off, he will be Blue underneath.


All stats for me today of course >_<

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Its just the robot clothing still on your Bori - when you get colour zaps, you get to keep any clothing that might come with the colour :) If you take the casing off, he will be Blue underneath.


All stats for me today of course >_<


Those aren't clothes. He was changed into a robot by the lab ray.

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Those aren't clothes. He was changed into a robot by the lab ray.

Yes they are clothes - check your closet ;) Robot is one of the colours that comes with clothing (casings) which you can use on any other coloured pet of the same species.

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Pet: The ray is fired at Raliatous...

... and he gains 3 movement points!!!!


Petpet: Nothing


Side Pet: The ray is fired at Semper_Ubi...

... and he gains 3 movement points!!!!

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