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Dice a Roo?


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I started trying for it probably in April/May? not hardcore though, just every once in a while...I got it June 14th on a lucky game, all level ups right in a row. Dice a Roo is probably the game with which I've had the most luck (have won 6 jackpots, one with the 10x multiplier!) so I can say for sure just to keep playing it...you'll get there! Try playing when the jackpot is higher than ~9k or ~10k - most of my wins have been in the 15k range, so if you start playing when it's already high up, you should have a better chance of winning before your pet gets bored :)


All in all, it just takes some patience, so good luck! :D

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I always play until my pet gets bored. You can usually make up more then you spend getting food items from the green, yellow and silver dice. It only took 2 days playing until it wouldn't let me play anymore to hit the jackpot.

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I got the avatar winning a jackpot of around 9000 neopoints what i suggest doing is just clicking until you die or go back to the main page because the game is designed to already give you a certain outcome so until you or your pet gets bored and u have the time and a little bit of money just keep clicking. I got it in like a couple days by doing that. good luck :)

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It didn't take long. it's one of the first non-clickable avatars I earned. I don't remember how long I tried for it, but if it were a hard one I would have remembered :)


Take it easy, you'll get it soon.

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i have been trying for years no, without any luck. but i'm only playing a few times a day. i'll try playing until my pet gets bored, maybe that's the key?


It's luck of the draw. But you will have more of a chance the more you play it...at least it's cheap to play!

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I've tried 3 days and still don't have it:(


Don't worry - keep trying. You need to win the jackpot, and that takes luck as it is pure chance. If you keep trying long enough you will get it!

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i played for three days until my pet got bored, and lo and behold, i got it!


luckyblumaroo.gifSomething Has Happened!

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