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Key Quest Gets Helpful Upgrades


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Love Key Quest but are tired of play against users who quit mid-game? Good news! Now you can see how often a player has quit before joining a game with them by looking at a new smiley beside their name!


In addition to this upgrade, TNT also instated a mini-log, which will appear in the chat. This will log what happened each round.



From the news:

When you log on to play a game of Key Quest today, you will find a couple of new features! First, you'll now see smiley faces next to fellow players' names in the lobby. The various smiles let you know the percentage of games they've completed... from start to finish. ;) During actual game play, you'll also notice a game log in the chat window. It will keep you posted on eveything that's happened in your session, even if you're distracted for a second or a few.


Happy with the upgrades?

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I guess it's...interesting. Good for the serious players but it seems like those who have had their computer die in the middle of a game or something like that won't have a great chance to play, since other users won't want to join their games.

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Interesting. I wonder what color mine is. I have left a couple games, primarily because mum came home mid-game and uh.... she doesn't approve of Neopets. =\ Oh, and once because my battery died. That sucked. /ramble

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I would like it if we could see our own smilies for this. I think I should be in the top tier (green smiley), but I wonder if some of the games I've had end abnormally on me were due to unknown errors on my end.

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I too what like to know what my own smiley is. My old computer had a nasty virus that used to boot me off the net, it used to happen quite a bit during keyquest, so I am truely curious how it affected my smiley, as I've never intentionally quit in a game. I bet TNT did this because of all the complaining of quitters. Plus the new log will help catch cheaters!!! I'm glad they are finally regulating this thing.


Hey guys, I found out how to see what your smiley is. *Mine's green :)* You can see it if you have a side. On the account you regularly use go into keyquest and get into one of the screens that shows you everyone's smiley. Now leave this window open and open another one, log out of your account and onto your side. Now go into the same keyquest page as you did your last one and look for your regular accounts name, and there you go, you should see your smiley. Just remember to log out of your side before you play a game, don't want to get frozen.

Edited by lazycrazykitten
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The only thing I'm curious about this is, it says it counts how many you finish but does that take into account the games other people quit on me? It shouldn't but depending on how they wrote that program or what not, I can imagine that it might not make a distinction.

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The only thing I'm curious about this is, it says it counts how many you finish but does that take into account the games other people quit on me? It shouldn't but depending on how they wrote that program or what not, I can imagine that it might not make a distinction.


I agree with this. I've had people leave on me LOADS of times. Would that effect my percentage?

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I'm going through the process of installing google chrome now to see what my colour is...I've had several computer crashes due to cheap second hand computers and a lot of people quitting on me which means games haven't been finished...


EDIT: Whoot I'm green! Happy days!

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