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You know you're obsessed with the Faeries' Ruin when..


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Well, it is about the plot just not in direct hints or questions. I seem to remember similar things like 'How obsessed are you with the Altador Cup' in that plot area...I can't see a problem with it. Although I'm not so obsessed with it, I'm just chuffed I've got all the achievements so far and made at least some progress in the Battledome.

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*pats* There's not a problem a'tall, dear. :)


Shadaw, this is very much related to the plot. Some people like to have fun with events like this. And know how to do it without posting false alarms on the NeoBoards. *pointed look*


5. You stay up 'til midnight waiting for the news to update.

6. You are simultaneously annoyed at TNT for taking so long, and excited because late news means PLOT NEWS!! =D

7. You can immediately answer what species each character is.

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I know what you mean, I've never battled before this (not even punchbag Bob) and I managed all the caps!

*is very pleased with herself*

BTW, please feel free to add your points.


5.You've bookmarked and memorised the Gallery of Evil.

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8. You could think of millions of other reasons, but you don't have time to name them, because you're fighting your 41,683th Shadow Brute.

9. You're fighting your 41,684th Shadow Brute, when you decide you might want a bit of food after a 4 day no-eating period. Then you say "Eating is for losers!"

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Shadaw, this is very much related to the plot. Some people like to have fun with events like this. And know how to do it without posting false alarms on the NeoBoards. *pointed look*

Indeed. I did a whole separate "Shadows of Maraqua" storyline for the Maraqua plot in the roleplaying threads on PPT. Complete with a koi singing pirate songs. :)


10. You realize that you've fought your last five battles with your hand picking weapons based on muscle memory, because you were asleep at the keyboard.

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14. You dream ideas for plot-related NT comics.

{Brynn is seen slashing at a Brute with her sword. Hanso, meanwhile, is viciously jabbing with his dagger. Brynn: 'That's your OWN shadow, Hanso!'}

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14. You dream ideas for plot-related NT comics.

{Brynn is seen slashing at a Brute with her sword. Hanso, meanwhile, is viciously jabbing with his dagger. Brynn: 'That's your OWN shadow, Hanso!'}


*falls of chair laughing and loses to 31st Fury*

You're friends hold an Intervention.

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fair enough i guess i should be taking my leave then.


and you know your addicted to this plot when you dont sleep through a five day seige only sleeping for roughly 2 - 3 hours a night just so that your able to be there for every tier.

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I like this! :laughingsmiley:


18. When you sit for hours on end refreshing at the stupid BD page waiting and waiting for the Shadows to reappear....not that I do that. :whistle:

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Why, Shadaw?


Also, this wave MORE than finishes this tier. As in there might be a tier 9. x_x


Ha, I'm glad you liked my mental comic. I'll see if I can muster up some drawing skills. =P


20. When you brave the perils of the Neoboards to find information, theories, and notices.


EDIT: Oi! Children! No drama here on TDN. That's what the Neoboards are for.

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When you're refreshing at the 'Into the Fray' page every 5 minutes to see whats going on and whether there's going to be a new tier.


When you keep thinking 'just one more fight' even though you know your pet is getting slaughtered.


When you're spending a fortune on codestones and faerie bottles in a desperate last ditch effort in training in the hopes that it will help.


When you're waking up so you can finish the training, set another one and go back to sleep to help further the last ditch efforts...


When you're thinking about how much you are missing of the plot every second of work and actually enjoy being sent home due to illness because it means you might be able to curl up on a sofa with a blanket and neopets. (Although that was also helped by the fact that my boss booked my taxi, paid for my taxi, walked me to the taxi and carried my bags for me!)


Ok, maybe I'm a little obsessed...


EDIT: When you're jumping up and down because there's another tier and that gives you a little bit more time in last ditch training and you can possibly fight another couple!

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