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Lol Arigato gozaimasu ^_- so what is your status on this? Beat them all 5 times yet? I wonder if anyone has.


205 65 40 respctively minions wraiths and fury kills. and ya i have.

T__T Your lucky. But I noticed the Ice Faerie Darts or whatever the blue ones are called do good against the brute guys.


I've beat all 5. It's really quick and easy.


Mine are


Minions: 131

Brutes: 91

Furies: 30


Gah i was hoping that whenever i logged back on we would have new enemies or at least something. these furry furies are to rough for me now but i managed to cap them.


Ooh, FINALLY. I can't even remember when Chapter 6 came out. I feels like it was years ago, D: ahah


I wish I checked the first post more often. Just noticed the healing Springs is working again, and I've spent loads on Healing Potions, DD: oh well, ahaha

things happen for a reason huh? lol


sometimes during it all i kind of forgot that it wasnt. i know thats kind of sad to say but in all reality it felt like i was actually at war. my very first words were "BRRRRINGGG IT ONNNN!!!!!!"


in real life seiges have gone on for months and even years historically. im so glad this isnt real life. but hubby was making fn of me for getting mad about losing to a brute lol so i guess i took this seriously too.


In fact, the war went on for 4 days and 2 hours.


Also, shortest RL war went on for a measly 7 hours, and Russia only took days to beat some countries during WWI/WWII. Finland was not one of those.


might wanna add another word to that kali nvm lol you edited it XD


and anyone else suspect this will be the last wave news will be updated and then the plot?


Yaaay goody bags... i wanna open it but im afraid whatevers inside wont be as cool as the outside package....... ah well rips into package and gets..... Spooky Halloween Shower...HMm its kinda cute :wub_anim:


And i hope we get news soon.


12th October 14:44 - The fight has begun to turn to our advantage! The onslaught of wraiths has slowed, but each new wraith that appears seems stronger than the last. But perhaps the end is at last in sight...


*signals that this is the end*


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