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Getting my pet up to the next strength tier has helped out a LOT with closing in on that cap. :yes: I've actually managed 15 Fury kills... not bad, but certainly not much compared to what some of you guys are doing. xD


Also, I'm running low on movies. It'll be on to TV series next. I figure the whole Avatar series ought to get me through a few hundred more fights, at least. I haven't watched this much TV at my computer since the second Altador Cup.



I went out today, and I have class tomorrow. I did my 30 furies though. It's just a tad annoying to wait for them to appear, and then the lag... and uggg!


AA, nice new set by the way :)


WOW balance!!! What exactly IS a yanis blaster? And how much does it cost? I might need one lol

Ylana's Blaster is a prize weapon from the Sloth plot. It does around 12.6 mixed icons of damage. It looks like a few of them are available at auction for around 1.3 million, assuming they don't jump a lot from sniping.


It's not one of the weapons I equip--my main offensive weapons are a Pirate Captain's Cutlass, a Werelupe Claw Necklace, and a Fruit Bomb. I think I'll keep my defensive set to myself for now. :)


Ylana's Blaster is a prize weapon from the Sloth plot. It does around 12.6 mixed icons of damage. It looks like a few of them are available at auction for around 1.3 million, assuming they don't jump a lot from sniping.


It's not one of the weapons I equip--my main offensive weapons are a Pirate Captain's Cutlass, a Werelupe Claw Necklace, and a Fruit Bomb. I think I'll keep my defensive set to myself for now. :)


ok ya your richer than i am lol. XD nice set lol


Those are some pretty awesome weapons you guys have. xD


I managed to edge up to 20 Fury kills in the last wave - this could take a while...


AA, nice new set by the way :)

Thanks. :)


Do you think I could borrow Blanace? I have full collat if you need it!

Sure. I sent you a neomail for the trade.


ETA: Claire has borrowed the Blaster. Collateral is 700k + Skunk Paint Brush. (I'm mainly adding this in case I can't find/am not near my paper note when it's time to trade back.)


Well, that sucks. My 100% Battledome Record is gone now, courtesy of a Fury loss and recently a Brute loss. I'm 3 shy, but even aiming to draw is difficult since my tactics are already defensive and not that much aggressive.


I wonder if I can borrow that Ylanas Blaster that was being graciously loaned since I'm oh so close and yet so far...



I don't think I have anything worth it in regards to collateral, I used most of my bank account to just get the Ylanas Blaster I already own.


I dont really understand this. i guess years ago before i took my hiatus i trained my pet or something. i have 165 health but im only lvl 6... how did that happen? i cant train in anything except level lol. i dont really understand it. Can someone explain to me how the training and stats work? Sorry to be such a newbie at this stuff lol. And since it doesnt really have to do with the cute wraiths you can messege it to me or whatever. I just wanna understand lol.


I dont really understand this. i guess years ago before i took my hiatus i trained my pet or something. i have 165 health but im only lvl 6... how did that happen? i cant train in anything except level lol. i dont really understand it. Can someone explain to me how the training and stats work? Sorry to be such a newbie at this stuff lol. And since it doesnt really have to do with the cute wraiths you can messege it to me or whatever. I just wanna understand lol.

Well, very high HP and low level are usually indicators of a pet that's been 'trained' by zapping it with the Lab Ray. :yes:


I dont really understand this. i guess years ago before i took my hiatus i trained my pet or something. i have 165 health but im only lvl 6... how did that happen? i cant train in anything except level lol. i dont really understand it. Can someone explain to me how the training and stats work? Sorry to be such a newbie at this stuff lol. And since it doesnt really have to do with the cute wraiths you can messege it to me or whatever. I just wanna understand lol.


I think what happened is the Lab Ray. Do you have access to the Lab Ray? If not, then most likely it was adopted from someone who had.





Yeah i zap it. I didnt realize it would mess my training up. shes my first ever pet so i didnt adopt her lol. so if you are under a certain level than i guess you cant train any other stats. well i guess that does make sense. Thank you for helping me realize what was going on.. im still gonna zap her though cuz shes a ruki and i want something else lol. Does level effect the stats i already have? I am doing fairly good. capped te first 2 and killed 10 furys or so.


Yeah i zap it. I didnt realize it would mess my training up. shes my first ever pet so i didnt adopt her lol. so if you are under a certain level than i guess you cant train any other stats. well i guess that does make sense. Thank you for helping me realize what was going on.. im still gonna zap her though cuz shes a ruki and i want something else lol. Does level effect the stats i already have? I am doing fairly good. capped te first 2 and killed 10 furys or so.

Well, you probably don't have too much to worry about - lab pets tend to have a low level and fairly low defence, but their high strength and extremely high HP make up for that in most battles. With 165 health, you should be able to take down most of the wraiths before they can bring down your pet's health too much. :yes:


yeah ive been doing ok. i cant kill the minions anymore and the brutes are very difficult but im still ok on furys.. if they will actually pop up lol


I capped out on furys thanks to the blaster!!! YAY ME! I have it back up in my trades to return it but I'm seriously appreciating the lend!!


(someone just offered me more then the collat I put up for it :|)


I think if I can do it then everyone can! YAY! I'm done fighting for the night though and if it ends tonight then good riddence!


noooo i am 4 away from capping the furys. What can i do to take down the last 4? my regeneration spell doesnt heal me enough anymore. i dont wanna spend like a mil np but im willing to spend some.


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