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New Plot: The Faeries' Ruin!


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On Friday we reported that the Faerie Festival would start today, but all the faeries have turned to stone!

How will we get them back to their fabulous faerie selves? Stay tuned!


We're already speculating what's going on over here.




In the meantime, check out all the new Faerie items that have been released!

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This was going to be my first Faerie Festival, so I'm going to be the lone dissenter and say that I'm not exactly thrilled. Plots are super-hard to do, like the last one thanks to the excessively high score requirements in the mandatory games. I hope this one isn't like that at all.

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With any luck, this will be an actual plot, not an NP sink or a new game gimmik. Hopefully closer to the Altador Plot, Tale of Woe, or Return of Sloth (sans decoding x.o)


And you're not missing much- it's mainly free items that get hadned out so much they're worth 10 NP each by the end of it.

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Let's hope. Atlas of the Ancients was just... yuck. (That's the plot I was referring to before... just remembered the name.)


I loved the Altador plot! ^_^



:yes: i agree. I really really hope this is a good plot, and better than the AotA. :woot: I only participated in a few mini-plots and the Altador Plot. :guiltysmiley: I wish this one will be rlly awesome. :laughingsmiley: Heh, the picture that was found related to the Stone Faeries does look like an evil Tarla (like my friend said). :rolleyes_anim:

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Heh. Wasted np on the wheels... nice wording. :whistle: Donated np on the wheels. :yes: But i agree with u too. <_< it would be horridible if i had to spend a lot of np again. i want it to be an actual plot like the altador plot. :woot: It would be so fun... :laughingsmiley:

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I can't wait for everything to be revealed, I want to know what is going on with the faeries. ^__^ A plot would be awsome but I hope there isn't anything that you have to do with NC, I don't have any and no money to get some ;P its ok though.


I have no idea how the other plots went, I didn't ever get to do or finish them because I didn't have the access to the internet every day. Hopefully this will be a good one.

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As long as it's not money related, there's an avatar/decent prizes, and someone shares how to do the majority of the stuff, I'm fine with it. I'm also lazy.



Hahaha yeah I think alot of people are when it comes to plots ^^ but as for me I'd love to do them, I just don't have the internet access to finish them or the money if they use NC.

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Oh God. This better not be another AotA. Sure Moltara's all well and good but the plot? I'm not sure if I should call it that.


And if this is something to do with stopping us form doing this stuff, I'm not happy. But if it's a plot like the Altador, I'm happy. Gives me time to actually think about something.

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Oh no! All of Neopia's faeries have turned to stone, but there's some residual magic that lets the Healing Springs still function. Use at your own risk!

healing springs: http://www.neopets.com/faerieland/springs.phtml


I used it and nothing happened, but I wonder if something does happen at it, if that has anything to do with the plot. Mabye a pet turns Relic as something "bad"?

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I've been wondering that too, Mortesth. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw the - pardon my expression - stoned faeries. To my knowledge, the statue has never been used in any other plot. It's possible its time has come.

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It may mean use at the risk of "running it dry" since there's only some residual magic...or it's what cursed the Faeries :P


I think it's just to make up for the "My powers are not recharged yet" kind've thing, you won't be able to spam the healing springs because there's only a small amount.

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