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I've completed the puzzle all the way through, and here's the specs on the step.


You need to find a stick, a rag, and a flask of oil in the dark, then take it to Xandra and you'll get a torch.

The next part is to wander aimlessly in the tunnels to find 5 neopets that need saving from shadowy tendrils.

You have to pull the right body part of the neopet 5 times in a row to free them from the shadows.

Once you have found all five of the neopets, then find your way back to the entrance to gather everyone together.

The last part you have to make a wand out of items from the party. Keep trying different combinations until you get the right one.

After you have found the wand combination, the puzzle is over! Congratulations for finding your way out!

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Well ill spark the nightly debate. Why is it xandra seems to be causing things? shes the one that tripped the wires in nox's castle AND was in the cave before byran and hanso.... i suspect treason.

now that you mention it shadaw, i agree. she also had the artifact that froze the faeries before, and who knows how she got it!

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It seems the ranks of us who suspect Xandra of some kind of mischief are growing quickly then... although I still like her. xD


AA, did you look at my Wallpaperish thing few pages back? :D

I did indeed. ;)

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Heh, but she's angry in a fiery sort of way, as opposed to Jazan's coldness. I suppose that makes for an easier personality to come to terms with. :yes:

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Well i found it odd that some of the first words she uttered was about the book and that she might be able to puzzle out a answer. my thinking is that she is the bad guy and wants the only book in the entire world so that the spell cant be reversed.


Then again they do seem to be the three main characters and they also have to get the relic back.... it'd stand to reason that who evers behind this would have the relic. and there is no hint that she has it at all. So... probably a accomplice if she was even part of the plot to petrify the faeries..

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I have trouble accepting that xandra would be behind this whole thing. An accomplice, perhaps, but the mastermind? nah...


I think I might agree with this theory. She's just too cute to be entirely evil...that and she seems to not really know what's going on. Maybe she's just clumsy.

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Bwahaha! As of a few hours ago Leurabelle is level 20 with 40 hp and the 35 strength and defence boost! Bring on the minions! (And just the minions please, the zealots and their friends can stay home and have tea.)

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After reading the comic, I really don't think Xandra has anything to do with this unknown bad guy. I think she just has under-developed people skills. err... neopet skills. I mean come on, given the choice would she A: stay in her little happy bubble of books and research, avoiding people and communing with ancient dust or B: risk her life trying to help save the faeries, dealing with people as unpleasant as herself? I think the choice is clear. She obviously feels obligated to help, but she doesn't have to pleasant while doing so.

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I'm sorry I don't know if this question is already made, but

If I click in the button for playing the Step Six again, Am I going to lose my achievements?


No you won't. You can replay it as many times as you would like, and it won't affect your achievements once you have them.

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I'm still confused about the goo bit. :/ :( I was never good at solving things like this.


Basically, what you do is make notes of all the different actions for the goo. Then when you click on a Neopet, see what the action is under it. Try clicking any limb. (Remember which one you click) Then look at the response. If you didn't get a restart message, that limb matches that action, so write it down and the next time that action comes up, use that limb. And you repeat that until you have a limb that works for each action.


Does that make more sense?

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