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Did you ever wonder about pet names....


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When you see some neopet names, did you ever wonder if those are the names of a person, or something a person like such as a favorite sport or actor? Like thinking about the story behind each name created. Mabye I have too much time on my hands lol, but I find analyzing some names interesting.

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I do. Some names, are obviously random, or obvious where they came from. Others aren't. Like my Jubjub. Her name is LiLBasketballBabe. She's a Rainbow Jubjub. People probably wonder. But it's easily explained. When I created her (8 years ago) 1. She was originally Red and 2. I love basketball.

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Well sometimes I think about that, but when I made my pet I called him, that was completely random. And I just bet people are trying to figue out where it came form and if there's any connections, they'll probably think there's one with bee's but there isn't.

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I've never really thought about it with other people's pets but theres always a connection with mine.


My lupe HarmBoer is named after my foster father.

My kougra tdub is named after part of my favourite teachers email.

My Uni FaithfulDarkness is one my friend named and in a way that ties me to the past.

My Shoyru ackorn is a kind of a muddle of my initials.

My Peophin (on a side) TeaAddict is named after my foster mother.


All of my names have a meaning. I don't know how many other people do that though...

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2 of my 4 original Neopets have a real reason for there name.

Lennconu, who's now a faerie Kiko, used to be a Lenny. I named him after the Lenny Conundrum(LENNy CONUnudrum)

Frank4t used to be a Skeith, but now he's an Eyrie. Frank4t=FRANKfur(4)ter(t)=a hot dog. What a great name :)

(my other two, like my account, were named George_numbers)

Of my only other three Neopets that I created, TheLostDesertGuy is the only one named for something

I've also got several Neopets that I've adopted, and I'm currently fostering Neopets.

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My pets' names all came from RPG characters I would play in guilds and boards. Actually they were pets of my characters. The numbers are kind of random since the names by themselves were taken. So in a way they're meaningful, but they are just names.

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I wanted a Gaelic-type name for my pet, so that's how I came up with Aierean. I looked up a bunch of Gaelic names with meanings that I liked, but they were all taken, so I switched some letters around to make that.


My other pet was adopted from the pound.


I can't remember what my first pet was named on my first account, but I'm sure it had some meaning... hm. That was a long time ago.


My username comes from a nickname that I had in middle school. :laughingsmiley: My friends and I named each other after Charlie's Angels, and they decided I was Dylan. I combined that and angel to make dylangel. It was the name on my first neopets account that got deleted for inactivity, so I figured I'd just use the same name when I went back on neopets.

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I wanted a Gaelic-type name for my pet, so that's how I came up with Aierean. I looked up a bunch of Gaelic names with meanings that I liked, but they were all taken, so I switched some letters around to make that.


My other pet was adopted from the pound.


I can't remember what my first pet was named on my first account, but I'm sure it had some meaning... hm. That was a long time ago.


My username comes from a nickname that I had in middle school. :laughingsmiley: My friends and I named each other after Charlie's Angels, and they decided I was Dylan. I combined that and angel to make dylangel. It was the name on my first neopets account that got deleted for inactivity, so I figured I'd just use the same name when I went back on neopets.


I do the same thing for my pets. Like when I went to create a Koi or Flotsam, I look up sea names. Check different languages, change letters as needed.


And me and my friends loved Charlie's Angels in middle school too. :laughingsmiley: I was always curious where your username came from.

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Most of my pets are adopted, and I do wonder where their names come from. Some are obvious though like my maraquan jubjub's name from an anime.


I've only ever created 3 pets, Mounty261 the Ixi (RIP) (Badly named because I was 9, reminded me of a mountain ram/goat), Chaotic_Monstrosity the Darigan Grundo (Named for obvious reasons! :evil:), and Nar_Bhima the Scorchio, who I plan on painting fire. Nar Bhima translated to Fire Beast/Monster in Maltese.

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All pets I created have some kind of reference to something.


iriskuppen would be my username, as well as my first pet.

Then you got Rawrmmmz. Both Rawr and MMM are things that are somehow special to me (don't ask :P), they refer to someone irl.

Timze was named after my BF Tim, when I was teaching him Dutch :D

Maltei was a pet I snatched from the pound (as a green mynci), one of my best friends is called Malte in real life, couldn't resist!

My other pet names are all adopted and do not have any more meaning to me.

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I do wonder about some peoples' pets. SOme names are just so unique that they have to have some reason behind them. Myself, I just pick something easy to name my pets usually. I found LA_LUPE_DE_LA_NOCHE In the pound and I plan or either turning her mutant or halloween or something else dark and evil. :evil: Maybe Darigan. I have to see what the Darigan Lupe looks like.

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My Neopet's names have to do with their species or (future) color. I put 7 in their names because 7 is my favorite number.


Honote_7 (Green Lupe). Honote means "Flame Hand" in Japanese. (Hono=flame and te=hand). I'm going to paint him fire.

SoraTenshi7 (Yellow Pteri). Sora Tenshi means "Sky Angel" in Japanese (Sora=sky and tenshi=angel). I'm going to paint her Faerie and she'll look like a sky angel.

Vasuki7 (Green Hissi). Vasuki means "snake". In a book my friend wrote Vasuki is a silver winged snake who is the god and father of the winged snakes. I'll either paint him white (closest thing to silver), Island or both.

x_ X_Wolfsbane_X _x (Red Lupe). She's named after the X-Men character Rahne "Wolfsbane" Sinclair, who can transform into a wolf or werewolf-like form. I'm going to paint her Halloween.

Flamestorm7 (Red Lupe). She's named that because at the time I wanted to paint her fire. Now I'm going to morph her into a Red Draik.


(Note: Wolfsbane doesn't have spaces in her name. I just put them there so that that part of her name doesn't turn into smileys)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Neopet's names have to do with their species or (future) color. I put 7 in their names because 7 is my favorite number.


Honote_7 (Green Lupe). Honote means "Flame Hand" in Japanese. (Hono=flame and te=hand). I'm going to paint him fire.

SoraTenshi7 (Yellow Pteri). Sora Tenshi means "Sky Angel" in Japanese (Sora=sky and tenshi=angel). I'm going to paint her Faerie and she'll look like a sky angel.

Vasuki7 (Green Hissi). Vasuki means "snake". In a book my friend wrote Vasuki is a silver winged snake who is the god and father of the winged snakes. I'll either paint him white (closest thing to silver), Island or both.

x_ X_Wolfsbane_X _x (Red Lupe). She's named after the X-Men character Rahne "Wolfsbane" Sinclair, who can transform into a wolf or werewolf-like form. I'm going to paint her Halloween.

Flamestorm7 (Red Lupe). She's named that because at the time I wanted to paint her fire. Now I'm going to morph her into a Red Draik.


(Note: Wolfsbane doesn't have spaces in her name. I just put them there so that that part of her name doesn't turn into smileys)


That's pretty cool Sarafinawolf7. Did you think about this when naming them, or did you just wing it and call them whatever?

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I'm glad other people enjoy thinking about pet names too. Mine are all characters from books except my Lenny who I got from the pound named Leonard Lennington, I was highly amused, it sounded regal. Kudos to whoever thought that one up. But as far as the rest:

Saphira_Green_Eyes (blue scorchio) named after Saphira the blue dragon from Eragon

Rakkadoo (green kiko eventually to be garlic) named after the vole that played music in the book Taggerung

The_Taggerung (eventually a lutari :crying: ) from the same book as above named after an otter, hence the Lutari hopes, well, that and I love lutaris...

Songbreeze (cloud moehog) also from a redwall book.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I do. That's why I don't understand names with too many random numbers in it. Mine has significance too:


oOothecorpsebrideoOo - My favorite Tim Burton movie/animation


My three other pets were adopted so, I don't have anything to do with their names.

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Sometimes I wonder what the heck someone was thinking when they make a name, but usually I just take them for face value. If it's a really unique name or something along those likes I neomail the user and ask how they came up with the name.


My pets however,


p00piepopple - I created this guy when I first got my account, and there is no real rhyme or reason behind it. p00p is in poop, clearly. lol.

Sic_Jake I named after my friend who used that on forums.

Pixulated (who is in the pound) was a screen name I had on aim.

ZucreaLynne was my nickname + my boyfriend at the time's nickname's in albhed. we were pretty nerdy.

YellowtailSashimi - I was trying to think of a name for my Pteri who I plan on making faerie, that would go with the faerie colors. I ended up giving up on that and naming it after my favorite food. It's my favorite named neopet so far.

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When I first started playing Neopets (years and years ago on a different account) I would name my pets floofy, silly things. I was a young girl, it happens. XD


Now all of my pets are adoptions, I figure why create a new pet when there are perfectly good ones in the pound?

I don't know the meaning behind their names but I did try and adopt pets with the most normal looking names. None of the "sillybaby___1234" stuff.

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