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It seems like that I am the only person who doesn't own a Draik. :) Well, its not end of the world yet. :laughingsmiley:


Okay! Question time, people! What is your favorite Draik color, and why? ^^





Tett was doing his dailies and he got a treasure chest from the shore, I made him open and inside was a PIRATE DRAIK MORPHING POITION!!!!!!


He gave it to me for Organs


sdfodifaisofasiofnasklnasklsaklnsk!!!!!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!




EDIT: Going to paint Ghost now and start customising!!!!


WOW SAXEN that's great ... congrats !!!


Tett is a pretty lucky dude !! If I were him I wouldn't give you anything , cuz I'm mean like that :P


Thank you!!!! :*


Bahaaha you meanie XP I'm not off completely scot-free, I have to buy him a Krawk MP/Red PB at some point :P


Congrats Saxen! :D That's awesome and she looks great!


Now all you have to do is wait for Transparent to be released for her. Hopefully that will be soon.


Thanks Spritzie!!! :D


Indeed O.o Fingers crossed it's August! That gives me time to get a Royal PB for the earrings :3 I really hope the Transparent Draik is actually good and I haven't been waiting all this time only for it to be awful XD


Are you going to get any of the other PB clothes, like from Desert?


I'm sure it will be awesome. I haven't seen a single Transparent pet that wasn't awesome.


I was going to go for the Mystery Island clothes (tail rings for Lem ^_^) but I substituted that for the RG ones so it would be a little less expensive :P


Yes! That's my thinking, but I'm worried because I am so incredibly excited, and whenever that happens things go wrong XD The Transparents so far have all been really detailed and amazing though and Draik is one of the most popular species, so I'm sure they'll do a good job ^_^


I'd really love for Organs to be the first ever Transparent Draik :D


They do seem to go all out for the color. I'm sure it will be gorgeous!


Do you already have the PB?


Not yet, that's next on the agenda! :D Going to get it first just in case for some reason I cant get Royal in time. Transparent ranges from 3-5mil so if I could get it for 3 (or less) that would be awesome :P


They'll shoot up as soon as Draiks come out in it so I want to make sure I purchase before that happens XP


Gahh I'm so excited! :wub_anim:


Wow. I didn't realize the PB prices have come down so much.


I have to admit, I'm kinda hopping for Wraith to be released on Draik Day, but I'd much rather you got Transparent first, so I'll hope for that instead. :P


Yeah they've really dropped in the past few months! Glad about that, hehe ^_^


Wraith would also be pretty groovy, I wouldn't be *too* let down by that being released instead :P Plus I know you've been waiting for it since the colour was released ^_^

Wraith's newer though and there are more pets out in that colour - hopefully that will play in Transparents favour ;D


I couldn't afford to get a Wraith Draik, unless I got a FFQ. Then I'd definitely do that.


If I had to guess which it would be, I think Transparent is most likely, considering there aren't many released compared to Wraith. I'm hoping they don't release Swamp Gas. That would be totally disappointing.


*Wishes for a Wraith PB RE for you* :P


That's what I thought, it seems the most likely. OMG DON'T EVEN SAY THAT XD If TNT do that to me I dont even... Swamp Gas is just terrible XDD Touch wood immediately! haha


My desk is wood. :P


It seems they've pretty much abandoned the Swamp Gas for now. I hope it stays that way.


I'd definitely love a Wraith PB RE. Or a FFQ. That would be nice too.


Awesome, no jynx for us! XD


I'm so happy about about that. Really the most horrible colour, couldn't believe when it came out ha.


Oooh yes FFQ would be most lovely! *drools all over avatar* You have the avvie, right? Or am I just making things up?


No I don't. I've only gotten one FFQ, and I used it on Aitvara. If I get another one, I think I'll probably just go for the avatar.


Oh man...I actually started to think about getting an Island pet again..but I can't choose which one x3


I like a lot of them but then I realized that I would have to morph a pet I have now or remove one to make room...but I can't see that happening soon >.>


Making things up *facepalm*. That's a good idea, the avvie is awesome and you can always save up NP for paints ^_^


Congratulations Saxen, I am so happy for you! :) Now we'll have to hope and wish really hard, for the Transparent colour to be released for Draiks on Draik day :)


Or maybe they'll have a random themed day, and release it. :D That would be awesome. Who knows what other cool items they could release at the same time.


Thanks Rebekah! :*


Oooh yes Spritzie!! Transparent day!! That would be amazing and straight away would be my favourite event of the year :D lol


Cant wait for Transparent Petpets! /swoon


If they release Transparent petpets, will you get one for Organs?


I'm hoping they release a Water petpet that would match Aitvara really nicely. Otherwise, I'll probably get her a Maractite petpet.

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