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Draiks everywhere! @.@


Seems to me there's more female Draiks around haha xD *hugs Uvertira*


I think a White Weewoo would be lovely for your Draik! Uvertira has one too since he's a music composer and the White Weewoo is the symbol of the Neopian Times ^^


ooooh, you should TOTALLY save for one, they're so adorable ^^

ps: Alynniae is happy with the compliment, he (soon-to-be-she) likes you ^^

(and yeah, Aethenlynden is wonderful!!!)


ps: the person of the weewoo doesn't respond, so i offered on another one (omg, i can't wait!!!)


I am. ;) Tell Alynniae I like him/her too. <3 Let us know when you've own the Weewoo!


I'm planning on owning a male Darigan Draik though, since I've got a lot of girls with me already. They need a seemingly menacing brother to take care of them, hehe. It's going to be fun to give him the personality!


Not sure I want it lisauntie. I mean Draiks are awesome, but they're not really me, if you understand me .. :sad01_anim: Maybe someday they'll release a colour I'll be crazy about and I'll get one :) *yells to TNT: wraith! WRAITH!*


Oh and did you guys see the new Wraith Korbat MP?


One of the best designed MP so far! :woot: :woot:


I never posted here before .. but I've decided to join this thread ... because ............


:eh: *DRUMROLL* :ohno:


................................... I want a Draik myself :woot:


That's right .. I want to start saving for a Draik Morphing Potion for Elishat ... most probably Water ... or Royal ... or maybe something else .. a WRAITH if they ever released one ... not sure yet


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Lever of Doom' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Oh thank goodness! Spent less than 20k total for this avatar xD


Welcome then Angelo :3 I'm sure you can get your own Draik in no time at all!


I agree, I can't wait until more Wraith pets become available!


I had a lot of catching up to do.


I love how friendly everyone here is. ^_^


And lisauntie, I'm glad you got a draik. I totally understand your excitement, and her name is BEAUTIFUL! Congrats!



I know I said I didn't want a draik, but all you people getting draiks is making me want one. Really, really badly. Okay SWEETDANG WILL SAVE UP.




I have less than 500k in my bank now, and no PB possibilities because I'm rotten poor. But one day in like - a few years. :P I'm going to try my best. You ahve no idea how much I want one right now! Lisauntie's excitement and all that - I told myself I won't spend millions on my pets, but right now I feel like crying, which is very weird, but mostly it's I HAVE CONVICTION tears.


Yeah, this is weird.


I WANT THAT DRAIK AND I'M GOING TO GET THAT beautiful awesome amazing gorgeous customizable DRAIK.


eya angeló, welcome to the world of draiks (whatcha think of my name change?), good things happen here ^^


And sweetdang, you're here too^^ it's great you want a draik, people here give you the strenght to do it^^


Ps: i've got the weewoo and the PPPB, but can't acces the puddle on my IPod, i'm going to paint the weewoo after school, an i'll give it a nice greek name^^


Welcome Angeló. :D I'm hoping they release Wraith for Draiks soon, though I'm not holding my breath. That will probably be the last Draik I get. I think 3 is more than enough.


Let us know once you paint the Weewoo :D I love painting petpets. I haven't painted any in awhile though.




Nice to see you over here Angelo, Just got offered a Pulshie poogle morphing potion,island skieth morphing potion, faerie and baby PB on my Tiki bomb bag -


Should I accept this one? haven't really had any other offers for it?


@aethenlynden: well, i think you should, it's a VERY HTS item, so i don't think you'll get many offers :'(




and painted ^^ it's such a lovely petpet ^^ going to call it fonaera (spritzie knows why)


look! Fonaera loves Alynniae:




@aethenlynden: well, i think you should, it's a VERY HTS item, so i don't think you'll get many offers :'(




and painted ^^ it's such a lovely petpet ^^ going to call it fonaera (spritzie knows why)


look! Fonaera loves Alynniae:




I accepted it and 5 mins later the trader send me an apology that she forgot to include a bag of marbles and sent it as a gift trying not to lol




Nice to see you over here Angelo, Just got offered a Pulshie poogle morphing potion,island skieth morphing potion, faerie and baby PB on my Tiki bomb bag -


Should I accept this one? haven't really had any other offers for it?


Think it over. I accepted a pretty n00b but tempting looking offer for my Draik Egg and now I have a 7 mil. loss :(


**Nearly faints*** Accidentally put a halloween PB in my shop, went to remove it but set the price as 1np ... didn't see it in my inventory and managed to remove it before anyone bought it -


**Nearly faints*** Accidentally put a halloween PB in my shop, went to remove it but set the price as 1np ... didn't see it in my inventory and managed to remove it before anyone bought it -

Holy cow you are very lucky! I heard of that happening to many people.




Every one please welcome Parthanax, she was meant to be a he but it seems to fit




She's gorgeous! Her customization is perfect! :D The name goes both ways, I like it. :D

Every one please welcome Parthanax, she was meant to be a he but it seems to fit


Beautiful !! Here's a very special 03.gif


.. thanks for welcoming me here guys .. I thought this was a thread for Draik owners only .. but after reading a few posts I figured out it's not :)


well , from now on I have the Draik fever .. lol


.. thanks for welcoming me here guys .. I thought this was a thread for Draik owners only .. but after reading a few posts I figured out it's not :)


When Divya, Anisha, and I started Draik Lair... none of us had Draiks. :whistle: I believe Meghan was the first one here with a Draik.




Every one please welcome Parthanax, she was meant to be a he but it seems to fit




She's beautiful, aethenlynden! I adore her customization, she has a very nice name, too. :D




Oh yeah I joined Draik Lair when it first formed and I didn't even want a Draik all that badly then (I wasn't saving up for one anyway) and I just got one this week, so you never know. :)


**Nearly faints*** Accidentally put a halloween PB in my shop, went to remove it but set the price as 1np ... didn't see it in my inventory and managed to remove it before anyone bought it -

You're a master customizer did I ever mention that? :P


I fell over backwards when I saw the trade you had. Lucky lucky! And the person was very honest. :)

You have a lot of PBs.


And please don't tell me about Halloween PBs in shops, because I was one of those people. It hurts, because I would have gotten my million, and now I'm not anywhere near. :/


The faeries? They haven't given me anything much, yet! :P


But I do love faerie quests. :yes:


Anyway, I've decided that my goals in Neo are now in this order:


Royalgirl Bori (such a beauty!!!) >>> Draik >>> Woodland Archer Wig(NC - No wish, but it'll look beautiful my draik! :wub_anim: ) >>> Ultimate customization!!! for <draik name>


:D :D :D


On the topic of the halloween thing, though, I sold it for a million less than it was worth - stupid, stupid, stupid!

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