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Slow news day but TNT has decreased the amount of items you can have in your closet to 650!


We don't know about you, but our closets are a bit over-stuffed! Because of this we are adding a new 650 item limit to closets. Anyone who has over 600 or more items in their closets will receive neomails about this change. The limit will be started sometime next week. *Goes to sort through bows*




That quote sounds to me like there used to be no limit.


I'll never have that much stuff in my closet so that isn't important to me.


650! Wow, they expect people to have all of that in their closets! I never have anything in there that I am not using. It all goes to my SDB for the Pack Rat avvie.


That quote sounds to me like there used to be no limit.


I'll never have that much stuff in my closet so that isn't important to me.

LOL Thanks. I totally read that wrong. :laughingsmiley:


*runs off to the closet to check* Whew! I only have 437 items in my closet. That includes a lot of doubles and some paint brush clothes for species I no longer have, thanks to the Lab Ray. (Hmmm... maybe TDN should start a "reclothe my naked painted pet" program.)


Items: 82 QTY: 86


I don't see how you can have anywhere over 300 o_O


Erm...I have like... 10 items in my closet xD I do have cute Cybunny pajama's though x3 TNT should start a refund program, where you can trade in your old clothes for Neopoints(I know they won't do Neocash, so I won't even go there). Hmm...It does make me wonder how people can have that much stuff for four pets o.o"...


I would never get anywhere near that. I think I recently had around 65-70, and I cleaned out everything I had never used, or wouldn't see myself using anytime soon. If there's a ton of stuff in there, it's hard to find what you do want. So I put everything else back in my SDB.


I'm glad they don't limit the SDB though.


Then, what about the avatar? Will it be retired?



The avatar is for the SDB. This item limit is only for the closet. So the SDB will be unaffected.


Who would even have 650 items in their closet? :weird: TNT is clearly just dreaming of someone doing that, and them getting a lot of money (:


I don't even have over double digits in my closet... :P


Whew! I only have 437 items in my closet.


"Only" 437, eh... :P

I usually carry just what I need to put on my pets, and then I throw the rest in the SDB. It is mind-boggling to me that people would have upwards of 650 wearables! I feel poor.


Thankfully the avatar is available!

And I got Items: 31 | Qty: 34 |


Thankfully the avatar is available!

And I got Items: 31 | Qty: 34 |


Haha, why do y'all keep bringing up the SDB av? The SDB and the Closet are two entirely different areas. This does not affect the Pack Rat av in any way whatsoever! :laughingsmiley:


I think the limit is to keep each user from having too much stuff to keep in the databases.


Although if anyone DOES need to empty out because of this new rule, most items that go in the closet also go in the SDB with the exception of PB clothes.


Hahaha. Closet limit. What? Do we have people who are Elle Woods with a gazillion outfits?


I got... Qty: 155


No where near the limit :D and I already find it hard to find stuff in there o.o


I think the limit is to keep each user from having too much stuff to keep in the databases.


As I understand it, the problem is that people with thousands of items in the closet had problems with the customization interface crashing/freezing as it tried to load all their items on startup.


Items: 82 QTY: 86


I don't see how you can have anywhere over 300 o_O

Who would even have 650 items in their closet? :weird: TNT is clearly just dreaming of someone doing that, and them getting a lot of money (:


Items: 940 | Qty: 947


And most of my friends have more!


I don't think my closet is overstuffed :(


Items: 940 | Qty: 947


And most of my friends have more!


I don't think my closet is overstuffed :(


It really makes me wonder...How much money have you actually spent on that?


Items: 265 | Qty: 320 | Page: 1


Yeah, it sucks for people who like to customize. Saw some people with THOUSANDS of items in their closet. :sad01_anim:

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