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Abandoned attic is annoying


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Is this annoying anyone else - figuring out what time the next restock should be but then it doesn't happen and as the next one could be at 1:30 NST it's been at least half an hour since the last restock.


Very annoying


EDIT: Well, it restoked - I just didnt' get anything. But it's an improvement.

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The Attic has a pattern of every 7 minutes, but the restock happens at 53 seconds past the minute, instead of actually at the beginning of the minute. I find I have to refresh at 54 seconds, though, to actually get see anything. Even when frantically clicking, I'm still not able to get anything.

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The Attic has a pattern of every 7 minutes, but the restock happens at 53 seconds past the minute, instead of actually at the beginning of the minute. I find I have to refresh at 54 seconds, though, to actually get see anything. Even when frantically clicking, I'm still not able to get anything.


Thanks I didn't realise it was 53 seconds, I've just been frantically refreshing at the minute in question! That makes it a lot easier.

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I can access it but I just haven't gotten anything THERE yet. Probably because I visit it with the same frequency of the Igloo Garage Sale, which also, when I get there, either has junk or nothing there at all.

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It is annoying. I've now seen it stock twice. When I refreshed when it stocked a minute ago, there was roughly 7 items. And of course, they POOF.


I've only seen items twice too. Haven't snagged anything. My problem is, if I watch it, I get bored when it doesn't restock for a while and go do something and come back to see that it restocked. :laughingsmiley: At least that's what happened yesterday...


Watching the neoboards really helps. There's one specifically for timekeeping. They tell you the time of the last restock, if there was a restock the last time it could restock, and the time of the next restock. When there's a restock, there's list of the items too. When there are 24 pages, a new topic usually opens, and there's a link to the new topic from the old topic.


For instance

Last RS @ 7:20:53

Pending @ 7:27:53


Oh and yes, it is very annoying. It just restocked - so I've seen items 3 times. I tried to get 2 things, no luck. I can't tell what I'm going for; I just see there are items and click on the first thing I see. :laughingsmiley:



The new board is located here.

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I haven't managed to get anything yet but I honestly haven't tried much. I'm hoping after a while it's popularity will die down and everyone won't be trying at once.


I agree. So far, every time I go to the attic, it just says "Oops! - We just ran out of items."


So, I'll be waiting! :woot:

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I access the attic on my side and was never able to see it restock ... :sad02: I don't think I'll ever be able to get anything from it until I move to the USA or some place with broadband internet loool :sad01_anim:

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Does anyone know a guide to the attic with a list of the items sold there? (or is it still too early for a reliable guide?)


If you keep an eye on the neopets boards there is a thread with all the timings and all of the items and prices that have been sold in each restock. I would link but I can't be bothered to go find it again!!! It's in the 'help' section of the boards though and is regularly updated so is near the top.

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Does anyone know a guide to the attic with a list of the items sold there? (or is it still too early for a reliable guide?)


If you keep an eye on the neopets boards there is a thread with all the timings and all of the items and prices that have been sold in each restock. I would link but I can't be bothered to go find it again!!! It's in the 'help' section of the boards though and is regularly updated so is near the top.


I put the link to the board in my 6:36 post yesterday. The last page will have a link to the next board if it's gotten full.

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Wow. Somebody just offered me a million neopoints for something I bought for a few thousand, max, in the attic. Sick!


Wow! What did you buy? :woot:

I am hoping that I will be able to buy something from the attic soon, but as always I'm too lazy to be able to refresh my page every 7/8 minutes. Someday I'll get lucky!

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