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What to buy at hidden tower?


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What would you guys suggest buying at the hidden tower for the Fyora avatar? There's no use in wasting my money on a Squeezy Tombola Guy, I'm able to buy quite a few things in there however I'm not sure which would be most beneficial. I don't think there's anything I can afford that I could resell for a higher price, so are there any items that may be useful in getting more than one avatar? Something that could work as decent collateral maybe.

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Most people buy a Baby Paint Brush to get the avatar... the loss of NP is not too hard with that item :)


Otherwise, you can always save 9-10M and get a very good battledome item of your liking :)

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I don't put much use to the battledome on my main account so I was leaning towards a Baby Paint Brush. It seems to be the most common choice although I've heard it'll probably sit around my trading post for awhile. I can live with that though xD Thanks for your input :)

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If you are willing to take a 10k-20k loss on your Baby PB, it will probably sell in a day or two. That was my choice for getting the Hidden Tower avatar.

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When I bought a royal PB from the tower there was no Fyora avatar :sad01_anim: At least I'm 99% sure there wasn't....*checks*


*gasp* Is it 'Fyora-Faerie Queen'?


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I bought a baby paint brush and put it on the trading post for 595k and someone offered 600k so you never know. I would go with a paint brush though. They keep their value the best because they are one use and gone.

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To get the Fyora avatar I bought a baby paint brush and then sold it with only a loss of 5,000np which isn't too bad. The baby paint brush seems to be the popular way to go!


EDIT: To get more than one avatar you could buy a faerie queen doll but it's way more expensive.

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I'm waiting for the Faerie Queen Doll because that kills two birds in one stone as you get another avatar from it by playing with your pets.

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I got a Baby PB and resold within a day for a 10k loss, not a bad deal at all!

The problem with FQD is that the difference between hidden tower price and TP is pretty drastic. Better to buy on the TP, or borrow it.

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I got a Baby PB and resold within a day for a 10k loss, not a bad deal at all!

The problem with FQD is that the difference between hidden tower price and TP is pretty drastic. Better to buy on the TP, or borrow it.


That is definitely true. The FQD is very expensive and if your saving for another goal and because of this I would not recommend buying it from the Hidden Tower. I still think a Baby paint brush is the best way to go.

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Buy something that you want, or can sell.

I bought the Baby PB, and gave it to my sister. Both of us got an avatar that way. She painted her Kougra and got "Kougra - Baby" (the kougra was under 59 days old) and I got "Fyora - Faerie Queen".

Before I did that I was thinking of getting one of the PBs.


BTW, TDN Avatar Lending Program lends the FQD.

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  • 3 months later...

i got the baby paint brush and sold it for a tomato dipped chocolate bar


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