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Yea, don't be a jerk. One thing I hate the most is when someone ruins a game for me before I play it by telling me who's in it/ what's gonna happen.

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I feel the same way. (Except when it's a movie and it's too suspenseful for me. Then I want it ruined.) :laughingsmiley:


I'll wait until he's ready. He's sitting beside me right now, playing Pox Nora. I was like "Don't look. I'm on the Pokemon topic."


Yea, don't be a jerk. One thing I hate the most is when someone ruins a game for me before I play it by telling me who's in it/ what's gonna happen.


See I hate that too, but it's not like you'll be spoiling the entire game, just starters.


My brother's friend nearly spoiled How to Train Your Dragon when I went to see it. I clamped his mouth shut.


ON TOPIC: Who is your favorite starter out of all the generations?


This is how I feel all the starters compare.


Grass: Tsutaja>Turtwig=Bulbasaur>Treeko>Chikorita

Fire: Charmander>Cyndaquil>Torchic>Pokabu>Chimchar

Water: Totodile>Mijumaru>Piplup=Squirtle>Mudkip




Fire: Torchic > Charmander > Cyndaquil > Chimchar > Pokabu

Water: Piplup > Totodile > Squirtle > Mudkip = Mijumaru

Grass: Tsutaja > Treeko > Chikorita > Bulbasaur = Turtwig


I put Piplup in first because Empoloan (I know I spelled that wrong Anime...) is just plain awesome.


I think I'll avoid making a list just yet as we don't know the new starter's evos, attacks, subtypes, ect, but Chimchar is defintly my fav fire starter thus far, and I've always liked Chikorita.


Empoleon is actually hard. That's excusable. xD


ohh I just have high hopes for Mijumaru. I want it to evolve into something amazing. & yea, Empoleon is pretty awesome. A giant steel penguin is pretty hard to beat.


Desgin wise? Steel penguin ftw. Type wise? ...I can take out my rival's with Infernape. fighting > steel and all.


All the starters have the potential to have soem really cool evos.


Hey! Does anyone have a pokemon with pokerus? I wanna borrow one so I can infect some of my pokemon.

Battling like 200 pokemon to train 1 pokemon gets a little painful after awhile. :I


No, I don't have any. I had a few a while back, but they're all cured now and won't spread it any more.


It's really rare and you get it from a wild pokemon. Most people just get their pokemon infected by other peoples pokemon and spread it around.

Oh well. I'm just gonna take a nice long break from training pokemon -o-


Hey! Does anyone have a pokemon with pokerus? I wanna borrow one so I can infect some of my pokemon.

Battling like 200 pokemon to train 1 pokemon gets a little painful after awhile. :I


Oh my! Why so many pokemon just to train one?


Pokerus is mainly used for EV training and there's a LOT of ways to make things go faster!


*looks thru notes*


If you feed your pokemon 10 vitamins for one stat and are planning to get it 252(the max) EVs and with the battle frontier item equipped, you only need to fight 30 pokemon with the item equipped and then 5 without it!


That's all WITHOUT the pokerus xD


I have still not made it to the Battle Frontier so I can't get those power items 9_6

I feed my pokemon vitamins, but I still have to get the rest of the EVs in that stat by battling. And then I have to do that again for another stat. :'(


I have still not made it to the Battle Frontier so I can't get those power items 9_6

I feed my pokemon vitamins, but I still have to get the rest of the EVs in that stat by battling. And then I have to do that again for another stat. :'(


Oh man =(

Well if it makes you feel better, I have a few pokemon infected with Pokerus on my SS game that I can trade ^~^ If you have an extra Totodile to trade, I'll happily take it =D




If you want, I can try to explain EV training to you in a way that even I could understand on a separate board CAV? ^^ EV training ain't so hard once you get the basics out of the way! Plus it makes your team stronger ^.~


eevee- That would be great!! I have some just hatched totodiles. Do you care about the nature? I have Timid, Hardy, Quirky, Naive, or Adamant.


eevee- That would be great!! I have some just hatched totodiles. Do you care about the nature? I have Timid, Hardy, Quirky, Naive, or Adamant.


Adamant would be fine =D


Just message me whenever you're on again and we can trade :)


Is there any pokemon in particular you wanted that I could infect with pokerus is or any fine?


For direct trades you need codes, but if you just wanna mess around there's the Plaza which puts you with random people, and for random trades there's the (rather skewed, but still useful) GTS.

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