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April Fools Day


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http://www.neopets.com/trousers/video/index.phtml?vid=2 battle dome goes 3d?


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Does anyone have an idea of whether or not we can clean the pie off of our neopets' faces? I'm assuming that at the worst it will just go away at midnight NST...


And what is this talk about "danger"-ing people? Everyone on the NeoBoards is all "danger me, I'll danger you, etc"


I'm pretty confused :worried:

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The filters are on the neoboards :)


Pie would be changed into Danger, soo people want you to "pie" them xD


It's been said that you get a special background (surrounded by PIES!) if you pie someone a random number of times, so everyone trying to help each other get "danger"

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Pie would be changed into Danger, soo people want you to "pie" them xD


It's been said that you get a special background (surrounded by PIES!) if you pie someone a random number of times, so everyone trying to help each other get "danger"

This! Someone pie me! LOL

I'll return the favor!

My username is heartbr3ak

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I saw you on the boards xD


I'll pie you after the few minutes of waiting to "danger" someone again xD


EDIT: got ya heartbr3ak! You have been dangerd xD

Thank you! :D

I got the BG a few minutes ago but it seems to be glitched still :(

I'll pie you back once the 5 minute wait is up haha

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I haven't got the avatar.. but my pet has changed spieces! She's now an Usul... even though her offical speices is still Xweetok...


Anybody else had this :P It better be a prank...

Yes it's a prank. One of the pranks randomly morphs your active neopet. The possibilities are Maraquan Mynci, Speckled Usul, Blue Ogrin and Rainbow Tuskaninny. I did it on purpose to my side account xsara123x. It morphed Flamestorm7, my Red Lupe, into a Blue Ogri


Another prank is this, about the 'new paintbrush'.


Where did you find that?

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Do we have to pie X number of other users, or is it number of times we pie anyone to get the BG? Can I just keep pieing the same neofriend over and over? or is it based on how many times we get pied?

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Haven't seen one yet, if I do I will post O.K? PS: Somebody pie me.


A relic painted pet, that is.


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