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AA wondered why Luna had picked him up and put him down in the same place. He then blasted Luna's drama teacher with a mind-control ray and assigned him to Luna.


((I.e., Luna now has mind control over her drama teacher :evil: ))

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AA was busy hijacking the TV frequencies all over the world in order to broadcast digitally-generated provocative statements by various world leaders, thus escalating the world war.

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AA used his influence to make Luna's drama teacher a very powerful dictator, thus escalating the war to drastic proportions.

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At this point AA3 teleported randomly on Luna's drama teacher as he was making a speech. The chaos that ensued allowed him to escape.

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AA organised a scandal that would make Luna's drama teacher fall from grace and end up in prison, with several details of the scandal contributing to the war. He now had quite a big world war going.

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AA wandered around a bit, promoting hostility and destruction here and there, but he didn't really have a use for Luna's drama teacher any more so he handed the mind control back to Luna.

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Meanwhile, the US, Russian, Indian, Chinese, and just about every other military in the world were heading to Kenya to secure its resources and further fuel their war efforts.

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Luna, having heard the warning via Parrot-mail, assembled all the warriors of the Kikuyu, Meru, Kalenjin, Luyha, Luo, Kisii, Kamba, Swahili, Masai, Turkana and their weapons. They protected the people from the enslaught of the invaders. They used their natural techniques to disturb and harry the invaders to make them go away. America's technological forces, being comparable to a a whipped dog, having several spears in its pride and backside, fled to the moon. And from that day onward, american armies have always been afraid of the Kenyan warriors.

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AA sat back and watched the entertainment as the various factions continued to battle. China launched a combat mission to the moon to try and get rid of the Americans there, while a few other countries continued to battle over Africa.

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AA detonated precisely placed nukes on the moon just as the soldiers landed there, completely destroying the moon and even further escalating the world war.

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AA noticed the lion trying to get through his personal defense network, and it gave him an idea. He mind-controlled all the lions in the world, and got them to attack the various soldiers in the area.

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AA decided to ignore the lion that was persistently gnawing at his leg armour, and teleported himself to the International Space Station instead.

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AA watched, amused, as soldiers ran around retrofitting the ISS to make it capable of delivering an orbital bombardment.

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Luna then dragged AA into the transformitional star-porter (posh word for a molecule scrambler) she saw the button for go. (closing the door she clicked the lock) and would have pressed lay, but being colourblind as a lion, she pressed another button. Somehow, AA's clothes looked like Alice from Alice in Wonderland's.

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AA watched as Luna played with the various settings on the simulator she had found, then decided to override the ISS's systems and bombard Hawaii.

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