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Morgan woke up and stretched her arms out. "Mmm, what a nap." She glanced at Metroid stuck inside the television. "Ooh, flip it to Barney! Let's see how Metroid can handle a loving, purple dinosaur!"

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*Metroid appeared on the Nature Network*


Narrator: Today on the Nature Network, we will learn about the lion.


Metroid: Crud....


Narrator: As you can see, the female lion is out hunting and found a prey to take down. In this case, a floating green alien blob.


Metroid: I still have a name....


Narrator: Look! Here she comes now!


*The lion attacks Metroid and tears him apart*


Metroid: At least this beats a fun loving purple dinosaur.

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"Oh no, we can't have this senseless violence." Morgan jumped off of anime's head and grabbed the remote. She flipped through a few channels and finally found the 24-hours-a-day-Barney-channel. "Ah, perfect. Just what I needed. Seeing Metroid tortured with love." On the TV, Barney began to sing to Metroid. "I love you, you love me..."

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*Metroid is being tortured by Barney*


Barney: Hey everybody! Today, we will learn about how to share. Metroid, will you share this block with Stanley?


Metroid: Fine... *Throws the block at Stanley and knocks him out cold*


Barney: Uh oh... somebody isn't being nice. Maybe you need a fat hug!


Metroid: NOT THE HUG!!!


*Metroid gets hugged by Barney and blows up*


Barney: Those crazy kids! They get me every time!

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*Metroid reapeared back onto the show out of thin air.*


Metroid: What? How did I get back?!


Barney: Nobody disappears on Barney and Friends without the official Barney theme song!


Metroid: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!


*Metroid wakes up in a bed*


Metroid: Whew. Must've been a dream.


Barney: Nope. You ran into a wall and became unconsious. I put you into bed until you got better!


Metroid: NOOOOO!!!

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TotaKeiko was rolling on the floor, she was laughing soooooo hard! "Dora the Explorer is on another channel! Should we change?"

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Barney: Seems like it's the end of the show, kids! You know what that means?


Metroid: That this show will be cancelled?


Barney: No, silly! We are gonna sing the goodbye song!


Metroid: Noooooo!!!!



I love you,

You love me,

We're a happy family,

with a great big hug,

and a kiss from me to you,

Won't you say you love me TOO!


I love you,

You love me,

We're best friends like friends should be,

With a great big hug,

And a kiss from me to you,

Won't you say you love me too


Metroid: 0_o *Twitches*

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TotaKeiko switched the channel. metroid appeared in the middle of boots and Dora.

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*Metroid appeared on Dora the Explorer*


Dora: Uh oh! It's Swiper!


Boots: He's gonna steal our magical muffins!


Metroid: C'mon. Do I really look like a fox to you?


Dora: Say it with us, everybody. Swiper no swipey! Swiper no Swipey! Swiper no swipey!


Metroid: Oh, man!


Boots: Thanks for your help everyone! We can finally deliver these magical muffins to King What'shisname!

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*luaghs* TotaKeiko watched Boots tackle Metroid.

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"Ugh, I hate football! Let's put him in the middle of the Teletubby special!" Morgan grabbed the remote and found Teletubbies moving toward Metroid. "Go get him! Give him a great big hug!" :D

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"I wonder..." anime mumbled. She took the remote, pressed a few buttons, and made Matroid dance around and sing. "It dose work! We can control Metroid with the remote!" anime laughed.

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"I'm getting bored of this. Why don't we take Metroid out of the TV and hook him up to a lie detector? We can ask embarrasing questions make him answer them." Morgan grabbed the machine from behind a tree and set it up.

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