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  1. 1. Which is the best?

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I choose Lion King. whenever I was little, where Mufasa died because of scar...I always cried at this part. Something about this movie just made me fall in love with it. I also loved Wall-E. It's so sad, and happy at the same time.

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I just watched the third Toy Story and it rekindled all of my love for the trilogy and more.

I can't believe I forgot how much I loved Toy Story. Favorite animated movie by far.

I love you, Pixar!!


The Lion King. Beauty and the Beast comes in a close second. The instrumentals in The Lion King do it for me; I often do watch certain scenes in the movie over and over where the ambiance is just truely epic.


I don't consider Toy Story a Disney movie (whole Pixar co-op thing), but for the sake of the poll, I'd say that ranks up there as well. The scene where potato head takes his lips and smacks them against his bum while speak-n-spell is laughing is just awsome. I can't believe they got away with that.


Pocahontas. Mulan is definitely 2nd place. Pocahontas has by far the best songs in it. The opening song is simply phenomenal and the life lessons about respecting the environment etc. taught in this movie make it the best Disney movie :)


I was going to vote for Mulan, but Toy Story was just as awesome, if not more. I voted for Toy story ;)


Mulan had the best songs though, and it had action!


*goes to listen to I'll make a man out of you* XD


You missed one of the most epic movies on the planet in that poll of yours! :P


I'm a very big Beauty and the Beast fan. So if were to say which movie would be amazing, it would be that one. And I'm such a fan that I have dressed up as Belle and nearly looked just like her! *points at my avatar*


But anyways, it was also a tough decision because I am a big Disney fan in general and I think all of the movies had something special. ;D


Hmm I liked almost all of the Disney movies :whistle:

Hard to pick a favourite.


Sleeping Beauty actually used to creep me out when I was little.


I loved 101 Dalmations, Mulan, The Rescuers, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, The Aristocats, The Lion King, Oliver and Company, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Bambi, Dumbo, The Jungle Book... the list can go on but I won't bother as there is not much point listing almost every Disney film that I liked. :D


This was such a hard decision for me because I remember getting a lot of these movies when they first came out on VHS. I love Hercules but am also a big fan of The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast. I think I have just about every soundtrack on my ipod. I love Disney...well the old stuff. The new stuff is a bit sad


I'm afraid nothing disney beats miyazaki's work, for me (spirited away, princess mononoke, howl's moving castle, laputa etc.) .. and jap anime in general


I like darker themes too


don't get me wrong, brilliant technique for their earlier films

but disney is so so in terms of story/concept - too polished and overly cliche'


The cutting hair scene in mulan really is epic. But I do love Spirited Away. And I think I'm going to end up watching that tonight now. :D Although, I did just go to disneyland, so I'm definetly in a disney mood now.


Edit: I just watched it. I'm in love with Haku. :D It always made me upset that they didn't run off together.


I'm afraid nothing disney beats miyazaki's work, for me (spirited away, princess mononoke, howl's moving castle, laputa etc.) .. and jap anime in general


I like darker themes too


don't get me wrong, brilliant technique for their earlier films

but disney is so so in terms of story/concept - too polished and overly cliche'


Agreed. Miyazaki's work is awesome and even the dubs were pretty good (I prefer Japanese + subtitles but will accept some English dubs).

I also prefer anime to Disney but over time I've shifted from darker anime to happier ones.


I still like Toy Story 3 though. That octopus was amazing :D


Hands down The Hunchback of Notre Dame. They toned it down a bit from the novel but still it is easily Disney's darkest feature.


When I watched it again after many years I kinda realized "Holy moly this is more terrifying than I remembered) Surprising how deep the film became once I learned more about the world.


Lion King is definately the most memorable disney movie i've watched. I remember as a kid, i forced almost every single person that came to our house to watch it :whistle: . I must've watched it at least fifty times


Hands down The Hunchback of Notre Dame. They toned it down a bit from the novel but still it is easily Disney's darkest feature.


When I watched it again after many years I kinda realized "Holy moly this is more terrifying than I remembered) Surprising how deep the film became once I learned more about the world.

Oooo, I love the song "Hellfire" from that movie. It's so EPIC.

Now I am off to youtube to watch it.

(Fantasia is still my favorite Disney movie. I guess I really like music paired with cartoons. Fantasia 2000 was awful and makes Quark sad. But, Night on Bald Mountain is SO GOOD. And scary! I was so obsessed with that part as a kid, even though I was partly afraid of it.)


it's so hard to decide, i love all of the disney movies, probably mulan, though, since that's the one that made me rediscover the magic of disney after several years


Agreed. Miyazaki's work is awesome and even the dubs were pretty good (I prefer Japanese + subtitles but will accept some English dubs).


The only anime that has subs that even MATCH the character's voice to me is Dragon Ball Z. But I don't watch that anyways.


Greatest Disney movie to me was Mulan. Music and Action. Next would be Lion King.


My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. I adore the music, and the moral is fabulous.


Lion King is definitely up there, but the Broadway show and music is way better than the movie.


I also love Aladdin and Mulan for the music and the morals. Be yourself and girl power!


Peter Pan is one of my favorite stories, ever, but I hate the Disney version. It took too much liberty with the story without making it better. The 2003 live action version (not Disney) also took liberties with the story, but in my opinion they enhanced the story and made for a more enjoyable viewing experience.


If we're talking about non-animated Disney movies, Mary Poppins is my favorite. A magical nanny? Awesome! And how can you not love Julie Andrews and Van Dyke? And the music? Can't beat it! Feed the birds, Chim Chim Cheree, and of course, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. (Well, you can say it backwards, which is dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirupes but that's going a bit too far, now don't you think?) ;)



(Hmm, that's not as cool typed as it is said out loud... Still an awesome song though.)


Toy Story was the best for me personally. I think I even went through about a 3 month stage where I pretended to be Andy 24/7. Obsessive, but Toy Story was the thing as a kid.

Posted (edited)

The Little Mermaid!!!! No, wait, the lion king..... hunchback of notre dame? Mulan? Urgh this is just too difficult :/

*has slight argument with self* hmm the jury's out on this one I love them all....


Okay I just consulted my parents and my favourite when I was little was the 101 dalmations, apparently I even watched it over an over again - like watch it through, rewind the VHS then watch it all over :D

Edited by lola_vogue

Alice in Wonderland (the original) and Lilo & Stitch are my all time favorite disney movies but from this list, Mulan is definitely my favorite. I found the hidden lesson of try hard and you can overcome anything a great lesson in life. Plus the music and art of course. Mushu is still an awesome little dragon.

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