Ali Cat Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 The much anticipated Altador Cup IV prizes have arrived! Krawk Island fans especially are looking forward to KI-themed prizes... To check out the prizes and redeem your points, just click here. For a complete run-down on the prizes by TDN, check out this page. Fans will not be disappointed by this spectacular array of prizes from slushies and posters to the top prize, a cloud paint brush! Don't forget the brightly colored yooyu's that were "released" earlier in the cup but were added to the prize shop later. As a special bonus, participants get 50 NC for free! Exactly what everyone wanted! Right? For everyone who has just participated for the first time, the Altador Cup avatar and Site Theme will be available at the prize shop! If you completed the NC Challenges, all of them, then you are eligible to collect that prize as well. Please note that the shop isn't fully running yet as it has not been properly announced. Waiting till the shop is fully up-and-running before buying prizes would be the safest. Beware glitches that are going around, such as 0 points showing up as people's total. Hopefully they will be fixed soon! Update: The shop is up and running, with only a few glitches. No one is getting the NC, and the 0 point glitch is still going :(
FutureTXTurkey Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 Am I missing something or is anyone else confused by this supposed Lost Desert AC poster? It doesn't have anything to do with LD as far as I can tell...It's just a pic of the cup & ac symblol. I know the shop hasn't really gone live yet, but this one struck me as a particularly odd glictch. Well darn they fixed it. I'd already bought one hoping they would leave it as sort of a strange oddity. *sigh* Well anyone who wanted all the posters, but couldn't afford them I have a spare LD one.
Sakura_Kinomoto Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 why there aren't any shenkuu shirts? and has someone seen if points are cumulative?
Azeruth Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 The shop isn't officially open, they are still working on it.
Blurrz Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 "why there aren't any shenkuu shirts?" For what reason? If other teams don't have shirts, then neither will Shenkuu. Even if Shenkuu won this year, it would be next year that their 'Vintage' Jersey would show up in the Prize Shop.
PUNKIN1ONLY Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 Ya I was surprised by the Lost Desert Poster to. Well the shop hasn't officially been released so that might change to just an altador poster and LD might get a new one. And there are no SHenkuu things because SHenkuu has never accomplished anyhting and most of you are winy babies =]]]] and look at my signature =]] I'm already for next year!!
Monica Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 PUNKIN1ONLY said: Ya I was surprised by the Lost Desert Poster to. Well the shop hasn't officially been released so that might change to just an altador poster and LD might get a new one. And there are no SHenkuu things because SHenkuu has never accomplished anyhting and most of you are winy babies =]]]] You know, that's just rude. I was wondering why we should be happy about the cloud paint brush, it's kinda lame. Oh well, next year Shenkuu will win, we can hope for a Shenkuu paintbrush as a prize then.
Sapphy the Swamp Witch Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 o_0 Whoa...I'm guessing the prize shop wasn't supposed to go live yet? Loads of glitches, haha xD. The prizes are mostly nice but so many of them are a repeat of last year...I hope that's just a glitch again! I sure hope the posters work in Classic NeoHomes... There's nothing celebrating KI's win, huh? I guess TNT's living in the past again. -points at Roo Island stuff- But RI got nothing special for them last least they can get it now! :yes:
PUNKIN1ONLY Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 Monica said: You know, that's just rude. I was wondering why we should be happy about the cloud paint brush, it's kinda lame. Oh well, next year Shenkuu will win, we can hope for a Shenkuu paintbrush as a prize then. I really don't know how it is rude. COmpletly true. Have you been on neopet's forums?
LDforthecup Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 i didnt get my avatar or theme yet is it because it hasnt fully opened? :eh:
Azeruth Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 You'll get your avatar, trophies/medals, etc. when it's officially opened.
Monica Posted July 7, 2009 Posted July 7, 2009 PUNKIN1ONLY said: I really don't know how it is rude. COmpletly true. Have you been on neopet's forums? Calling people whiny babies is rude, and no, I dont go onto the Neopets forum if for no other reason than they tend to act like chickens with their heads cut off.
Sapphy the Swamp Witch Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 Chickens with their heads cut off? xD PUNKIN1ONLY, I know the people from Shenkuu on the Neoboards aren't the politest, but there's no need to call us whiny babies and say that we don't get anything because we've never accomplished anything. :/ Heh, I wonder how much the Cloud Paint Brush is going to deflate now...
ΩCCΩ Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 I bought some items from there :whistles: and I can tell you that the book works but I didnt get my trophy yet...
cobble-stone Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 when the shop is full open (hopefully tommorow or sooner) it should give you the trophy/medal.
Lia Seeya Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 I think I'll wait a little while. ^^; A Cloud PB as top prize? A little surprising... o.O At least now I can wait until the price goes down. :D Eek, so far, no good prizes for me. :|
Sapphy the Swamp Witch Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 The prize shop is running properly now! Well, not exactly. You get your avatar and trophy or medal but I'm still affected by the 0 glitch. :( I think TNT's awarding the points in alphabetical order or something?
hrtbrk Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 Everything is working great on my end: trophy, avatar, points etc. Does anyone know if any of the prizes are wearable?
Guest Krawk Islander Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 Well, the trophy looks hideous - which is no surprise. Especially SK's. It looks more chrome than silver. Prizes are meh. Best trophy = LD's, IMO. Love the color. KI's is gold, but not awesome as I had expected. Got 81,889 points. :P And the RI/HW/DC stuff should be wearable, as the kite maybe.
ΩCCΩ Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 It as said in the news (which is now updated) that they are still giving out the points.
Mireia Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 It said that the points are awarded alphabeltically. I still haven't recieved mines. The cloud PB it's... I have no words to describe it, probably the yooyus are more expensive than the "best prize"
Blurrz Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 All Jerseys are wearable as Krawk Islander said. Believe it or not the Grocery Bag is wearable. Unfortunately since they nerfed the Points system compared to last year.. I dont have enough points to see whether or not that Hat is wearable.. even though Im Rank 10 Q_Q Would be nice if someone could fill us in on that
Sapphy the Swamp Witch Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 Lol my silver trophy just looks like some fat Yooyu on top of a stand xD. I liked ACII's trophy the best.
-Ryan Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 Oh my gosh. I can't stop Lol'ing at TNT for putting a Cloud pb in there xD WAY TO GO TNT! We asked for a pb and they gave us one xD
clock_maker Posted July 8, 2009 Posted July 8, 2009 Did anyone else not get 50NC ? I've particpated from day one and haven't recieved any neocash. Is anyone else having this problem?
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