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Happy Isabel Day!


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So, you're probably aware that TDN provides Avatar Lending services to all those avatar hunters out there. And you might have noticed that the Lending Program has run into some troubled times over the past year, what with various administrative catastrophes and all. But, thanks to the support of the community and the dedication of the people running it, the ALP has managed to spring back, and recently lent to its 500th borrower!


You likely also know that TDN provides answers to the Faerie Crossword and Daily Puzzle, right on the dot (or almost :P ), for every day.


But, perhaps you didn't know that the staffer who takes care of the FCA also works on the ALP? So, you might be wondering, what crazy person would be dedicated enough to spend countless hours coordinating item transfers and lending chains, AND post the FCA and Daily Puzzle answers like clockwork. Every. Single. Night.


Enough preamble. Today is a very special day for that person!




That's right! :D Wish her happy birthday on this topic, fire off comments to her profile, and make sure to drop by her wishlist!


I salute you Izzy! Happy Birthday! *runs off to get cake*

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Thanks for your incredible dedication to TDN! Hope you have a FANTASTIC day and wrap up warm - I don't know about you but it's freezing down here! You're awesome. ;)



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Happy birthday, Izzy! Thanks for everything you do to make TDN a wonderful place!

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A big and pretty and happy birthday to Izzy!

Thank you very much for all your amazing work on TDN ^_^

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Happy Birthday Izzy :)

This is the day we are allowed to remind you how awesome you are! I know you are not a big fan of attention grabber that our birthday threads are but you deserve every single wishes that was post and will be post on here! What you do here at TDN is truely amazing, not to mention that you manage to do in addition of your meds studies! I think you are an angel! Did it hurt to fall from the sky?

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I do wish you a happy birthday, and happy days to come ever after, Isabel! I - and, surely, the entire TDN community - thank you for your most dedicated work on The Daily Neopets, and congratulate you on obtaining another 365.25 days of life for your collection of experiences. Let us drink a toast! *mashes piece of toast and dissolves in water, then drinks*


*ahem* And once again do I say:





Gratz on the year, and thank you very much! I wish you as well... a (half-eaten by me) plate of cookies.

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Happy Birthday Izzy!!


From my point of view you really did a great job in the ALP because you not only do your part as a content staff but you also have to be involve in the various process in the ALP without any help from anyone from what I see it.


However, you really deserve a break today so go out and enjoy your birthday!! :woot:

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*sings Happy Birthday very off-key*


Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Iiiiiiiiiiiizzy... Haaaaaaappy Biiirthday toooooooo youuuuuuuuu!


*coughs* Sorry that was off-key. I am insane like that. xD Anyway, Happy Birthday to Izzy! xD

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