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Mothers Day

crazy monkey

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I got my mom a scarf, and I'm painting her nails. I'd do more, but I have two huge projects due.



However, apparently I'm getting something from my friend since we have this inside joke that I'm her mom. (long story)

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We're going to my grandparents and having lunch at the country club. They live about an hour away, so I'll be playing my DS, have my iPod going, and ahve two backup books for the car time... And then my Nana and her new husband are coming over for dinner.

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Well, my mom and mother-in-law are three timezones away so a phone call. They've already gotten their cards and respective gifts. My mother got a $25 gift card to Red Lobster (she's been dying to go but couldn't justify the expense) and my mother-in-law got lotion, body wash and something else with Dead Sea salts (she loves what the sea salts do for her skin but, again, couldn't justify the expense).


If we were back home there would be lunch and dinner as well, lunch with one and dinner with the other. No flowers though. They both feel, while flowers are nice and beautiful, they die quickly, making them a waste of money.

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We went out tonight. My mom was down because of her stupid boyfriend. So we went to my sister's job and we ordered some food and drink. We gave her make up XD. And we will do a daughters-mother dinner on monday night :)

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We're going out of town tomorrow, doing whatever comes to mom's mind. Scary.


I know Mexican food is on the agenda, though. :D

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I will be giving my mom the two lawn chairs she wanted. The store that sells them where I live didn't have any in stock when she went to get them, but I was out of town for a conference for work and stopped at the store there and they had them so that is going to be her mothers day gift. But other than that we won't be doing anything. My daughter is only two so I doubt she'll be doing anything for me tomorrow. I'm sure I'll clean and that's probably all that will happen.

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I'm a mommy! :D My son is too young to really do much but my mom will take him out and he will pick out stuff he thinks I'll like and then picks out a card he thinks I will like as well. Last year he brought me 4 red roses in a vase.. I still have them! I dried them. :3 Anything he does for me is so special it makes my heart melt.


For my mom I don't ever do anything anymore because we kind of.. hate each other. lol I will get her a card but I totally forgot so all the good ones will probably be gone by tomorrow, bah.

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Because my in-laws can never deviate from routines, we are going for brunch at the Chinese buffet. Mmmm.....chicken balls at 11:00 am! *sarcasm*


Then, at my mum's request, everyone is coming to my house for supper. We're having a barbeque. I just finished making potato salad and macaroni salad. I'll be making pie tomorrow and cheesecake, maybe.

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I am going out with my Mum, Dad and two brothers to dinner tonight. We always spend a few hours together as a family. We got here a bunch of little things but I think she'll like her Pandora charm bracelet more than anything! I am looking forward to going out tonight, my family are fun to hang with.

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Let's see.. I didn't make anything for her this time simply because I didn't take the time for it. Ah well, she can live with the presents of my little brothers.

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We went out last night for a supper at a nice restaurant since my mom's picking up my brother from college today ^_^ Tonight we'll have a few gifts, cards, all that jazz.

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Blah, I ended up getting my mom a really pretty bouquet of yellow flowers. Yellow is her favorite color. :P Went to lunch with her, my step-dad, my Nanny and my son. Fun times! :) "Mason" got me a cute little picture frame with a picture of him in it! HEHEEH!

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Well what we did for my mom for mothers day was rented two movies (nothing she wanted to watch at the theaters) and we made her dinner after. I personally have to study for my finals so its about all that i could do today.

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