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Well I'm very very angry. I had someone who wanted to play with no mini games and they QUIT! The first time we played they quit and then NM me to tell me their screen had frozen. This time they went AFK and then quit,so I reported them. ARGHHHHHHH!! WHY CAN'T I JUST PLAY ONE GAME!! (sorry needed to rant).


On the other hand, I did get a paintbrush yesterday. (which is now in auctions).

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The mini games lag SO BADLY on my laptop! for some reason, other players can grow and cut 4 flowers before I've even watered 1!! Is there a way to not play with mini games? Can someone invite me to a game?

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The mini games lag SO BADLY on my laptop! for some reason, other players can grow and cut 4 flowers before I've even watered 1!! Is there a way to not play with mini games? Can someone invite me to a game?


I think the only way to play without mini games is to find a player who also does not want to play the mini games, and when one of you lands on the Mini game spot, neither one of you actually do anything in the mini game leaving both of you with scores of 0.

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If you're still online in a little bit, I'd be down to play a game or two. I just need to finish eating...too lazy to move my food into the computer room lol. Had to move my Neopets to another computer as my Mac was heating up too quickly, and I'm currently using it to play WoW...thankfully we currently have 4 computers in our house or I'd be screwed lol.

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I'm playing a game at the moment, be with you in a few minutes! ^_^


Okay. :) Just send me an invite when you're done...will be checking my KQ tab every so often as I'm currently applying for jobs also. -___- lol

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Okay, sent an invite! i'm in the Newbie board since I'm a newbie XD NO MINI-GAMES, right?


Thanks for playing with me!

I want to know why, even though we didn't play the games (and I hardly moved my mouse...except in the spider game...'twas making my spider dance lol), I still ended up with points for the mini games. =/ Confuses me.

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I asked another player, apparently the computer randomly decides who gets the points. It did the same in that other game >:C The computer doesn't like me one little bit

Well if we play again with no mini-games, we should either take turns "winning" the game by having player A playing the mini game while player B allows player A to win, then the next mini-game, the Player B plays the game while player A lets player B win. Or since I "won" all of the last mini-games, you can win the ones for the game we play next, whenever we play again.

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Done! Sorry for the delay, fixing the puppy's bed despite his best attempts to wear his new blanket like a hat XD


No worries, I had to change the sheets on the couch...our dog sheds too much and brings in dirt from outside...effects our allergies pretty bad. Back on Keyquest, so whenever you're ready :)

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I was just about to come here an rant about lousy prizes (well, I did just came here) when I noticed I got the SLM piece that's worth 1 mil. !! Huraaaah :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love Key Quest, but I really wish the community was better. It seems like every time I go on the boards wanting to lounge, it's swamped with ranting. Not just about quitters, mind you, but by boards made by people angry that their opponents said "good game" after winning. There's more petty strife than among players of other games who compete for real money instead of neopoints and game items... I just think it's bizarre. :eh:


In other news, been filling up my shop with winnings lately. I don't have to use my laptop anymore, so my minigame performance has vastly improved.

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I LOVE Key Quest! <3 Just won the 1 mil. worth SLM piece the second time in..10 days! Crazy :D


Oh congrats I had taken a break from Key quest while getting my habi up and running but sounds like i might switch back for a bit im getting tempted by the prizes he he

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