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Zafier's Return: The Final Battle


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Guest �strophysicist

"What was I suposed to do, that human destroyed my ship, released the shapeshifters, and nearly killed me. I was being hunted for over three months. I am just happy I am alive." replied Raziar.


The man who had leaped in front of them was Jon. He looked just as he did six months ago.

"I am going to kill you all!" he said.

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"It is best to die with dignity, than to live in shame. Even you should know that, father." Zafier pressed some buttons on his watch and teleported away.


Beth jumped at the sight of the creatures before her. She recognized one of them as Jon. "Gah! Give us a break, Jon! I don't have time for this!" Beth reached around in her pack for her dagger and pulled it out. This probably won't do me much good, but it's the only thing I have right now.

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A katana was drawn, identical to the two that hung at Jon's side. "Let's go Jon, if you continue to insist on killing us, at least allow me to go down fighting." She smiled. "If you can take me down, that is." With that she made the furst attck.

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Guest �strophysicist

He quickly drew his Tonfas and crossed them to block her strike.

"Little sister, you are pathetic." he said forcing her Katana down and quickly pulling out one of his Katanas in his left hand along with a tonfa. He took a quick swing at her, first blocked then struck her acrossed her arm. It was only a cut.


Beth, Beth, a voice was talking to Beth, it sounded strangly familiar, Don't speak, just let me talk. The Apocalypse Bringer couldn't take his memories, he left Earth and flew himself into a black hole. That killed him. I am Jon's half from the place of lost souls. The Jon you see in front of you, fighting with Ryo, is a shapeshifter, the other man who claims to be my father is also a shapeshifter. You have to understand, there is only one way to kill these things. About 500 feet west of you is the gauntlet I used six months ago to kill the three attacking you guys in Wisconson. Use it to kill these two. They can only die when they are electrified. They don't die anyother way.

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Beth hesitated for a moment. She spoke softly to herself, hoping that Jon would hear. "How are you able to communicate with me if your in that realm?" No matter, if what he says is true, than I should probably go west. Beth quickly escaped the shapeshifter and ran a few hundred feet, then slowed to a walk. A few minutes later, she found a gauntlet on the ground. This must be it. Nice. Beth put it on, then started running toward the shapeshifter. I sure hope this works. I'm dead meat if it doesn't.

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Guest �strophysicist

The shapeshifter mimicing Jon paused, looked down, and saw a blade through its stomach. Then the blade became electrified. It screamed a horrible scream before turning back into its monstrous form. Then it exploded.

The other shapeshifter mimicing the other man turned back to its old form and run away on all fours.


Raziar turned his head toward the pile of rubble that used to be his son's ship, then he ran into the pile with no one else looking.


Beth, I thought I told you in the realm that if my other half dies then I come back to this universe...

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Sheathing her sword, she watched the shapeshifter retreat. Overeager for a family again. You didn't even notice the slight difference in smell. She shook her head and turned to Beth. "Thank you, but how did you find that gauntlet?" Remembering the cut, she pressed her hand over the wound.

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But it didn't die, did it? Just a shapeshifter? Beth put the gauntlet down and faced Ryo. "I guess I just stumbled upon it. It looked pretty useful to me." Beth noticed the cut on her arm. "Ooh, is there anything I can do about that? Like, get a cloth or something?"


Zafier appeared in a small alley a couple of miles away from the children. "I cannot believe my father. If I had known he was such a coward, I would never have come here...perhaps it's time to leave this planet..." He walked out of the alley and looked toward the sky. Zafier teleported back to the battlefield, making sure he was unnoticed but that he could still see Raziar. "But not without making sure that father has a most gruesome death."

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Guest �strophysicist

The Apocalypse Bringer is an energy lifeform. The only way he could die if for him to either run out of energy and starve or get sucked into a blackhole.


Raziar was busy scavenging through the remains of the ships. Rain water poured on his face while trying to get power to the destroyed craft. But the was something strange, something worried him.

A blast of energy struck him in his arm, blowing it clean off. He turned around to see his son where the blast came from.

His arm started to grow back, something impossible for his species.

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((All right, enough. I let you control Raziar, a character that, technically, is still mine, but I give no approval to you controlling Zafier, even for a small action like that. Don't do it again.))


Zafier crept up to Raziar, then struck him in the back of the head. "I'm putting you out of your misery, father. Making sure that you do, indeed, die with dignity. Siyanora, Raziar."


Beth dug in her pack and pulled out a white cloth. "Uh, this probably isn't the best color, but it will have to do." She tossed the cloth to Ryo and zipped her pack back up. Beth looked around. "So, what do we do now?"

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Guest �strophysicist

"Ha HA hA! Fool. Your father is dead!" he turned into a shapeshifter and hit Zafier across the face.

Several more shapeshifters ran to attack Zafier.

((There is only one way to kill shapeshifters, but Zafier doesn't know. It just makes things more dramatic. As for the blast in the last post, I don't know. I just thought it would be best to start like that.))

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Zafier fired back at the shapeshifter and turned away. "Then I have no other reason to be here. And I am not going home. I am ashamed to take over an empire that was ruled by a coward. Kill me if you wish."


Beth heard a noise a few yards away, and turned to see Zafier and a shapeshifter standing against each other. "Zafier! That low-life creep!" Even though she wanted to go over there and slash him, Beth knew better. "Ah, Zafier probably doesn't know how to kill a shapeshifter. Let's just watch and see what happens."

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Guest �strophysicist

((The shapeshifter was pretending to be Raziar, it must have realy fooled Zafier.))


The shapeshifter began to talk in a raspy low voice, "Your father was a fool to think he could contain my species. The only reason he came to Earth in the first place was for iron, which is abundant in this solar system. Your just as dumb as he is."

Several other shapeshifters began to appear in groups.

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After wrapping the cloth around her arm, Ryo turned her eyes to the shapeshifter battle. She could feel her temper flaring and she had to look away. Those things had tricked her, but she would not allow herself to lose control. She would not become that monster that had helped destroy her brother. "We need to get rid of the trash and just go after Zafier. This could go on forever otherwise."

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Moon sat back, As she didnt have a deathwish. She was focused on what was happening, but didnt have a clue what was going on.

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Guest �strophysicist

The creature continued, "My species now has a chance to grow and evolve. Soon we shallcompletly take over Earth and use the humans technolegy against anyone that stand in our way. You would be suprised, the weapons the humans have created are far more superior to your weapons."

More shapeshifters came into view, over fifty showed. And their numbers continued to rise.


Static electricity began to gather behind the group.

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"Aiii..." Moon let out a little moan, and went inside a building, trying to reach the top for a safe firing distance.

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Guest �strophysicist

The ball of static electricity began to form into a person. It looked like Jon, fifteen year old Jon. His face was emotionless. Eyes pure white with a body glowing bright blue with electricity.

"I have to save Zafier." he said, his voice was strong and electronic. Hardly representing a human voice.

Without another word he started to take steps toward the scene. Each footstep left a burning hole of static energy.

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Beth sighed and pulled her dagger back out. "I guess so. We'll be doing that thing a favor anyway." She walked furiously toward Zafier. This is for all the things you've done. For invading our home, threatening our lives, and sending me to another realm. This is your last day, Zafier.


Zafier sensed Beth behind him, but did not turn around. "Child! Can you not see there is a bigger problem before you? Those things have lied to me; my father is indeed dead, and not the coward I feared him to be. My previous mission was to kill you and your allies. Now, I've learned the truth, and my target is the powerful one." Beth remained silent during all of this. She didn't know what to think. Zafier no longer after them? It had to be a trick.

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Ryo stood close behind Beth, her hand on her katana. "He may not be after you now, but he will surely turn on you the moment he gets the chance," she whispered in her ear "Fight with him to destroy the common enemy, but be on guard. The moment he makes a wrong move, you know what you must do" Her cold eyes focused on the energy form of Jon. "I will take care of the giant battery." She disappeared from behind Beth and reappeared before the static form. "Who are you?" she demanded, planting her feet.

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Beth merely shook her head. "Gotcha," she wispered back. Turning her attention back to Zafier, Beth stepped up. "Zafier, we both have an enemy here. It seems he's causing trouble to everyone. The only way to beat him is to team up. I'm just as reluctant as you are, but that's the only way." Zafier scoffed. "I do not need your help, pest." Before he could walk away, Beth stepped in front of him. "Did I mention it's the only way? Don't be too hasty about this, Zafier. We both want him gone. Now are you with me or not?"

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Guest �strophysicist

"I was Jon Stir, half of me attempted to destroy Earth. But his memories tormented him to the brink. He threw himself into a black hole. Now I come, just as powerful. Yet I wish not to destroy Earth, merely to save it. Save it from the shapeshifters. There are alot more than you think." his voice, electric, as he looked towards Justin.

"The one who calls himself Justin was killed eight months ago. What he is now is one of them. I know this is hard to believe sister, but I am the good side. The side which wants to protect life, not demolish it. There are over 500,000 shapeshifters roaming Earth, all waiting to converge on the son of the lifeform which brought them here. Zafier is much weaker than you believe. His species is rare, I wouldn't be suprised if he is the last of his kind."

He continued with a softer voice, yet it was still artificial, "Earth depends on what I am about to do, the galaxy, no the universe, depends on this. For if I do nothing, there will be no stopping them. I only wish I had known father as well as you did."

He paused and closed his eyes, it appeared he was trying to fight back tears.

"Stand back." he said regaining himself.

He floated above a sea of shapeshifters which were converging toward Zafier and Beth. Their eyes were wide and their mouths leaked sickly drool. They saw the two as meals, and they would fight each other for a bite.

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Moon had reaches the top of the building, and watched everyone like they were ants.

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Guest �strophysicist

Jon raised his hands and twin bolts of lightning gathered in his hands. As he did so the rain ceased. The ground was covered in watered ash from the Yellowstone super volcano, the entire northern hemisphere was covered in the watered silicon ash.

"What I must do shall go down in history as the single greatest moment in history. Ytzar and Earth shall be at peace, and I will perish as the one who saved them." said a loud voice as it boomed throughout the heavens. Unmistakably the voice of Jon, as he was fifteen.

One of the shapeshifters lunged itself at Zafier, but it froze in the air as lightning struck it. It wailed in pain then exploded in front of Zafier and Beth. The lightning came from one source, the bright blue man floating above the field of monsters.

Several other lightning strikes took direct hits at random shapeshifters. All shrieking then exploding. The lightning originated from the figure.

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"Time's running out, Zafier. Better make your decision now." Beth stood her ground and waited for the shapeshifter to get close enough. Apparently these things are weak against electricity. It's a good thing this gauntlet does that. They won't know what hit them. Before the shapeshifter could attack Beth, she thrusted her arm into his chest and produced a powerful electric shock. Smiling to herself, she pulled the gauntlet back out. That worked like a charm. Zafier turned around and was dismayed at what he saw. Electricity? No, it can't be possible! I'm useless!


((Wow. You type quick. o_O Whatever, I'm not making changes to my post.))

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