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I got a Neomail from a person who found out my age (20 if you must know) basically asking me why I was on Neopets when they thought that Neopets was a kids site. I soon told her what’s what through a serious email... anyway I was just wondering if anyone else has ever had to explain to a person that Neopets is for everyone?

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20 is hardly old, there are tons of people way older than that on Neopets!


Neopets was made for bored college students, that's what I say when '19 is too old' comes at me. I just ignore it really. I think it's fun as do many other people my age, there's no harm in that!


I will be 23 soon. XP I have heard that Neopets was originally created for adults. That's what I see on the boards anyway.. There are kids that start topics about us "old people". HA!


I get those mails a lot xD Sometimes I wonder if I should take down the line on my UL that says I'm a univertsity student lol


But since the majority of the people I know on Neo are older than me I just ignore the mails now ;)


I am 25 and will be 26 this year...so I hardly think you are old. Plus my mother plays on neopets! In the past, I used to reply with the information about how it was originally for college students. Now I just ignore the mails. Don't worry you are not the only person who gets that, I know it can be very annoying though! To think we feel old and we are only in our twenties!


I've gotten neomails saying that I've been connected for "x hour" and that was way too much, but I never received one about my age. I'll be 23 this summer.


What's good with Neopets is that people of all ages and interests can meet and they also each find something interesting in the site too :P


Wasn't Neopets originally intended for those of college student age? It just caught on quicker with the Pokemon age group. I have yet to get those neomails, but I'm about to turn 20 so I fully expect for those emails to start rolling in.


There is a lady on the Sakhmet Solitaire leaderboard who is a grandmother. Wonder how many neomails SHE gets.


I wonder why they feel compelled to send those messages anyway? Isn't that a bit rude in the first place? Like, who cares how old I am, why don't you worry about your grades, that boy you have a crush on, that big test tomorrow, etc. Why is my AGE such a big deal in your life, huh? HUH?!


haha Sorry, got a lil out of hand there. :P

You guys are making me feel a little...young XD.


But there are a lot of people older than you on this site, and Neopets isn't a kids' site at all.


Same :P Now and I see that a few of you are almost double my age (12) Sorta makes me feel.... Little :P


Wow, and I thought I was too old to be on Neopets. I mean, I knew there were some adults, but I always thought it was mostly kids...Well, just goes to show me that there is no real age limit for anything.


Well, I find that neopets doesn't really appeal to people of my age group anymore here (12-ish)

I actually think that more adults play neopets than children. And when I tell my friends that neopets was originally made for the 'older' group they go 'really?!' and basically they have a different feeling towards neopets from then on :P


I don't really mind that different age groups play neopets. I actually think that its 'cool' that everyone's playing! XD


I've never gotten anyone I don't know e-mailing or neo-mailing me about it. But I'm always having to defend it to my friends.

They don't ever believe me when I tell them it was originally for college kids. Even when I show them things like Lenny Conundrum.


Ya me too maybe I didn't release my age haha, but I do seen a lot of comment when talking about neopets that they play them when they was in primary school and got a little worried if I really too old to play but after seeing so many of you here who are just around my age I felt really happy to be here. I'm also going 20 this year...


I find the theory that neopets should be for college student interesting though XD


I don't think any of you are too old,

it's interesting when dfferent age groups play the same game c:

My mom helps me play the games, and she's defenitely a lot older than you guys!


im almost 22, and im glad to hear it was originally for college students. i started playing when i was 12 or 13 and just never really stopped.

it really is for bored college students cuz i got was into it last term since i had tons of free time on my hands. and i always hear younger kids saying they cant get on on school days or can only get on for a little bit. us old guys have the advantage! b)

Its not a theory ho_yt xD Neopets was originally developed for bored college students who couldn't have real pets in their dorm rooms... you can read about it on this petpage: http://www.neopets.com/~GrownUps

Yeah it isn't a theory. And it isn't bunnies (If you get that, kudos to you!)


I will be 20 in like 3 months and the only people that i really have had to defend the site to is my friends. No big deal though we are all pretty accepting. I should have used that it was created by college students to shut them up but i didn't think of it then although i did know that. Next time i will though.


I've never gotten a neomail about my age (22), I can't believe any of you guys have! Who has nothing better to do than complain about other people's ages? Half of the people in my guild are 35+ anyways!


The person who neomailed me asking me why I was on a kids site ended up asking me to buy them an item claiming that they were on a quest and that they will pay me back (and no I didn't buy them the item) Tell the truth, who among you is surprised?


hehe, how strange... all the years I've been playing neopets I've never had one person mail me and ask me why I'm playing when I'm as old as I am.. mind you back then I was around 20-22 - now I'm 30 and still love playing on there.


But then, most of my neofriends are all over 20 as well :)


Wow. At 17, I'm still loving Neopets (and I'm in college).


I remember bringing Neopets up once in class and after that, several people joined me for lunch and we were all talking about Neopets and arranging Battledome matches. Awesome. :D

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