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Posts posted by imnotgeorge

  1. Bottled faeries was the initial item but codestones, and any other item that the shop-owner wants me to get. And flash games are way too time consuming for a not very great payout. I usually sell at least 100 items a day, and most items I buy I sell for ~200 profit, so thats 20,000 np. And I get free bottled earth faeries, usually about 10 a day so that is 100% profit right there (~29700np). Games just aren't my thing.


    oh and each individual lot on trade post can only hold 10, but in no way is that the quantitity of the items I can get. I can create multiple trade posts for the person.

    I'm interested in how you could get 10 bottled faeries a day for free. :P

  2. ^ not so. that would only happen if the every single one of those items were hoarded by a few individuals, and said item happened to be in exteremely high demand.


    Let me try to outline a hypothetical situation. Let's say there exists a retired plushie. We'll refer to it as ASDF plushie. Plushies are not a very high-demand item, simply because, although nice to have, they;re not really essential unless you're a hardcore plushie collector. Most plushie collectors will be quite content to collect every other plushie in existence and not own the ASDF plushie, especially if the market price of the ASDF plushie is ridiculously inflated. This lack of demand in the ASDF plushie will slowly but steadily drag down the market price of the ASDF plushie until it reaches an equilibrium where everyone who really really needs the plushie can purchase one. This is microeconomy in action, and it doesn't need TNT intervention.


    Similarly, an extremely high-demand item that many many people own a share of (say, a lab map) will never inflate to a price that is unattainable by the general masses simply because at any given time, a number of these map owners will want to sell their maps quickly for a quick buck, and will therefore seek to accomodate buyers by lowering his/her price to a reasonable equilibrium. As long as enough of these map pieces are for sale at any given time, hoarders will never be able to significantly affect the inflation of the pieces, and therefore intervention by TNT was unnecessary and only serves to discourage hoarders, because now they'll never know if TNT will decide to 'intervene' and deflate whatever items they are hoarding at the moment. Discouraging hoarders also serves to eventually slow down the neopian market, which is in nobody's interests to do.

  3. i dont agree with TNT intervening in the neopian economy and pulling down prices =/ Inflation is often how players make most of their income (myself included). Whats the difference between investing in stocks and investing in items that you think will inflate? If TNT intervenes with inflation then they should definitely intervene with the stock market as well, but they don't. The only situation where I would agree with TNT intervention is if a high-demand item somehow become monopolized by a few individuals. But that situation is unlikely, IMO.

  4. I'm going to have to regretfully say no. My shop isn't anywhere near main market size, and therefore my shop can;t afford to sell at 2000 over shop wizard price, and frankly a profit margin of 75-500np per faerie isn't good enough to convince me to clean out my shop and make space, especially since in my experience bottled faeries don't sell out very quickly, unless they're priced way below shop wizard price.


    Good luck to you though!

  5. All my assets are in items :P only keep 500k in the bank as a safety net in case something comes up and I want to hoard. the way I see it is that in the long run, the value of any particular item in neopets only goes up (whether because it gets retired or from another reason) and so putting your money into items generate more 'interest' (granted, it's not a liquid interest) than just saving it in the bank.


    More on topic though, you should just find a hobby on neopets Jake. do you like collecting anything? avatars? cards? books? everything? use that money or you'll lose interest in neopets pretty quickly - hoarding money tends to turn me off games because it seems like a grind, which isn't fun at all. =/


    could just be me though!

  6. I'm definitely intrigued at the prospect of easy profit handed to me on a silver platter, but what exactly will we be dealing with?


    We (that is, I) require the following information:

    - Does this proposition in any way violate a TNT rule?

    - What sort of product will you be dealing with?

    - From where will you be acquiring said products?

    - Will I be under any sort of commitment, whether explicit or implicit, to continue doing business with you for a set amount of time or will I be free to terminate our dealings anytime?

    - What kind of profit margins am I dealing with?

  7. Yeah it definitely seems easier to make neopoints now than it was a few years ago =/ Back then, making 10k in a day was ridiculous (possible, but you'd have to play games for hours and hours) and it was rare to find any games that yielded 1k/game. now I make around 30k in an hour (or less), and most of the games I play yield 1k/game.

  8. Codestones were rising in price. Main and Eo were close to 10k each. And other were selling for 6-7k. That's higher than now...


    I stand corrected then. Haha in all the time i played neopets years ago codestones were always around today's price.

  9. Am i the only one who doesn't think key quest has affected the demand for codestones at all? Codestones have never sold for much more than their current market prices, and short of handing them out to every single player everyday in neopets, the demand for them won't go down because they're consumable (i.e. once theyve been used you can't reuse them) and the level of interest for BD is higher than ever.


    Paint brushes are a different matter though.

  10. sounds like most of you are just using your shop to make some residual income. anyone here restock frequently? I'm constantly upgrading my shop - hence why i have a level 68 shop when my account is only a month and a half old. I do this because I figure then at least if the time comes when I want to sell off my collection it saves me the hassle of first expanding my shop to a decent size, then transferring items batch by batch from my gallery to my shop, and then pricing them. By keeping my collections in my shop, if I ever want to sell them I can just re-price everything :P


    Plus I figure sometime in the future I'm going to want to try my hand at malling, and that option is a lot more accessible when my shop is already a big size.

  11. The major, sell-able prizes most people go for are codestones (normal and red), neggs (icy, super icy, lemon swirly, etc), paintbrushes (camouflage, snow, tyrannian, striped), and maps (lab, treasure). Just today I've made around 30k from playing key quest in total - and I only played 3 games. Yesterday I made around 160k, mostly from getting a UB lab map.

  12. Browsing the user lookups of this forum's users led me to thinking about all the different ways people use shops in neopets. Some people are mallers and make their income from a combination of advertising and high prices with big volume; other people have small shops that they use to sell items they come across and don't need. Other people are full-time restockers who never bothered malling, but still make most of their income from their shop.


    I use mine to store the stuff I collect. I price everything in my store a few thousand np's higher than SW so that even if someone decides to donate to my collection fund and purchases from my shop, I receive enough money to buy another one of whatever it is I sold and still make a tidy profit (to be used to either upgrade my shop size or buy more things :P) My gallery's generally for UB things.


    As an add-on to the topic, how big is your shop? how often do you upgrade, if at all?

  13. i didn't agree with gunbound system because it basically chained you to the screen as sopon as the game starts. I believe you have every right to leave a game, i just dont believe the other players should lose out on their earned rewards because of it. that's why my system rewards people who stay in the game but doesn't necessarily penalize leavers.

  14. My beef with kq minigames is that it's 99% your internet/computer speed and 1% skill =/ it doesnt really matter how talented you are at nova matcher, if your opponent has a 30-second head start it's pretty hard to catch up, much less win.


    Anyways, back on topic, hopefully you at least had fun :P even if you did lose!

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