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    Xepha reacted to Rebecca~ in To Be Lent or Not?   
    All of your questions are answered in the rules page for the ALP (right here: http://alp.thedailyneopets.com/?page=rules_pet)
    Your avatar count and your post count kind of get counted together. If you have a low post count (25ish) you will need to have more avatars (200+) in order to be accepted into a chain. If you have lots of posts, however, you can get by with less avatars. Please don't spam in order to get your post count up though.
    As long as your account is more than 4 months old, it doesn't matter. In order to be able to recieve painted pets through transfers, your account has to be that old- it's a Neopets rule, not a TDN one.
  2. Like
    Xepha reacted to Viridian in Obelisk War Winner?   
    Sadly enough none of us knows when they will announce who won or when the obelisk will open. TNT is sure taking their time to announce the prizes and the winners of this event.
  3. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Nataluna in Why Are People so Antagonistic Toward TNT?   
    People love the attention they get when they complain, whether is on the Internet or in real life. Very few people take time to think about all the resources needed to run a popular website. When you give it a try on a smaller scale, whether it's a guild, a blog, a short animation film... you appreciate a lot more the work of other people.
    The year I learned how to model and animate in Autodesk Maya, I was a lot more sensitive about the amount of work that was required to do a 10 seconds sequence in a Pixar movie. It's a bit of the same thing with Neopets. I have my own experiences with web design and community management, but also as game designer and with scripting/programming. Sometimes, things look EPIC in your head, and they turn out to be pretty boring or bad. So what I have learned from that is to never have high expectations for TNT. That way, I'm not too much disappointed with what they do.
    In general, people should tune down with their complains... but they won't because they are drama queen and love the attention they get for ranting and flaming.
  4. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Why Are People so Antagonistic Toward TNT?   
    People love the attention they get when they complain, whether is on the Internet or in real life. Very few people take time to think about all the resources needed to run a popular website. When you give it a try on a smaller scale, whether it's a guild, a blog, a short animation film... you appreciate a lot more the work of other people.
    The year I learned how to model and animate in Autodesk Maya, I was a lot more sensitive about the amount of work that was required to do a 10 seconds sequence in a Pixar movie. It's a bit of the same thing with Neopets. I have my own experiences with web design and community management, but also as game designer and with scripting/programming. Sometimes, things look EPIC in your head, and they turn out to be pretty boring or bad. So what I have learned from that is to never have high expectations for TNT. That way, I'm not too much disappointed with what they do.
    In general, people should tune down with their complains... but they won't because they are drama queen and love the attention they get for ranting and flaming.
  5. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from idriya in Why Are People so Antagonistic Toward TNT?   
    People love the attention they get when they complain, whether is on the Internet or in real life. Very few people take time to think about all the resources needed to run a popular website. When you give it a try on a smaller scale, whether it's a guild, a blog, a short animation film... you appreciate a lot more the work of other people.
    The year I learned how to model and animate in Autodesk Maya, I was a lot more sensitive about the amount of work that was required to do a 10 seconds sequence in a Pixar movie. It's a bit of the same thing with Neopets. I have my own experiences with web design and community management, but also as game designer and with scripting/programming. Sometimes, things look EPIC in your head, and they turn out to be pretty boring or bad. So what I have learned from that is to never have high expectations for TNT. That way, I'm not too much disappointed with what they do.
    In general, people should tune down with their complains... but they won't because they are drama queen and love the attention they get for ranting and flaming.
  6. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from andaraen in Why Are People so Antagonistic Toward TNT?   
    People love the attention they get when they complain, whether is on the Internet or in real life. Very few people take time to think about all the resources needed to run a popular website. When you give it a try on a smaller scale, whether it's a guild, a blog, a short animation film... you appreciate a lot more the work of other people.
    The year I learned how to model and animate in Autodesk Maya, I was a lot more sensitive about the amount of work that was required to do a 10 seconds sequence in a Pixar movie. It's a bit of the same thing with Neopets. I have my own experiences with web design and community management, but also as game designer and with scripting/programming. Sometimes, things look EPIC in your head, and they turn out to be pretty boring or bad. So what I have learned from that is to never have high expectations for TNT. That way, I'm not too much disappointed with what they do.
    In general, people should tune down with their complains... but they won't because they are drama queen and love the attention they get for ranting and flaming.
  7. Like
    Xepha reacted to Anime in Site Elders?   
    It's a department for staff members who've been around so long that'd it just be wrong to not have them any more, or they know so much they're still really valuable information resources and advisers, but real life has gotten in the way and they can't be active in their original departments any more. It's basically our way of keeping our departments active and holding every member of them to the same standard without kicking out respected older staff who helped shape the site, like Izzy and TJ.
  8. Like
    Xepha reacted to Piticent in New egg cave Merchandise   
    So as separated as I am from the site [:(], I do occasionally peek on it to see what new, and one thing in particular that caught my eye is "Neopets: The Game." For those who haven't navigated to the page yet, "Neopets: The Game" is a fully functional off-line version of the site. Yes, I know, you can't do anything involving other users (I'm assuming), but to be able to play the game off-line and just press a big sync button and act like nothing happened is pretty cool for Neopets. How I wish I could have had this power back when I played on the site more often...thoughts?
  9. Like
    Xepha reacted to lucariovondimencio in Change Is Coming: The Daily Egg Cave   
    Did you guys mailed TNT to say them that they should remove you from the Fan Features page due to this change?
    If yes, good luck. It was fun.
    I'm migrating to Jellyneo.
  10. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Neopets Games scores not updated on Dailies page   
    I don't exactly know why... but university deadlines seem to clash with the 25th of each month this year...
    I was planning to update them tomorrow morning, because that's when I'm going to have ~60min free to do the math and search for replacement games.
    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Xepha).
    The original topic had been answered.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Xepha if you have any questions regarding this action.
  11. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Neopets Games scores not updated on Dailies page   
    I don't exactly know why... but university deadlines seem to clash with the 25th of each month this year...
    I was planning to update them tomorrow morning, because that's when I'm going to have ~60min free to do the math and search for replacement games.
    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Xepha).
    The original topic had been answered.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic.
    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Xepha if you have any questions regarding this action.
  12. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Just got a warning for having my BC URL in my signature :(   
    Pound chaters are very sick of people begging for votes in their signatures. They get their share of spam already... so someone probably just reported you. Next time, try to add a bit more to the conversation as to not sound spammy.
  13. Like
    Xepha reacted to Mireia in Stop motion-short film (Las parcas - the fates)   
    Me and a friend have started a small project doing stop-motion and animation short films, this is the first one. It's is only 3 minutes long, but it took almost four months to be finished...
    What do you think?

    We are very excited to see it finshed, it was a lot of hard work!
  14. Like
    Xepha reacted to babird1 in Hello again   
    I've been "off" Neopets and TDN for a few years now, basically just checking in when events happen. Used to be on Neopets for a few hours every day :) being active with guilds, malls, and even updating a Neopets help website at 3:00 AM local time to have the crossword puzzle answers out :sleeping_03anim: . So much has happened since then and I balance so many different projects across work, family, and leisure time that I have learned not to make commitments just in case I can't follow through- I just try to be there and help out wherever and whenever I can. So here I am, back on Neopets and back on TDN trying to keep up with stuff while sipping my morning coffee. I want you all to know I think TDN really is the best Neopets help site on the web- the staff and fans all feel like a great big family! :thumbsup:
  15. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    ^Head shot of the Smug Philosopher.
    He's pretty cool I think.
  16. Like
    Xepha reacted to Lydia Trebond in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    Shade and lens flare are great for the low defense pets!
    How are people doing so far?
    Is anyone else as amused as I am by our glorious leader's sayings...?
  17. Like
    Xepha reacted to Lydia Trebond in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    Also, pick up some "cheap" all blockers - Altadorian Sword Breaker, Parasol of Unfortunate Demise etc. My BD pet is a labbie I'm working on evening out and Crimson (BP team here) told me that my defense was too weak to bother with a shield!
    I did all of my "for profit" battling today against one enemy and plan on evening them up later :D
  18. Like
    Xepha reacted to siniri in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    Actually, you're probably better off attacking like crazy with higher-icon weapons than using shields if your strength and HP are high vs. your defense. For example, if you've got the x7 str but only x2 def, that means a 13-icon attack will take 91 HP from your enemy (assuming he doesn't defend), while a 13-icon shield will only save you from losing 26 HP. If you need defense, look at full blockers (such as Hanso Charisma Charm, which attacks 10 icons but blocks all dark) or things that don't rely on your boost (such as downsize!, which blocks half of one attack per battle; single-use thick smoke bombs, which block all of one attack per battle; and reflectors, which reflect a certain percentage of an attack back on your enemy instead -- but many of which are fragile and could break permanently -- check out artisan lens and expert lens for non-fragile cheaper reflectors).
    I managed to hit all the win limits in TFR using double Ylanas blasters and the above defensive strategies; my leaf shield wasn't blocking enough for the stronger enemies to be helpful. I found that I needed to end the battles as quickly as possible, and leaf shield made me go an extra round (because it kept me from using one of the blasters) but didn't save me enough HP to last that extra round.
    I managed to beat each baddie 47 times yesterday (I was trying to even things up and kept getting faction challenges). Today, I think I'll refresh periodically and do any challenges I get, and then try to even things up again at the end of the day.
  19. Like
    Xepha reacted to Emily in Habitarium - no more maintenance?   
    Would be nice. I haven't been running my habi that much lately because the site has been so glitchy and laggy and habi just makes it worse. I'm starting to think they may have forgotten about it altogether xD Not sure what the maintenance is for, but I'm not noticing any changes.
  20. Like
    Xepha reacted to voteforpedro333 in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    I've been wondering what everyone's faction banners look like on their obelisk page. I was able to isolate the one for The Sway and I'm using it for my tumblr banner. :D

  21. Like
    Xepha reacted to ashleagh in Official Seekers Discussion Thread   
    Aaaand, the site broke...way to go, TNT! You think they would've expected the massive site traffic and prepared for it 0_o
  22. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    Someone asked me to make a lookup for The Awakened... so suggestions are welcome for that one. (It will include the 2 adorable creepy Wockies.) Is there any slogan I should include on it?
  23. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Zombiiesque in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    Someone asked me to make a lookup for The Awakened... so suggestions are welcome for that one. (It will include the 2 adorable creepy Wockies.) Is there any slogan I should include on it?
  24. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Obelisk War Sigs, Buttons, Userlookups And Artwork!   
    I made that large avatar / button upon request.
    It could have turned better, but there is still something I like about it...
  25. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from lovedwallflower in Update weapon prices in battlepedia?   
    Anyone who wants to keep prices up to date for any area of our site is welcome to apply for staff. :P
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