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    Xepha got a reaction from Bodhi in Practice Team?   
    Today is a "bye-day" - which means that you can play against the practice team for NP, and enjoy that thing that we call "outside" :o
  2. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from xblade356 in Practice Team?   
    Today is a "bye-day" - which means that you can play against the practice team for NP, and enjoy that thing that we call "outside" :o
  3. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Practice Team?   
    Today is a "bye-day" - which means that you can play against the practice team for NP, and enjoy that thing that we call "outside" :o
  4. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from andaraen in Practice Team?   
    Today is a "bye-day" - which means that you can play against the practice team for NP, and enjoy that thing that we call "outside" :o
  5. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from micheee in Practice Team?   
    Today is a "bye-day" - which means that you can play against the practice team for NP, and enjoy that thing that we call "outside" :o
  6. Like
    Xepha reacted to Lydia Trebond in Altador and Kiko Lake Rock Day One   
    Welcome back to another exciting Altador Cup season! This is Lydia, reporting to you live from the newsroom after a great first day on the field.

    Let's start with the podium from last year. Historically, the previous year's winner has not done well while the rest of the top tier has continued to do well. This year, Kreludor and Mystery Island went head to head right from the start. The teams were fairly evenly matched, with both still riding the wave of excitement from last year's first and second place finishes. The Natives managed to keep up with Kreludor until the last minute in the games. Even so, the Moons pulled out a solid sweep against the Natives. Perhaps Kreludor won't fall as hard as previous victors in the year following their gold.

    Meridell, having come in third last year, faced their old adversaries, Darigan Citadel. The Minions nearly managed a side sweep of the Knights, losing Shootout Showdown and Yooyuball to the Knights. The rookie on the team, Ethel Boortz, was excited about her first Yooyuball match in the tournament.

    "Most other players still think that they shouldn't tackle me as hard as the rest simply because I'm older than most, well... all, of the other players on the field. The look on their face when they get pummeled into the ground never gets old though," she said before having to dash off to today's match.

    With Brightvale and Terror Mountain both being solid third tier teams, the result was another even matchup, Brightvale coming out ahead with wins in both Yooyuball and Make Some Noise, at the cost of Slushie Slinger and Shootout Showdown.

    We'll go to AA out in the field for some of the closer matches.

    "Thanks Lydia.

    Now, management has informed me that my reports have been taking up too much air time, so I'll be keeping things more to the point from now on. Without further ado: today's results!

    Matches of note. LD versus KL. YYB, six-five to KL. SS, seven-four to KL. MSN, five-four to LD. SSD, five-four to KL. HW versus TY. YYB, six-five to- hmm? What's that? (incoherent mumbling) Too short? But I thought- (more incoherent mumbling) Not doing my job properly? Hey! (angry mumbling) All right, all right.


    My dear fellows, on this grand, luxurious, most fine and loquacious occasion of the eighth official season of the Yooyuball Sporting Association Colosseum Committee of Altador's International Athletic Tournament and Exhibition, colloquially known by the numerous and enthusiastic aficionados of the prestigious sport of Yooyuball (gathered in great, raucous quantities upon the observation stands of the Yooyuball Sporting Association Colosseum of Altador) as "the Altador Cup", it is my duty, pleasure, speciality, field of expertise, and great honour to present to you- oh drat, he's figured out what "loquacious" means.

    Uh, right- *click*




    Finishing in fifth and sixth place respectively at the end of last year's tournament, Teams Lost Desert and Kiko Lake went head to head once more in this year's opening match. With the Lost Desert Mummies led by veteran netminder Leera Heggle, and Kikos under the leadership of resolute defender "Poke" Cellers, this was one match right out of the textbooks: two teams of practiced professionals, both arrayed in the balanced two-plus-two formation, both with a slight preference for defensive play; one team steely and disciplined, the other flexible and aggressive. And this time around, it was the adaptable Kikos that emerged victorious, edging out a Yooyuball victory after several hours of delicately choreographed "interweave" play from scoring duo Meela Kitah and Holbie Pinnock.

    "I've gotta admit, I pretty much figured old Poke was crazy when he started spouting off those crazy ideas about us forwards playing defence half the time," remarked Pinnock after the match. "Genius, though, if today was anything to go by. We've still gotta see if it holds up when it's not the crazy new idea, but I'm happy we got to start out strong. And I've gotta say, great play from the Lost Desert, especially Vonde and Derbi. That was the most intense game I've ever had to play through, I ain't kidding."

    Teammate and fellow forward Meela Kitah also had a few words to say, adding somewhat drily, "You say that every match, Holbie. But seriously, kudos to the Lost Desert. It's been a long time since we've all been pushed that hard out there, and I'm not just talking about the off season. Vonde almost gave me a heart attack when he flipped that fire Yooyu over my head in the third quarter. He must practice with pancakes or something."

    Elsewhere on the scoreboard, Team Lost Desert maintained a solid lead in Make Some Noise for most of the day, with last minute efforts from the Kikos unable to turn the tide in their favour. Those efforts had considerably more effect in Shootout Showdown however, and coupled with high spirits and a fresh advertising campaign for their slushie stands, the remaining two side games went definitively to Kiko Lake.

    While the Kiko Lakers topped Alabriss Bracket with a solid opening victory, over in Vaeolus Bracket, it was tournament hosts Team Altador that stole the show. Barely thirty seconds into their clash with Team Faerieland, it was clear that the Suns weren't exactly following their old playbook. Twenty-four hours and several broken tournament all-time records later, it seemed fairly certain that quite a few new playbooks would have to be written. In fact, rumour has it that Altador Team Captain "Trapper" Remis has already signed a contract to do just that.

    The Suns weren't just shining in Yooyuball yesterday: with their team blazing trails on the field, Altador's supporters redoubled their efforts and surged to victory in all three side games, earning the team a spectacular opening sweep over the Faeries.

    Slipping through the post-match revelry, I was able to grab a pair of supporters from Teams Altador and Faerieland to get their opinions on the day's events.

    So, it's been quite a day hasn't it? Winning a sweep is always a good start to the season for any team, while being on the receiving end of a sweep isn't exactly the greatest way to enter the tournament. No hard feelings, I hope?
    Faerieland Supporter: Hah! No way! It might not have been the best outcome for us, but it was still a fantastic match to watch, and I'm always happy to see underdogs do well!
    Altador Supporter: Yeah! That was an awesome game! Faerieland played really well, but they were no match for my efforts!
    Faerieland Supporter: Heh, right! It wasn't just the Yooyuball team that was incredible to watch (although I do have to get that Wocky's autograph sometime). Just look at Altador's fans! They were INCREDIBLE! So much enthusiasm, so much support for their team, and such good sportsmanship to boot! With all of them working together, there was no way we could have stopped them!
    Altador Supporter: Yeah! It was mostly me! They couldn't stop me!
    Faerieland Supporter: And it was so nice of them to let us join in their celebrations, too! We're going to have to invite them over someday. Of course, we might have to beat them first. (wink)
    Altador Supporter: I put the entire team on my back and CARRIED US TO VICTORY!
    Faerieland Supporter: Heh, like Atlas of old, huh?
    Altador Supporter: Like Atlas of old! AND HIS MIGHTY MOUSTACHE!
    Faerieland Supporter: I think you've had a little too much punch, Austin...

    Wait, Austin? Hey! Austin! Aren't you supposed to be in jail? And what's with the fake moustache? HEY! Get back here! *click*"

    … Well then. I hope AA gets ahold of Austin, with or without the moustache, since I have his press badge. I'll try to wrap this up quickly.

    To round off the rest of the teams, we had the Mermaids taking on the Pirates. Krawk Island managed to take Slushie Slinger and Shootout Showdown, with Maraqua coming out on top in Yooyuball and Make Some Noise.

    The last two matchups of Vaeolus Bracket, Roo Island against Virtupets and Shenkuu against Moltara ended in decisive victories, both Roo Island and Shenkuu sweeping their opponents. The Rooligans managed to dominate the net in Shootout Showdown; Virtupets was unable to keep up with the madness, though they put up a good fight in the rest.

    Also amongst the sweeps was the Haunted Woods, with Tyrannia barely squeaking out ahead in all of their games today. The new goalie they signed on at the end of last season seems to be working out well for them.

    With five sweeps, the tournament is off to a great start for fans and team members alike.

    For today's matchups, definitely keep an eye on Kreludor and Meridell. Their first matchup of the season is today. Meridell is one of the strongest contenders for the Cup this year, but Kreludor has already come out swinging.

    Another matchup to watch is Moltara and Virtupets. Both teams just suffered from a sweep, but both are also known to pull upsets.

    This is Lydia, for The Daily Neopets, signing off. Good night and good luck.

    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).
  7. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Request: A Site Of Game Guides   
    I don't mean to pop your bubble... but it already exists.
  8. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Request: A Site Of Game Guides   
    I don't mean to pop your bubble... but it already exists.
  9. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from tinyplasticdinos in Request: A Site Of Game Guides   
    I don't mean to pop your bubble... but it already exists.
  10. Like
    Xepha reacted to anit0523 in Feedback on.. Feedback (to TNT)   
    I wouldn't see an issue with it if they put them in the HT, though I think it should still be at a high price. Anybody who was playing 10+ years ago knows the market and what was available was vastly different and it will continue to change through the site's life. I remember when I got my first babaa (favorite petpet) it was a gift because they were so much more expensive than they are now. Most petpets and popular things were back then. It's not as extreme as this, but dailies and other factors increase/decrease the value of rare items all the time. In the neopets economy, much like in real life, there's a bit of luck and timing involved in what your wares are worth. Things I never thought I could afford are cheap now. Things I thought would always be around are expensive.
  11. Like
    Xepha reacted to Emily in Feedback on.. Feedback (to TNT)   
    So, if something isn't available in the market and has no price, what's full price? If it's currently not being sold, how do we know if they're deflating?
  12. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Kittyn in Feedback on.. Feedback (to TNT)   
    It's a really good idea Emily. I would probably start to seriously collect stamps if I knew there was a chance I could finish the albums.
  13. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from marmota1512 in Beautiful Neopian Items   
    I'll just post my favorite Wocky items. (Biaised!)

    Cloud Wocky Blueberry Cookies - Wocky Hide and Seek Book - Rainbow Wocky Shampoo - Orange Wocky Orange Juice
  14. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from kris10ly in Maraqua Support Thread   
    As usual, I'm supporting Maraqua in the Altador Cup. Go fishies!

  15. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Feedback on.. Feedback (to TNT)   
    It's a really good idea Emily. I would probably start to seriously collect stamps if I knew there was a chance I could finish the albums.
  16. Like
    Xepha reacted to husker in EXCLUSIVE Interview with Team Brightvale's Reb Weemelott!   
    Day Two.
    I'm not sure if there are even living beings out there anymore. It's just us verus the world, I guess. This jail ceel is cold and damp, but I believe we may have found a way out. We're scared to go though. We aren't sure of what awaits us. We haven't had and contact with anyone for what seems like days. I'm gong crazy. I need help. I need... help. HELP! HELP! SOMEONE HELP!
  17. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Rebecca~ in Mirror games   
    The reason why TDN doesn't list mirror games on our dailies list is because many people could go ahead and play both version of a game because they didn't pay too much attention of which was on our list. By having only regular games, it's less likely to confuse our visitors. ;)
  18. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Wildbreeze in Mirror games   
    The reason why TDN doesn't list mirror games on our dailies list is because many people could go ahead and play both version of a game because they didn't pay too much attention of which was on our list. By having only regular games, it's less likely to confuse our visitors. ;)
  19. Like
    Xepha reacted to antiaircraft in EXCLUSIVE Interview with Team Brightvale's Reb Weemelott!   
    Guys quiet down, and hide the dynamite.
    Nope, no heavy machinery or explosives here. Carry on people, nothing to see. :whistle:
  20. Like
    Xepha reacted to husker in EXCLUSIVE Interview with Team Brightvale's Reb Weemelott!   
    I applied and went through the checks. I assumed I was good.
    I guess that's where I went wrong.
    This jail is cold. :(
  21. Like
    Xepha reacted to Lydia Trebond in EXCLUSIVE Interview with Team Brightvale's Reb Weemelott!   
    And then you find out all the paperwork is for nothing when they dash out into the field with it still on their desk!
  22. Like
    Xepha reacted to antiaircraft in EXCLUSIVE Interview with Team Brightvale's Reb Weemelott!   
    Nothing suspicious, it's just that new reporters take a while to go through the highly bureaucratic application process. :shiftyeyes_anim:
  23. Like
    Xepha reacted to husker in EXCLUSIVE Interview with Team Brightvale's Reb Weemelott!   
    Greetings, Neopia, I am live in an Altadorian jail cell. Before the guards caught me for what they called “trespassing,” I managed to get an exclusive interview with Brightvale's star forward, Reb Weemelott. We were able to get the tape off to a fellow colleague before my cameraman and I were thrown in here. Let's hear what he had to say:

    Hi, Reb, I'm Austin, a repo-

    Reb: Look, guy, if this is about the money, tell Manny I'll have it next week.

    Uhhhhh huh...

    Reb: Aren't you from the Neopian Maf-

    I'm a reporter...

    Reb: Oh. Well, what could I do for you?

    Well, I was looking to ask you a few questions about the previous offseason, along with Brightvale's plans to improve.

    Reb: Ahhh alright, well as long as ya ain't part of any mafia of any sorts I'm good. Go ahead.

    First question, Reb: For years now, you've been called the dirtiest player in the cup with your constant trash-talk and banter during games. What do you have to say to the public about this?

    Reb: So a guy can't go out and play his game without getting criticized? Un-BELIEVE-able. See, this is how us Nimmos grew up. Playin' on the streets of the NC. The only way you could get to the other guy's heads was by trash-talkin' 'em up. I guess it carried over.

    Interesting. Over the years you've made your background a huge part of how you play your game. Although you've been called a dirty player, you've done lots for the community. How has this affected your team?

    Reb: Well, John, I th-

    Uhhh, it's Austin...

    Reb: John, Austin, same difference. Ya's both nice names. Anyway, as I was sayin' I think the team has improved with it. It really makes 'em want to get involved too. I like seein' the kids play Yooyuball on the new fields we helped fund. Listenin' to their stories really pushes you as a player.

    It's very uplifting to see an athlete such as yourself care for the community. How do you think the stories will impact how you and Team Brightvale play this year?

    Reb: Look, I think we gots a good shot at winnin' the whole thing this year. The team is motivated by the work we did this offseason, and face it, we gots the toughest team out there. We'll be workin' hard to win. If it requires a little dirt, so be it.

    Reb, can you tell me what to make of these rumors about you being close friends with Altador forward, Winberto Seliz?

    Reb: What!? A guy can't be buddies wit a guy from another team without getting questioned? Un-BELIEVE-able. Naw, jus' playin', we's close friends. In the offseason we’ll go out and do things.

    Speaking of other teams, how do you feel about Meridell's recent climb to the top tier, while you guys still struggle in the lower tiers?

    Reb: I'll tell you, they ain't nothing but a buncha no good dirty players. They do illegal tackles, passes, shots... you name it, Alfred. I don't like 'em one bit.

    Last year, towards the end of the cup, we saw things flare up between you and Gordo Gunnels. How did that affect the team chemistry?

    Reb: That was all jus' a big misunderstandin'. Me an' Gordo are cool. We's jus' competitors that's all.

    How are relations bet-

    Guards: I think he's this way! To the right! Other door! OTHER DOOR! There he is! Get him!

    Oh, oh no, oooooooh no.

    Reb: Awww shoot the guards. I'm innocent. INNOCENT. I did nothin' wrong.

    Guards: We’re not after you, Reb. We’re after the trespasser!

    Reb: Haha! So long sucka!

    Cut the tape! CUT THE TAPE!

    The guards then proceeded to tackle us and take us away. My cameraman was able to pawn the tape off to a colleague right before they got us into the chariot to take us to jail. Rumor has it that we we could be in here for quite some time, unless someone can get us out. Trespassing into the Colosseum is a major crime in Altador, especially during cup time. The only press that are allowed into the Colosseum are those with the appropriate badge, which I don’t have yet. I’m still happy we got the interview, even though he bolted out of the room faster than a fire yooyu once he saw the guards...

    I just hope I get out of this cell soon. I have more reports to run.

    Reporting to you live from this wonderful Altadorian jail cell, I'm Austin, and stay classy, Neopia.

    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. If professional analysis is what tickles your fancy, take a look at our predictions (global/daily).

  24. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from cleomiele in Cross-painted pets!   
    I have a Royal Girl Faerie Peophin :D
    I think she is just so elegant.

  25. Like
    Xepha reacted to DeAndra in Pre-Cup Interview with the Shootout Showdown Chia!   
    This is DeAndra from the The Daily Neopets, on location in the Colosseum where the Jelly Chia is preparing for the massive amount of goals that will need to be stopped. After having to fight through crowds of guards stopping the general population from swarming the various team members from each land, I was finally able to make it down to the field and the goal posts.

    I sat for a while, watching the Jelly Chia jiggle back and forth blocking shots and laughing hysterically with every save. I also had to dodge a few errant Yooyus that came my way. When the Chia had a free moment, he finally came and spoke with me:

    Hello, it is great to sit and talk with you, I imagine you get sought after often?

    No, actually. Most interviewers come down looking for the players to interview; I appreciate the interest in speaking to me.

    Well, you are the infamous Chia who has been blocking practice shots for years. How do you like your job?

    I love it! Sometimes a few goals slip by me, but for the most part it keeps me moving.

    You seem to love it since you are always laughing. I have to ask, is that jovial laughter or are you simply teasing anyone who doesn't get a Yooyu past you?

    A bit of both really. What can I say? I get a little smug at times. These are top notch players, you have to be proud blocking a shot from a lot of them.

    Speaking of the players, how do you feel getting to work with them so often?

    A lot of them are very nice; some are very intimidating.

    Are there any players in particular that you have a hard time approaching?

    Well, not many... But I have always had a fear of Reshar Collifey. I don't know why but he always looks at me like he wants to eat me. *shudder*

    Ah, well I could imagine why that would be intimidating. Anything you are looking forward to in this year's competition?

    Sure, there are a few new faces around. I want to see how they fare getting a goal past me. It is always interesting when there is a new challenge on the practice field.

    Sounds great! Now I know you have to go because it looks like Team Maraqua wants some practice but I must ask one more question.

    Sure, what would that be?

    I have been dying to know what your name is!

    Oh! Well my name is... *whistle blows*. Oh, the team is ready, maybe next time!

    And that was all I could get from our Jelly Chia practice goalie for now. He was working hard, and so were those teams at practice!

    Reporting from the Yooyuball field in the Altador Colosseum, this is DeAndra signing off.

    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. If professional analysis is what tickles your fancy, take a look at our predictions (global/daily).
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