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Cuddlesoftness last won the day on September 28 2023

Cuddlesoftness had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
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    Wherever my mind takes me
  • Interests
    neopets, reading/tv (mysteries/suspense, paranormal, dramas), solitaire, suduko

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  1. truthfully i am not normally a battler except for the dailies or obelisk and well now the plot but i am not into 2 player battles so just want to keep what is best for me in the 1 player battles
  2. I just got the Vial today should i replace my soup with it? just trying to figure out which is the better one to keep so i can sell the other and i am not that knowledable when it comes to the different items My battle pet stats are as follows Level: 421 Health: 867 / 867 Mood: delighted! Hunger: bloated Strength: ULTIMATE (970) Defence: ULTIMATE (775) Move: ULTIMATE (649) Intelligence: ULTIMATE GENIUS (1021) thanks in advance for yout input
  3. no i did mean the grapes of wraith i will get when i get the points i think i got overwhelmed by all the info i haven't gone and bought anything yet was going to come back and reread your response then go accordingly and look forward to the strategies cause i am pretty sure i will be needing those too LOL
  4. @Aquamentis12 thank you so very much for all that information it is much appreciated I will definitely look into your suggestions. I did buy the thundersticks from the AC(was my first one when i came back) but i wasn't into battling and well didn't know what a good thing i had and sold them so i was planning on picking those up from the prizes but will look at the others as well and will go and pick up the soup and bomb for sure!
  5. was just curious if it is worth getting the items or some of the items. Reason i ask is because I only do 1 player battles I do not nor want to do 2 player battles. My battle pet stats are Level: 413 Health: 835 / 835 Strength: ULTIMATE (925) Defence: ULTIMATE (755) Move: ULTIMATE (645) and the equipment i have attached is scarab ring (don't use anymore), greater healing scroll (don't use anymore), H4000 helmet (don't use anymore) and void blade times 2 (i use all the time) along of course with the faerie abilities Thanks for taking the time to read i look forward to your response(s)
  6. Welcome back to TDN and neopets i am very hopeful things will improve just need to give them time can't always keep everyone happy that is for sure
  7. i am now rewatching supernatural on season 9, original CSI on season 2 and adding NYPD Blue just starting
  8. i forgot to join last weeks but i am going sway this week as well
  9. Congrats on winning 3 in a row i just got 2 in a row and upgraded my trophy WOOHOO!!
  10. silly question but when you checked your inventory did you click the nc button? to switch to the nc inventory? as it could be located there
  11. i believe that is because it is a completed quest that you already collected on? i know that happens when i go to my completed tab and click on the claim reward. For me when i am done a task i go to the daily task/tutorail tabs and claim the prize from there
  12. mine are all in the lodge as well so i adopted a pet and fed it then put it back in pound the first time around but seeing this could be a daily thing think i will be leaving one pet out of the lodge so i can fee it
  13. i can understand how some of you are disappointed but for me being the first time experiencing this CC type event it is pretty good. I have never been interested in the IStaff so doesn't bother me one way or the other but i will get some gourmet foods which is awesome I just think we need to give TNT a chance they at least got this up and running like they said they would it is better then what i have heard previously of what they have accomplished so maybe instead of always ganging up on them we give them a break and just enjoy it for what it is and see how it goes for the next plot and next faeries festival. I know i would hate to be staff because it seems it is nothing but bitching and complaining no matter what they try to do. They will never please all of us and what we feel is the right direction. I chose to see the glass half full then half empty, it can only get better which is better then nothing at all
  14. hi and welcome to the boards, the can be pretty quiet but i still check them daily as you never know what could happen
  15. i was gifted the 12 slingshot pack from one of my guild mates, its my first time participating in the NC part of an event so, so far i think the prizes are good look forward to seeing the end prize
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