In my country we have a holiday for kids "Kid's day", so there usually is a specific day with lot's of new activities. In country cities I'm sure they can run around the block, but I live in a modestly big city and...we'd get at least two kids ran over, 5 with sprained ankles and a bunch would just give up in the first 2min and sit at the curb. Nonetheless, dodgeball was always a must, indoor running as well, and of course there HAS to be a soccer tournment. Sack race I've seen happening once in a while too! No eggs included for the sake of the cleaning personnel hahahaha
In my school years it was pretty much all the same from elementary to high school: gym teacher gives representative the keys to the gym lockeroom, everyone picks up the ball (read: sport) they want and spend the next 50min playing lol
I'm a weakling from the cradle, I don't think I have ever enjoyed theses classes. I mean, being run over by a bunch of boys 2x heavier than me on soccer? Being hit by a hard ball in my squanky arms during dodgeball? I've fractured my wrists 3x during fundamental school years, I don't think I need to say how much the thought of a volleyball touching my wrists is distressfull up to this day hahahaha ("kkkkkrying" as we say in Brasil). Teachers would see my crying face and send me to the grandstands were i'd write reports from time to time xD
I'm a good audience tho, need a cheer? I'm in as long as I can keep myself alway from the field. Fav sport: truco.
P.S.: i haven't looked up so many vocabulary to write something since I graduated from english classes lol
Can I post a link? a 14s actual footage of my highschool sports area, featuring one of the actual gym teachers. Let's notice all the students are gathered around the table tennis table HAHAHAHA