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iloveeevee last won the day on September 10 2023

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1 Follower

About iloveeevee

  • Birthday November 10

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  1. 330 is quite a feat! glad to hear you got the account back ^^ and welcome back~ i started avatar collecting late and haven't hit the 300 mark yet, those games are tricky (if they even work properly)
  2. for me the second spin worked the first day but not on the second or after. BUT with a vpn for some reason it works again! I'm just using the built in vpn from Opera and set it to america and the ad works. Maybe their provider just doesnt have any ads for certain areas idk
  3. whoa i'm sorry to hear about your old account. but nevertheless welcome back!! your pets customs look so good ^^ and good luck avatar hunting from a fellow avatar hunter
  4. i'm going with the predictions, cause why not
  5. time to spend my remaining 14 points on the 1 point backgrounds xD i put that off initially because it's a lil tedious.... but i can't let those points go to waste either
  6. whoa that foreground is so cool, i love the wearables!! hope i can get them!
  7. i've noticed the site being slow but I just assumed it's an issue on my end.... of course it isn't haha. this site is a mess. thankfully i haven't had the shop/bank disappearing issue, i would've freaked out
  8. Whoa Duma you have such a busy schedule, and still manage to fit being a mod and tvw in?! don't burn yourself out ;__; i only have to juggle classes and a part time job and already lack the time for my dailies and tvw so idk how much i can grind for the AC either. unfortunate how both are such big time sinks, it just feels like adding more bland dailies to the already long list. but at least the point values for AC were adjusted, that's nice
  9. yeah im also going with thieves :33 tho idk how accurate the oxbridge predictions are nowadays, weren't they pretty inconsistent at some point? is that still the case?
  10. @TantrumOfDarknees you can't buy the same thing several times, it has to be 15 unique items. and i'm not sure but i think you'd have to keep count yourself, it just shows how many points you've spent
  11. nice!! I'm planning to wait with buying stuff until i have the points to spend on everything i want xD but i'm sure getting battledome items now helps with the battle portion of the plot. i might cave earlier aswell depending on how strong the act 2 and 3 challengers are
  12. Darigan!! i picked them as a kid and am now sticking with them every year
  13. is it one of those where you have to refresh a bunch of times or should i have gotten it from one visit?
  14. then i'll go with seekers aswell, go get that avvie :3
  15. my link :3 i used one in this thread to join btw https://gleam.io/t6BuI-1WbNvXgHcA-4l4cq
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