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Posts posted by PaintBrushedDreams

  1. On 5/8/2017 at 6:05 AM, ShadowyIce said:

    Same!  I'm super bad at games xP  I can just never seem to get a quite high enough score. :dance:


    Also, I wouldn't mind being penpals :D


    I had a Drackonack and Cheese in my inventory for the longest time, then found out that the best combo to get the avatar is Cheese - Drackonack - Vegan Cheese - Drackonack - Cheese.  I tried that and got it withing two minutes of active refreshing.  If you can afford it, that's the best way to go :D

    Sorry! I have not been on here in so long, I am sorry that I missed this! I will add you to my NeoFriends and send you some messages.


    ~~ Sorry for the double post, not sure how to quote two in one!

  2. On 5/4/2017 at 11:05 AM, sophie24 said:

    Same... I have a very hard time at games ;-; Frustrates me cause during Daily Dare people are like "Oh I just picked up this game and already beat AAA's score!" Q_Q

    I wouldn't mind a penpal, I may not respond quickly but I will respond ^^ (I need that avatar as well)

    As far as a my difficulties, it is by far saving money... So I have yet to be able to get the Lab maps. >.< I always end up seeing something shiny and buying it before I reach my goal ;-;

    I have not been on here in so long, I am sorry that I missed this! I will add you to my NeoFriends and send you some messages.

  3. 10 hours ago, rntracy1 said:

    The NC you are allowed to have on your sides.  You can collect anything NC related, such as FREE NC gift offers available during the Holidays and free NC offered as well. You may also purchase items with your NC and keep it on your side account or send it to your main via the wonderful boxes given through Trudy's surprise, when you are lucky enough to get them, which is fairly often.  So that takes care of NC.  

    Do you know about the Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies? I am thinking of putting in an editorial or ticket to ask, I have like 300NC on one of my sides and with them being 50NC right now, I could get 6!
    I thought about buying them and sending them to my main, but I am unsure if that is allowed or not.

  4. So over the years I have gone on hiatus several times (Since college I have typically been an Advent-only player) and when coming back from Hiatus a couple times, I created new accounts. I stopped using my original account as a main both times and started using the new accounts as my main (not at the same time). Now that I am back and plan to stay back, I went back to my original account and the others are just normal sides now.

    I have not used those accounts as mains in several years, I closed down my shop and stopped doing dailies long ago.

    My question is: what do I do with the items on those accounts? Should I keep them there? Do I transfer them to my main? Or do I discard/donate all of it? If I transfer or get rid of it all, will I get frozen out of suspicion? Also, the NP...both accounts have like 200k-300k, should I just leave that on there?

    Also, what do I do with the NC. Looks like some NC was built up over the years on them, probably from site given NC since I rarely purchased NC. Am I able to buy things with that NC and send them to my main? Or should I leave the NC alone, or am I just able to purchase items for that account only with the NC.

    Okay, sorry if that is confusing, I rambled a bit.

  5. Are you really stressed out right now? My music education major friend (vocal and instrumental) always looses her voice around finals because of stress and how much she is also working her voice with final voice lessons/tests/concerts. Not getting enough sleep, studying all the time. It is a combo of using her voice too much and just being stressed, it happens every semester.

  6. I have just started getting into Polymer Clay. Those are super cute! Mine are not that far along yet, maybe once I get better I will show some things off.

    Does anybody make canes? I have tried so many times but it never seems to work as well as people's examples online. 

  7. If she is under 18 and on FB you should be able to report it and hopefully have something done about it. FB tends to protect children more than adults. I went through a bout of Cyberbulling a few weeks ago because I commented on a friends post, wasn't even political or religious, just my opinion. And a guy I had never met yelled at me (though he did not respond directly to me) and even though I never responded to him he screenshot what I said and posted it on his page along with a huge rant and encouraged his friends to do the same. They made fun of me and when I asked if they would please remove it, they refused to and even threatened violence against me...my original comment was not even that important. I reported it to FB many times, as did my friends, but they refused to do anything about it, even the threat of violence.

    Went to another website to ask what to do in the case of cyberbullying, and got bullied there to the point I had to remove my post. They basically just told me to suck it up and deal with it, and that these people had all the rights in the world to slander my name.

    I feel bad for people who have to go through cyberbullying, it makes me angry that people just dismiss it and allow it to happen. I was teased a lot growing up in school, and it is exactly the same feeling online. Just because we are not face to face does not mean your actions or words to do not hurt me.

    What I ended up doing was closing off my profile to outsiders - make it harder for people to find them, changing my picture to a generic picture, and changed my name. Also a good thing to do is block all of them.

    I also agree with ignoring, because when it happened to me I was super man and just kept asking them to take it down - I never commented on the issue nor did I say anything else. I just told them they had not right to post it and to take it down, they caused them to do it even more.


  8. 7 minutes ago, nicolelouise said:

    I was just about to re-edit my previous post because I'd just noticed in your very first post you said you heard about the event about a week before it happened.  Where/how did you hear about it?  (And don't tell me it was on the news page!  I'm so terribly bad about actually reading the news page in a timely fashion.)

    Oh, I will edit that to make it more clear. I did not find out about this years CC a week before it happened. I found out about the CC in general a week before it happened, never knew it was a thing, missed the previous times. =(

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