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Posts posted by sezzzzzzy

  1. Hey everyone!


    I just came back home after spending a month touring the USA East Coast!!!!! I had an awesome time but I am so glad to be back at home in my own bed  :laughingsmiley:


    Has anyone else recently been on holidays? Where have you all gone, or where do you want to go?


    Also I never really introduced myself on here... I'm Sarah, I'm 24 from Australia. I'm a receptionist and a student, and other than travelling I like reading and having a bit of a laugh with my friends on the weekend!

  2. :( Have you tried normal IT stuff like restarting, closing things you're not using etc? I used to find stuff ran really slowly on my laptop, then realised my fan wasn't working properly and it was just overheating!!! 


    Sorry if this is one of those super obvious things you've already done... :D It's not meant that way!!!

  3. I wish there was a Strawberry avatar :D Strawberries are pretty much the best thing ever, so why is there no avatar?!


    But on another note, I like trying new things and the avatars push my to try things I normally wouldn't. Maybe if there were avatars associated with the random faerie quests! Or for the employment agency! (There might be avatars for these things already I'm not the most up-to-date person ever with Neopets).

  4. Hey everyone I need some help!!!

    Every time Punchbag Bob pops up when playing Ultimate Bullseye II, I miss before I even get the chance to try shooting! Like, he finishes moving then BAM the you've missed sign pops up! I'm not pressing any buttons either it's all very spontaneous. Has this happened to anyone else? Can I stop it from happening? :'(

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