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    butterflybaby8628 got a reaction from MendedWhisper in Packrat Avatar Help needed!   
    Just do your dailies religiously. I got the avatar within in 3 or 4 months.
  2. Like
    butterflybaby8628 got a reaction from S_A in Packrat Avatar Help needed!   
    Just do your dailies religiously. I got the avatar within in 3 or 4 months.
  3. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to TaffyTaffyYumYum in New Year's Giveaway!   
    I have decided to do a giveaway. How it will work is you post a reply below saying "#TaffyTeam2016" and you will be entered. Each person who enters (aka replies) will then get a number assigned to them. The number is based on what post you are. I will then use random.org to get 5 numbers randomly. These people will win the 5 top prizes in order, and the numbers will be drawn January 1st, 3 PM PST. Names will be posted within 15-30 minutes of that time.
    Note: You MUST claim your prize by February 1st. After that, your prize is lost.
    ​Grand Prize: 100k Neopoints!
    2. 2 Money Tree NC Items and a Dyeworks Winter Potion! or 50k NP!
    3. A 100 dubloon coin, 5 Crypt of Chance Scratchcards and 10k NP!
    4. 10k NP and a Super Kit! (Dubloons, Food, Codestones, Scratchcards, Miscellaneous, Wearables)
    5. 20k NP!
    If you want to donate to try and support another giveaway for February, just gift me whatever you want to donate for a giveaway. It could be a one dubloon coin or some omelettes, it is all helpful! Since this giveaway will tear about 1/7th of my bank account apart, I do need support!
    Thanks to all those who entered, and I hope you win!
    Extra Note: Since the gift boxes sometimes do weird stuff and do not work every once in a while, the NC items can be switched out for 50k if you would like.
    Next giveaway is around February 1st! This giveaway should be bigger, so I hope you guys will enjoy it!
    BIG NOTICE: You are not required to donate anything, it would just help out since I don't have a whole ton of neopoints, and I cant go crazy really. As Rune Valentine said, don't mention it on Neopets. To the people who are trying to donate, you are totally not required.
  4. Like
    butterflybaby8628 got a reaction from Musical_Shoyru in I'm rebuilding Invasion of Meridell as its own program!   
    Oh My Gosh! I remember this! I had completely forgotten! Aw I too have fond memories of this game. Thank you for your hard work to bring it back! Please keep us updated on when it may be available!
  5. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to erato_ in Thanksgiveaway   
    Hi guys. I'm so sorry for the delay.
    I've been crazy busy this weekend and the last couple of days, working a lot of overtime. I'm going to tackle this thingamajig right now and hopefully tomorrow I can start sending out gifts.
    Thank you so much for the patience and the kind help. I really appreciate it.
    Edit: ALRIGHT! It's done, all my slots are filled! :-D
    I am going to randomly assign the non taken numbers to anyone who has duplicates left, so everyone who signed up will be getting five prizes, as promised.
    This means you cannot sign up anymore for this year, but who knows? I might do it again next year if fortune is on my side :-)
    Thanks to all for the enthusiasm and kind words. I wish you all a very happy thanksgiving and I will update again when I have started sending people their prizes.
    Edit 2; the first five people that signed up should have received their prizes yesterday.
    And I'd like to add the little side note that I really do no except to be given anything in return. I'm happy to make someone else happy, really :-).
    I should be able to send out more gifts tomorrow ^_^
  6. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to blinkk5 in Constellation not found - Protector   
    God this plot is driving me nuts.  It seems there is a glitch at every step.
    I've been trying for days to get the stupid Protector constellation to register.  No matter what I do, "it looks like those stars don't match any constipation".  I mean constellation.  
    I've tried clearing cache, attempting it on a different browser, and refreshed my handy constellation-finder a million times to make sure I'm reading the right coordinates.  When I build the constellation, it looks exactly like the stars in the walkthrough.  I'm positive every star is in the right place.  Does anyone know what else I can try?  I'm ready to pull my hair out.  This is insanely frustrating.  
  7. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Constellation not found - Protector   
    I do agree, the Altador Plot can give constipation. So, I'm having to guess you completed the "Water Works" and have already seen the necklace and are just at the point where you have plotted the constellation, but when you click "Find" or "Plot" or whatever it is to enter the constellation, it tells you it "doesn't match". Are you connecting the stars exactly as shown in the guide or as the picture of the necklace shows? 4 of the stars will be connected in a square shape, with the 5th star in the center, so to speak. The center star will be connected with a line from the top and bottom stars and with a line from the left and right stars to make a cross or "plus". The "lone star" or star by itself is not connected with a line at all. Double check the "lone star's" coordinates to make sure it is correct. Also, have you completed ALL of the steps before plotting the constellation, especially by going back and visiting the Archivist, once you have seen the necklace? If you forget to "talk" to him, it will not let you find the constellation ("doesn't match), even if it is completely correct. That is the best I can advise. If you made it past the "Water Works", IMHO you have completed one of the hardest parts of the "Plot". The next hardest, I believe, can be finding the Spell Book. Keep trying! You made it this far and I know you can finish this. For me, it helped to take a break, when I got stuck or frustrated with this plot. It really helped and I was able to continue on with a "fresh" mind. You got this!
  8. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to Scoobert_Doo in Constellation not found - Protector   
    The Spell Book can be difficult, but I do not think it is as bad as the Water Works. My belief is, if you can make it past the Water Works, you can make it through the rest of this Plot. Personally, I enjoyed doing the Plot. However, the "daily" prizes you get aren't worth much, if anything. Some may classify the prizes as "junk" items. I don't believe you can get rare items from the "daily". For finishing the Plot, you get 5000 NP, a few other items, and a trophy for your lookup, plus an avatar! I believe JN lists what items you can get from the daily.
  9. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to emohairx in What can you do with a Round Maractite Coin?   
    Ughh i just stuff all my daily prizes in my SDB, i have over 5000 items in there, i can't bring myself to clear it out x_x
  10. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to emily_speck_15 in Neopets 16th Birthday To Kick Off Monday With LE Pets and Colours!   
    I just want some new clothes for the vandagyre.  I hve one as my lab rat and I can't find a good customization for her.  
  11. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to Kute in Neopets 16th Birthday To Kick Off Monday With LE Pets and Colours!   
    i am hoping for chocolate vandagyre and transparent lutari
  12. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to Cloysterbell in Neopets 16th Birthday To Kick Off Monday With LE Pets and Colours!   
    Here's hoping we get some new Vandagyre colors!
  13. Like
    butterflybaby8628 got a reaction from emily_speck_15 in Help with Halloween Costumes!   
    So the Haunted Hijinks has really got me inspired. There are practically no clothes that my Vandagyre, Hootian, can wear. Which is incredibly frustrating. So all these gorgeous clothes I'm getting from the event are making me so happy! I never thought I'd get into customization but ever since I got a Grey Silk Dress which I thought would look great on Hootian (but wouldn't fit :thumbsdown:) I've been kind of obsessed with finding something gorgeous for her. And a Halloween costume seems perfect. I'm nearly finished with Hootian, I just want to buy her a Litemite Background and a Black Candle and Pumpkins Foreground to go with her current design. I want to get wratewr a Hero of Neopia Superpack, and OndaGudinna a Woodland Archer Superpack. I think that I'll make Crysanthus Hippocamp either a Scary Faerie Pirate, or just a Regular Pirate. That would be Enchanting Boat Ride Background, Scurvy Pirate Jacket, Swashbuckler Trousers and A Rolling Fog as a base and either Skull Bow with Delicate Cobweb Wings and Gothic Lace Facepaint with perhaps the Golden Key Necklace for Scary Faerie or for straight Pirate would be the base plus Tied Bandana WIg, and Battle Scar Marking. But I can't decide which. I know these aren't exactly Customization Spotlight worthy but it's my first attempt at customization and I think it looks decent. I can't decide which costume to give ChrysanthusHippocamp so I;m hoping some advice. And I'd like some feedback on my other ideas. 
    Thanks in advance!
  14. Like
    butterflybaby8628 got a reaction from Mouseykins in charity corner - autumn baby dress   
    Hey I actually received one of the baby dresses. I thought it looked so cute but didn't realize at the time that you can only apply it to Baby painted pets! Since I'm not a fan of the baby choices for Peophins and Usuls and Vandagyres don't have that option yet I was just going to store it in my SDB until I had a use for it later. If you'd like it you're welcome to it! :)
  15. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to Mouseykins in Advice please!   
    pulpfreeoj was correct when stating that you cannot trade NC items for NP items or NPs.
    The only item you have of value is the Birthday Mystery Capsule, which you could probably trade for 1-2 Faerie Quest Cookies depending on the capsules value.
    The other items are what the NC Community considers to be "junk" because they're given out so often through capsules and whatnot.
    If you choose to open the capsule

    It will award one or two retired exclusive birthday themed items with a chance at one of three bonus items. So if you don't want to gamble, then trading migh tbe a good idea. :)
  16. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to pulpfreeoj in Advice please!   
    Unfortunately, if you don't want to trade for different items and you're not interested in using them there's not much you can do. The only thing I can think of is if you could get someone to trade you for fortune cookies that do other things (like the faerie fortune cookie that gives you a random faerie quest a day for like a week I think), but I'm not sure if that's even possible. Basically, there's no way to get Neopoints for NC items (or vice versa) that's within the bounds of the rules, because NC comes from real-world currency.
    If I were you I would just hang on to them in your SDB, just in case you decide you do want to get into customizing eventually. The birthday capsule would probably be even more useful for trading than the other things, so I wouldn't open it. 
  17. Like
    butterflybaby8628 reacted to butterflybaby8628 in Advice please!   
    Hi everyone! This is my first time posting on the forums. I used to play neopets about 13 years ago and was SUPER into it. However like most of us as I grew older I lost interest. A few months ago I decided it would be fun to try it out again. Unfortunately my old account has been deleted due to inactivity but I'm really enjoying my new account. Anyways, one of the things I was doing when I last played neopets was trying to get the pack rat avatar so I decided this would be the first thing I would accomplish now that I'm back. 4 months, later and with a lot of dedication I've gotten it! I'm proud to say I've gotten most of it for free through my dailies. I have two problems now: 1) what should I try to accomplish next? I'm a very goal orientated person so it's much more fun for me to be trying to achieve something. 2) While doing my dailies I've gotten a handful of NC mall wearable items (mainly through the money tree). As of right now I'm really not much into the idea of customization. That may change but for now it's not appealing and sounds like a lot of work. Plus, I really like my Neopets in their natural state :) At the time I was acquiring them I assumed I would be able to just sell them in my shop when I achieved the avatar but I've discovered that is not allowed. So my question is what should I do with them? Is there a way for me to (legally) make a profit off these items? I don't want to trade for more or different ones so I'm not sure what to do.
    If it helps I have: Prissy Miss Bow, Elegant Gold Necklace, Pastel Blue Hair Bow, Flower and Jewel Circlet, Hero of Neopia Foreground, and Silver Star Bracers.
    I've got about 4 Basic Gift Boxes. And I've also got a NC Mall 8th Birthday Mystery Capsule that I'm not sure if I should open or not.
    One last question: What about customization appeals to you? What got you into it? Is there a favorite item of yours?
    Well thanks for your help in advance and have fun out there!
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