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    Neopets, MLP:FiM, Pokemon, Nintendo in general, Video games in general, Trading Card Games (Including the Neopets TCG)

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  1. So by "help" I mean "I've never coded HTML in my life besides basic text things like superscript or making text bold, and I have no clue where to start." So I want to finally get around to making some fancy pet pages, however I don't know how to code HTML. Does anyone have advice or tips for a beginner pet page maker? I'd also like to submit that I can indeed code JavaScript and processing.js with relative ease. So I'm not a complete newbie to coding, just a complete newbie to coding HTML.
  2. Have you ever wanted to buy a spiffy new Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush, but whenever you refresh the Shop Wizard he keeps on giving you seemingly random prices? Well now come on over here for help! This thread will function solely for asking for someone to use the Super Shop Wizard for you, similar to the Faerie Quest help thread, just post below what you want somebody to search for on the Super Shop Wizard, and hopefully someone will come along and help! However you can't just ask for anything here, please don't go around asking for the SSW price for a regular Negg, only ask here if it's a pretty pricey buy, Paint Brushes, high end Neggs, fancy clothes, those things. Try to only ask for things that are around 20-30 thousand or more. (But remember that anything over 99k should just be searched for on the Trading Post) EDIT: Our wonderful moderator has just informed me that Nerkmids and Paint Brushes cannot be searched for on Super Shop Wizard. So don't waste your time asking for them here! This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Mouseykins). This topic is regarded as high importance by site staff. Per the reason above, this topic has been PINNED.
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