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Posts posted by Kennigma

  1. Thank you all for your replies! It doesn't seem like there is an unspoken rule one way or the other which is what I needed to know. I didn't even think about the Quest Forums; that's a really good idea! The two times I used it I just replied and said thank you in the topic, but I doubt they saw it. And I regret now that I didn't copy my buyer's username, so next time!

  2. On TDN Trading Post Reselling guide it recommends using an inexpensive junk item, like a Palm Fan, instead of a trash item, like a Pile of Dung.

    Offering trash can be seen as disrespectful. If a trade recieves two offers of equal NP, but one is offering trash and the other junk, the junk trade is more likely to be chosen, despite the values being the same.

    This got me thinking on game etiquette despite my limited social interaction in-game. I do not belong to a guild, use the Trading Post or the Neopets Forums often. The majority of my interactions with other players takes part on this forum where I mostly lurk.


    Like I mentioned before I do not have cause to use the Trading Post often but today I received a prize from one of the wheels that exceeded the 100k shop limit. I put it on the Trading Post for a pure NP price, 5k less than the lowest competitor, and was surprised when I received an offer within a few hours of the pure NP price plus two red codestones. Depending on that players finances those red codestones could have meant nothing to them, but still, they mean quite a bit to my humble bank account and easily surpass the 5k difference. In addition to helping them win the bid it was also a really nice gesture and put a smile on my face.


    Now I think that it would be spammy to send a thank you message to people who spend over 1,000 NP in your shop and show up in your Sales History, but what about a large Trading Post sale? I was on my phone when I accepted the offer and I can't figure out how to pull up my event messages (lol, noob), so I am actually just asking for the future. Have you ever sent a thank you for a similar situation or would you be annoyed by a message from a stranger like that?


    Is there any other Neopet etiquette you can think of aside from simple forum etiquette that might be beneficial to someone like me? I'm probably looking way too much into this but I play a lot of Xbox LIVE and MOBA PC games with very rude players. This is the only game I play with non-toxic players and I want to adjust accordingly. =]



  3. I do have some NC items, which are in my closet (linked). I only got 400 NC because 300 of the Lag and 150 from the Expellibox (which I spent 50 NC on for a Fortune Cookie), I cannot buy more NC unfortunately, because of my country.

    It does look good though :)

    Ah, sorry! I missed that part.


    These two should meet your budget and are along the same lines of the first one:


    medium_preview.png medium_preview.png


    Click on pictures for item page. ^_^


    Also, you'll want to check the flash version. The preview of the background is a little messed up.'


    Oh, and if you go with the armor instead of the dress you can afford the original background, with either wig.



  4. This goes over your budget a bit, but 400 NC is a little low unless you're willing to supplement with existing closet items. Do you have anything already? Backgrounds are usually 200 NC full price.




    Woodland Archer Wig, Woodland Archer Dress, Woodland Archer Cape and Quiver, Gate of Trees Background. There is a Woodland Archer Super Pack right now.

  5. Does anyone know if you can stack faerie fortune cookies on top of the daily quests we are already getting?


    I may have stocked up on a few of them while on sale, despite my intentions of not buying anymore NC. :sad01_anim:

  6. You're in luck! TDN has a whole section, called Battlepedia, dedicated to the Battledome. I found the Basic Weapon Sets super helpful. I ended up going with the Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer, Scroll of Ultranova, and Parasol of Unfortunate Demise just because they were super cheap.


    But seriously, they have a really good walkthrough here: http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/index/



    My pets are still visible. But the lag is insane. Hope TNT has fixed the disappearing pets glitch! I wonder if they'll do a rollback of the site for something that major...


    Last night shortly after my post about the missing pets they took the site down for an hour or two. It was a boring night for insomnia! When it came back up my pet had returned.

  8. I've been lurking for a week or two now and I've seen a lot of people post about how they've returned to Neopets. I'm starting to think more adults than kids play this game! I started playing Neopets in about 2001 or so. Recently I started getting nostalgic for my favorite Neopets flash games, which I resisted for a week, and then ended up starting a new account/obsession. My original account has been purged but I feel like I've already accomplished more in my two weeks back then I ever did as a child. It feels just as laggy now as it did when I played using dial-up. But for me it is a return to a simpler time and very relaxing now that I can play from the comfort of my own bed instead of hunched over the family desktop computer in the living room.



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