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Everything posted by Musical_Shoyru

  1. Got a bunch of game trophies this month on game reset. Had a few already that I was finally able to get to gold while others are brand new to my profile Trying to slowly get what I have to gold so they all match :) The Castle of Eliv Thade Attack of the Slorgs PetpetSitter Typing Terror *NEW* *NEW* *Bronze to Gold* *NEW* Sophie's Stew Roodoku Berry Bash Jumpin' Gem Heist Ice Cream Machine *Bronze to Gold* *NEW* *Silver to Gold* *Silver to Gold* *NEW*
  2. For sure! I'd love to be able to interact in the ways we do on TKP with lots of the people on here
  3. Got the Evil Coconut avie today! Woot-woot!
  4. Couple of awesome things today! Got my Candy Kau thanks to a generous user on Reddit. Also knocked down a Coconut in coconut shy! Been playing that game for YEAAAAARS with not result, almost forgot you could win anything from playing it, was just part of my daily "grind" lol Got the Moaning Evil Coconut & the avie to boot!
  5. I actually am second guessing whether I want one now and am glad I hadn't painted one yet as to me the new design is absolutely horrible. I liked the softness and the difference of the old one and if I painted it and it got changed I definitely would be contacting TNT to see if they'd do anything about changing it back xD
  6. I’m actually surprised to see people put off by it at all. This is amazing & I love the colors! Nothing about it looks odd to me at all, can’t wait to get one! Only thing I would have to say is it is way too closely looking to Bumpy from Jurassic World. I wonder if that could get them in trouble?
  7. Yeah that's really odd, I got an Altachuck, or whatever they're called today from mine.
  8. Weird mine is working just fine, I got it today.
  9. Is there anything know about what they're doing exactly? Or is it just like a performance upgrade type thing?
  10. We love meeting new people and have a lot of fun together! Look forward to meeting new people
  11. Mine isn't fixed, I know I didn't miss yesterday and when I got the notification to spin today around 3a EST my time it never let me spin, still isn't letting me spin at 6:28a my time and it seems my streak reset even though I hadn't missed a day.
  12. Oh really like no Charity Corner this year? Or never again? I still have been hoarding things. Still miss how the first Charity Haven was, wish it would of stayed that way with the items as I prepared for it just to only get points and a reward shop the next time around haha
  13. Hey all! I've been back around the last couple months and figured I'd start getting back into the forums with this post. It just felt awkward coming back on here and I've just been lurking as I use to be pretty active and know a lot of people on here (Hi to those that are still here!) Had a pretty rough break-up with my fiance and it's just kind of put a lot of things in perspective, gave up Neopets for awhile due to him and just a lot of things that made me happy just for it really not to matter in the end. It's been rough and it still will be, but I'm getting through the hard parts, things don't hurt as much as they did in the beginning of this year and I'm just focusing on things that really make me happy again. Neopets, family, church, God, hobbies, etc so I'm definitely glad to be back, whether that reason I'm back is sad or not Hope to re-connect with you all!
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